About University
University Overview
Founded in 1922, Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large city of Dnipro (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants), Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Officially accredited and/or recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University is a coeducational higher education institution. Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study.
INSTITUTIONS AND FACULTIES of Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University
Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics is:
- The opportunity to get higher education in the first (Bachelor’s) and the second (Master’s) educational levels in full-time form of study: in the field of knowledge “Social and behavioral sciences”, specialty “Economics”; in the field of knowledge “Management and administration” in the specialties: “Accounting and taxation”, “Finance, banking and insurance”, “Management”, “Marketing”; in the field of knowledge “Public administration and administration”, specialty “Public administration and administration”;
- Postgraduate studies in third (PD) – educational and scientific level: in the field of knowledge “Social and behavioral sciences” in specialty “Economics”; in the field of knowledge “Management and administration”, specialty “Management”; in the field of knowledge “Public administration “, specialty “Public administration and administration”;
- A powerful, professional scientific-pedagogical team that allows to train accountants, financiers, security experts, economists, marketers, managers;
- The current level of educational process provided through implementation progressive forms of educational process organization, use of modern information technologies and active teaching methods;
- The use of effective non-classroom forms of training, namely: participation in all-Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works, international exhibitions of advertising, marketing, mass media, advertising festivals, discussion roundtables with obligatory involvement of leading scientists, economists-practitioners, managers-practitioners, etc.;
- Student scientific circles;
- Student collective with advanced self-government;
- Creating good conditions for leisure (traditional activities: “Dedication to freshmen”; “Freshman Debut”; city student amateur art contest; All-Ukrainian Festival of Artistic Creativity of Agricultural Institutions of the Higher School “Sofiyivsky Zori”; sports competitions; participation in charity events (action for St. Nicholas Day for orphans); meetings with prominent public and political figures;
- Constant interest in graduates of representatives of state structures, financial institutions, large international consulting companies.
The Economic Research Institute is focused on the training of highly competitive specialists who have profound professional knowledge, have high-quality computer training throughout the study period and speak a foreign language.
The curricula of the specialties of the Academic Institute of Economics of the are full of the most up-to-date disciplines, the study of which provides students with knowledge on the effectiveness of new and traditional forms of management, improving the quality of management in the relevant field, taking into account the best domestic and foreign experience. In order to improve the quality of students’ education, the University regularly introduces new disciplines that meet the current trends of market development, improving the material and technical base.
Students take internships at leading companies, banking institutions, insurance companies, advertising agencies, trade companies, travel agencies, government agencies and institutions. A high level of command of foreign languages makes it possible to strengthen and deepen international relations. Students and faculty participate in international conferences, internships and maintain professional connections with leading universities in the US, Canada, France, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, gaining scientific and practical experience and improving their knowledge of foreign languages.
The Institute of Biotechnology and Animal Health is an educational and scientific unit of the University of Agriculture, established in 2002. The main structural divisions of the Institute are: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Biotechnology, departments, educational veterinary clinic, vivarias, research problem laboratories, educational-production center, scientific library, student dormitories and auxiliary units.The Institute has 10 specialized departments, problem laboratories, doctoral studies and postgraduate studies.To date, more than 1,000 full-time and part-time students are studying at the Institute. The training of future specialists is conducted by 16 doctors of science, professors; 52 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors. During the existence of the institute 7 doctoral and 25 PD theses were defended, 19 postgraduate students study in postgraduate studies. Each year, the Institute holds regional and international scientific and production conferences.
The main directions of activity are training of specialists on educational and qualification levels: bachelor, master, training of scientific and pedagogical staff of the institute, organization of continuous education and improvement of qualification of zoo veterinary personnel of the region, which includes Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk regions. The graduates of the institute are successfully working in the profession abroad. The Institute actively supports international relations with institutions of higher education in Europe, America and Africa, and directs students and teachers to study-production practices and internships abroad.
Information about Faculty of Agriculture of Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University
The Faculty of Agriculture is the oldest in the agro-university. It was opened in 1934 – shortly after the Agricultural Institute moved from Kiev to Dnepropetrovsk. During the years of existence of the Faculty, about 10 thousand highly skilled agricultural specialists were trained: agronomists and agronomists-economists. Among the graduates of the faculty are statesmen, representatives of authorities of all levels, outstanding scientists, heads of ministries, departments, regional, rayon levels, enterprises, organizations and institutions, heroes of the state, cavaliers of state awards, laureates of state awards, honored agricultural workers, honored agronomists, honored agricultural workers Honored Educators, Skillful Organizers of Science and Education.
Faculty of Engineering And Technology of Dnipropetrovsk State
Students studying in the specialty”Agroengineering” will acquire knowledge in the structure, theory of calculations and analysis of the work of tractors and cars, agricultural machines; understand the essence of performance indicators of the machine-tractor units, maintenance system and remote computer diagnostics and monitoring of the work of machinery; will be knowledgeable in the equipment of livestock complexes and processing enterprises of agricultural production. Students in the production conditions master the modern domestic and foreign machinery, technologies of cultivation of crops, business planning of technological processes in the crop, livestock and processing industry. Graduates receive a mechanical engineering degree.
In the specialty “Food Technologies” students study the technologies of the food industry: technologies of bread, pasta, confectionery and food concentrates; technologies of storage and processing of grain; technologies of sugar production; technology for meat, meat products and fish; technology of milk and dairy products; technologies of fats and fat substitutes; technologies for preserving fruits and vegetables; fermentation production technologies. Technologists are trained to find new engineering solutions in the design of technological lines and workshops for processing agricultural products, to select the necessary modern equipment and to determine the technological modes of its operation for quality production of food products. Graduates receive a diploma in engineering.
