Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University — formerly known as the Lvov State Medical Institute, earlier the Faculty of Medicine of the John Casimir University and, before that, Faculty of Medicine of the Francis I University — is one of the oldest and biggest medical universities in Ukraine. LNMU begins from the Medical Faculty of Lviv University, which was opened on November 16, 1784, according to the privilege of the Austrian emperor Josef II. The Medical School is named after King Daniel of Galicia, the historical founder of the city in 1256 AD. In 2009 University celebrated its 225 anniversary.

At 78 University departments, at the Institute of Clinical Pathology, in the Central Research Laboratory (CRL) and Laboratory of industrial toxicology are working 1211 scientists: 134 Doctor of Sciences and more than 620 PhD degree holders, including 113 full professors, 369 associate professors, 50 senior tutors, 662 assistant professors, 17 researchers. Among them there are 23 Members, 7 Corresponding Members of Academy of Sciences, 12 Honored Workers of Science and Technology, 7 Honored Workers of Education, 19 Honored Doctors, 1 Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sport, 8 Laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.

Ranking & Reputations
Every Year Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Ranks Among Top 3 Medical Institutes in the Country.
Taking into account state and international recognition of university activity, great contributions to the development of national education and science, Danylo Halytsky Lviv State Medical University was conferred the status of National Medical University on 21 August 2003 by the President’s decree.


Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University combines 6 faculties, medical college, 78 departments (including 48 clinical departments), 14 academic buildings, 41 affiliated hospitals, University dental medical center for more than 2000 attendances during shift, teaching drugstore, botanical garden, CRL and Laboratory of industrial toxicology, Institute of clinical pathology, research centre for investigation of anticancer drugs, scientific library, 8 student hostels, sanatorium, student cafes and canteens, sports and health recovery camp “Medyk”.

The University includes following faculties:

  • Medical Faculty No.1
  • Medical Faculty No.2
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Education
  • Faculty of Foreign Students

Activities of the department
Medical faculty No.1

Today the medical faculty is one of the numerous faculties of the medical university. About 2746 students are studying at 38 departments here. 484 foreigners are studying at the faculty as well. The teaching process is carried out by 500 teachers – academicians, professors, assistant professors, senior teachers and assistants. There are scientific schools, which are well-known in Ukraine as well as abroad. Among them – Pathoanatomy scientific school of acad. D.Zerbino, Hygiene scientific schools of acad. I.Datsenko and prof. B.Shtabskiy, Surgery scientific school of acad. M.Pavlovskiy, Obstetrics and Gynecology scientific schools of acad. V. Besedin and acad. L. Markin.

The faculty has following specialties:

  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  2. Department of Dermatology, Venereology
  3. Department of Epidemiology
  4. Department of General hygiene with ecology
  5. Department of General Surgery
  6. Department of Infectious Diseases
  7. Department of Normal Anatomy
  8. Department of Pathological Physiology
  9. Department of Pediatrics №1
  10. Department of Family Medicine
  11. Department of Radiology and Radiation Medicine
  12. Department of propaedeutic of internal medicine №1
  13. Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics
  14. Department of Surgery №1
  15. Department of Physical Education and Sports Medicine
  16. Department of phthisiology and pulmonology

Medical faculty No.2
The faculty has following specialties:

  1. Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology
  2. Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases
  3. Department of Pediatric Surgery
  4. Department of Endocrinology
  5. Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology
  6. Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine
  7. Department of Microbiology
  8. Department of Normal Physiology
  9. Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine
  10. Department of propaedeutics of internal medicine №2
  11. Department of Propedeutics of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics
  12. Department of Social Medicine, Economics and Health Care Organizations
  13. Department of Pediatrics №2
  14. Department of Pharmacology
  15. Department of Internal Medicine №1
  16. Department of Surgery № 2

Faculty of Dentistry

The main directions of the faculty activity are creation of conditions necessary for training of scientific-pedagogical personnel and qualified specialists of all educational and qualification levels in the licensed branches of knowledge and specialties, which combine deep professional knowledge with high general culture, able to successfully work in modern Ukraine and in modern Ukraine abroad; conducting scientific research, international activities.

The faculty has following specialties:

  1. Department of Neurology
  2. Department of Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy
  3. Department of Orthopedic Dentistry
  4. Department of Orthodontics
  5. Department of Otorhinolaryngology
  6. Department of Psychiatry, Psychology and Sexology
  7. Department of Pediatric Dentistry
  8. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
  9. Department of Internal Medicine №2
  10. Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery

Faculty of Pharmacy
The faculty of Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky (hereinafter referred to as the University) are the structural educational-scientific and administrative divisions of the University, which organize the education of students, graduate students, clinical residencies, organize educational work, provide research and treatment and cafe-prevention.