Faculty Of Water Engineering And Environment of Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University
After graduation, the graduates of the Faculty of Water Engineering and Ecology receive a diploma with the qualification: in the direction of preparation «Hydrotechnics (water resources) and in the specialty « Construction and civil engineering » Bachelor«Technologist Hydrotechnician »
- Specialty “Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering” specialization “Hydromelioration” OS Master – “Hydraulic Engineer researcher”;
- In the specialty “Construction and Civil Engineering” of the specialty “Rational use and protection of water resources” OS Master – “Engineer for the protection of natural ecosystems”;
- In the direction of preparation “Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Environmental Management” and in the specialty “Ecology” of OS Bachelor – organizer of environmental management;
- In specialty “Ecology” OS Master – expert in ecology.
Students of the basic specialty “Civil Engineering ” gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the design, construction and operation of hydrotechnical and water management systems, water resources management to meet the needs of the population and the national economy in water, management of rational use of water resources and their protection against pollution, clogging, depletion, operation of water management systems, management of prevention and elimination of the harmful effects of water.The objects of professional activity of a specialist in the specialty “Construction and Civil Engineering” are: natural objects in the form of geographical components of geosystems of various levels: soils, surface and groundwater, air masses of the troposphere, flora and fauna; natural-technogenic systems, including structures and measures that enhance the benefits of the components of nature: irrigation systems, engineering and ecological systems, nature protection complexes, water management systems, etc.The objects of professional activity of a specialist in the specialty “Ecology” are: natural, anthropogenic, natural-economic, ecological-economic, industrial, social, public territorial systems and structures, as well as state planning, control, monitoring, examination of environmental components, etc. All the departments in the regions of Dnipropetrovsk region carry out career guidance at the Faculty. Every year in April, the “Open Day” is held, where the faculty takes an active part.The educational process at the Faculty of Water Management Engineering and Ecology is provided by 3 specialized departments – agricultural hydrotechnical land reclamation, operation of irrigation systems and technology of construction and ecology and environmental protection, as well as the department of life safety and physical education.Laboratory and practical classes are conducted on the basis of the faculty’s educational and research laboratories.Educational practices in engineering geodesy, hydrometry, geology and hydrogeology students pass on a geodetic landfill, which is located in one of the most picturesque places of Dnipropetrovsk – in the village. Orel region on the bank of the Samara River. Students can take industrial practices at the farms of the Dnieper region, the design institutions of the State Resources of Ukraine, as well as in the farms of Great Britain, France and Denmark.
Scientific Library of Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University welcom’s future studends
The Scientific Library is a modern teaching and support, information and cultural-educational unit of the University. She is the Principal of the methodological association of agricultural libraries of Dnipropetrovsk region, which includes 13 libraries of colleges and research institutions. The library provides works of print and information documents of scholars, graduate students, students and employees of structural units.The library stock consists of 380 thousand educational, scientific, popular science, fiction and reference books, rare and valuable editions, monographs and periodicals in various fields of knowledge in Ukrainian, Russian, English, French, Spanish, Polish and other languages.The versatile scientific library information resource combines library, electronic foundations and technology complexes to provide access to world-class information resources. The Scientific Library is located on the 5th and 6th floors of the University Building and covers an area of 1200 m2. For readers 3 subscriptions, 7 reading rooms with 325 seats, incl. 3 computer halls for 24 ARMs.The Scientific Library serves 7.5 thousand users with a single registration account and 24 thousand serviced structural units, which issues about 634 thousand copies of documents.The library introduces innovative technologies based on the UFD / Library licensed product. The information park includes 41 computers.The current tendency in the work of the scientific library is information support of the pedagogical process, introduction of information technologies, constant educational work among the students. We wish you success in finding the information you need.
Clinical and Diagnostic Center “The Rancho”of Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University
Clinical and Diagnostic Center was founded in 2018 on the basis of the Clinic of Veterinary Medicine of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University. The center’s doctors specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of farm and small animal diseases. The Rancho Diagnostic Center also provides the faculty with a hands-on clinical training for future veterinary doctors, enabling students to participate in clinical work under the supervision of a qualified center physician, which is of great practical importance for student development.With the knowledge and equipment we provide the following services:
- Prophylactic services with quality veterinary preparations and vaccines;
- Surgical interventions of any complexity;
- Modern laboratory diagnostics of blood, urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid;
- Ultrasound and ECHO-kg, digital radiography.
The center is also active in training veterinarians in a narrow specialty and providing services in such areas as:
- Orthopedics and traumatology;
- Neurology;
- Cardiology;
- Obstetrics and Gynecology;
- Dermatology;
- Treatment of farm animals.
Accomodation of Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University
You’ll stay in a bedroom for two or three, which is fully-furnished. Each bedroom has a vanity and shower and separate lockable toilet. Facilities of accomodation:
- Wifi included
- Laundry
- Bicycle storage
- Communal kitchen with lounge area
- Music room
- Study room
- Games room and courtyard with barbecue available.
Information about Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk) city
The city of Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk) or Dnepr (Rus.) is situated on the Dnieper River (Dnepr or Dnipro) in East-Central Ukraine and has a population of 1 million (third city in the country by population). Large and beautiful, it is the main city of East-Central Ukraine. Dnipro is a dynamic and lively city. The city is surprising green along the wide and slow-moving Dnieper river (Dnepr in Russian, Dnipro in Ukrainian) and has remarkable embankments, long boulevards and spacious parks. It is also the major center of high-technology industries, education, machine-building, metallurgy and trade. The city is not only famous for its commercial industry, but also its green hills and beautiful nature.
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