The faculty has following specialties:

  1. Department of Biological Chemistry
  2. Department of general, non-organic, physicoloid chemistry
  3. Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy
  4. Department of Technology of Medicine and Biopharmacy
  5. Department of toxicological and analytical chemistry
  6. Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany
  7. Department of Pharmaceutical, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
  8. Department of Philosophy and Economics

Faculty of Postgraduate Education

The Faculty of Postgraduate Education is a structural unit of the Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, which provides educational, scientific, methodological, scientific and other types of work. The Faculty provides primary training for doctors (pharmacists) – interns, advanced training, internships, retraining of persons with medical, pharmaceutical education and non-medical specialists working in the health care system.

The faculty has following specialties:

  1. Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, FPGE
  2. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care FPGE
  3. Department of Hygiene and Prophylactic Toxicology FPGE
  4. Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, FPGE
  5. Department of Medical Informatics FPGE
  6. Department of Medical law FPGE
  7. Department of Neuropathology and Neurosurgery FPGE
  8. Department of Oncology and Radiology FPGE
  9. Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology, FPGE
  10. Department of Public health management FPGE
  11. Department of Ophthalmology FPGE
  12. Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of FPGE
  13. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy FPGE
  14. Department of Radiation Diagnostics, FPGE
  15. Department of Rehabilitation and Non-traditional Medicine FPGE
  16. Department of Family Medicine FPGE
  17. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry FPGE
  18. Department of Therapy №1 and Medical diagnostics of FPGE
  19. Department of Urology FPGE
  20. Department of Surgical and Orthopedic Dentistry FPGE

Faculty of Foreign Students
The University began training foreign students in 1961. Since then, more than 3000 students from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America have completed their education, received the Medical, Dental or Pharmaceutical degree here and now are successfully working as a doctors. More then 300 foreign citizens completed postgraduate training, and 70 foreign graduates achieved their Ph.D. degree here. Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University is listed in World Health Organization (WHO), World Directory of Medical Schools, is certified by ECFMG of USA.

The faculty has following specialties:

  1. Department of Latin and Foreign Languages
  2. Department of medical biology, parasitology and genetics
  3. Department of Biophysics
  4. Department of Ukrainian Studies


Lviv has a huge number of outstanding hospitals equipped with brand new and modern tools for effective diagnosis, treatment and maintenance of patients’ health. Our students have the opportunity not only to receive theoretical knowledges at our university but they can also practice in city hospitals, such as:

  1. Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital
  2. Military Hospital of the Western Operational Command
  3. Military Hospital
  4. Lviv Clinical Hospital of Ukrainian State Frontier Servise
  5. Lviv Regional Children’s Specialized Clinical Hospital
  6. 1st City Clinical Maternity Hospital
  7. Lviv Regional Hospital surgical department N 2 and N 3
  8. Communal Municipal Clinical Hospital 8
  9. American Medical Centers Lviv
  10. Lviv Regional Clinical Medical Diagnostic Cardiology Center
  11. Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital
  12. Urology. Lviv Regional Hospital
  13. Clinical Hospital of the Lviv Railway
  14. Lviv Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital
  15. First City Clinical Hospital


There are only limited seats reserved for international students to study MBBS in Lviv National Medical University. So, the students should reach Ukraine before the college opens to confirm their place in the hostel. The students’ hostels are located near the main academic buildings. Students can be accommodated in 8 hostels with everything needed for studying (including internet clubs and reading rooms), everyday life (with canteens, cafes, the sewing and footwear work-shops, the barber’s and the laundry open) and rest (gyms available).


Lviv is the largest city in western Ukraine and the seventh-largest city in the country overall, with a population of 724,713 as of January 2019. Lviv is one of the main cultural centers of Ukraine.
Lviv is a city of legends. Every ancient building is full of historical spirit. Tiny courtyards and cobbled streets have been keeping secrets since medieval times. There are 60 museums and 104 cathedrals and churches. For the last five years, in terms of the number of tourists, Lviv has surpassed even Kiev and Odessa. Having visited the city at least once, you will remember its mysterious atmosphere forever.
Lviv is a small and cozy city with a developed transport infrastructure.

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