International European University is the new, modern European-level University. The university was created primarily to provide quality education at European level to Ukrainian citizens.
Reforms in higher education and medicine have prompted the staff of the International European University to look for ways to deliver higher education to standards close to European ones.
At the moment, all conditions for teaching students in the specialty 222 Medicine have been created at the International European University.
In order to ensure the educational process of higher education applicants in the educational and professional program “Medicine” of the field 22 “Health care” of the Master’s degree at the International European University, the modern conditions for training,…
properly equipped laboratories and specialized offices are created. Such conditions help to provide fully practical training for applicants and which are provided with the necessary educational, scientific, medical and diagnostic equipment, including tables, chairs, document cabinets, educational boards, muffler screens, multimedia projectors, training materials (tables, posters, diagrams, layouts, etc.), microscopes and other medical equipment, tools am, equipment and medicines.
At the University all the departments are equipped with educational literature, computer and office equipment, multimedia equipment, modern furniture. Computers are connected to both LAN and Internet.
Private institution of higher education “International European University” (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) – a private institution of higher education, created by decision of the founding meeting of the Founders (Protocol No. 1 of 11.04.2019) in the form of a private institution, which operates in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine and this Charter.
Faculty of Medicine
Main objective of the Medical Faculty of the Private Institution of Higher Education “International European University”
- training of highly qualified specialists for the health care system of Ukraine and abroad by providing educational services of good quality, adhering to high standards in teaching, scientific and professional activity;
- development of basic and applied science in the field of medicine and pharmacy, provision of high-tech medical care and development of new diagnostic and medical technologies for the needs of the national health care system;
- creation of conditions for students for self-development, self-realization and spiritual search, which is the key to the formation of highly educated, free, democratic and nationally conscious specialists.
- The activities of the Faculty of Medicine are realized through:
- continuity of learning, research and treatment;
- ensuring competitiveness through high quality assurance;
- creating of competency-based education programs according to the levels of the National Qualifications Framework;
- providing a unified approach to the development of an educational and professional program, taking into account professional standards, defining criteria for assessing professional competences, terms and procedure for confirming the doctor’s qualifications;
- ensuring an independent and objective assessment of the physician’s qualifications;
- scientifically and methodologically proved analysis of labor market needs and prospects of medical industry development in the process of academic policy development;
- promoting, due to organization of educational process, the acquisition of professional qualification by students;
- compliance of the educational-professional program with international classifications and standards of higher medical education;
- accessibility of all forms and types of educational services provided by the University;
- equality of conditions for each subject of education in full realization of his/her abilities, talent, comprehensive development;
- interconnection with foreign medical educational and scientific institutions;
- integration of education and science in the process of educational activity of the University.
- The main forms of the educational process:
- lectures;
- seminars;
- practical classes (including the classes on clinical bases);
- laboratory works;
- professionally oriented trainings.
The peculiarity of the training of future specialists is bilingual training – the training is provided in Ukrainian and English languages.
Practical training is carried out both in the specialized offices of the University and in the clinical bases with which the cooperation agreements are concluded.
Clinical-based classes are aimed at capturing applicants, including foreigners and stateless persons, new methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients, use of medical instruments, equipment. The clinical base is equipped with modern medical equipment.
The Clinical Base of the Private Institution of Higher Education “International European University” is the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №5 under the terms of the cooperation agreement. The clinical base according to the given schedule of classes provides carrying out of practical classes on courses:
- internal medicine;
- pediatrics;
- surgery;
- obstetrics and gynecology;
- urology;
- otolaryngology;
- ophthalmology;
- neurology;
- psychiatry,
- narcology;
- dermatology,
- venereology;
- infectious diseases;
- anesthesiology and intensive care;
- epidemiology and principles of evidence-based medicine;
- oncology;
- traumatology and orthopedics;
During the course students of the Private Institution of Higher Education “International European University” have the opportunity to directly use the modern equipment of the clinic (see Annex No. 2 to the cooperation agreement) and to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
The equipment of the clinical bases meets the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The training program takes into account:
- training of family doctors (general practitioners) who are able to receive specialized multidisciplinary training in the providing of the primary health care to family members;
- training of the future physicians for telemedicine, which is one of the priority areas of the modern industry, a set of actions, technologies that are used in the provision of medical assistance using remote communication in the form of electronic messaging.
Medical-Biological Department fields of studying
- Life safety
- Fundamentals of bioethics and biosafety
- Occupational safety in the field
- Medical informatics
- Medical biology
- Biological and bioorganic chemistry
- Medical chemistry
- Histology, cytology and embryology
- Fundamentals of psychology
- Physical education
- Medical and biological physics
- Human anatomy
- Physiology
- Microbiology, virology and immunology
- Pathomorphology
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacology
- Legal medicine
- Medical law of Ukraine
Clinical Departmentfields of studying
- Propaedeutic of internal medicine
- Propaedeutic of Pediatrics
- General surgery
- Radiology
- Nursing practice
- Internal Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Medical genetics
- Pediatrics
- Surgery
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Urology
- Otolaryngology
- Ophthalmology
- Neurology
- Psychiatry, narcology
- Medical Psychology
- Dermatology, venereology
- Physical rehabilitation, sports medicine
- Clinical pharmacology
- Clinical immunology and allergology
- Occupational diseases (including radiation medicine)
- Infectious diseases
- Epidemiology and principles of evidence-based medicine
- Oncology
- Pediatrics with childhood infectious diseases
- Pediatric surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Anesthesiology and intensive care
- Emergency and emergency medical care
- Industrial medical practice
- Internal Medicine
- Clinical biochemistry
- Fundamentals of reflexology
- Phthisiology
- Pediatrics with childhood infectious diseases
- Palliative and hospice medicine
- General Practice (Family Medicine)
- Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Foreigners and persons without citizenship are informed about local regulatory acts that govern residence issues in the student hostel upon their arrival at the student hostel and further residence.
1.2. Foreigners and persons without citizenship are provided with the necessary hostel thermal conditions and lightning in accordance with sanitary requirements and labor protection rules.
1.3. Foreigners and persons without citizenship are provided with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools and materials during the improvement, maintenance and cleaning of the premises of the student hostel and its fixed territory.
1.4. Rooms are fully furnished and consist of an apartment like system with a two bed and a three bed room with an attached toilet. On each floor there is a common hall and a common kitchen for cooking. On the ground floor there is a medical cabinet for first aid.
1.5. Hostel rooms come furnished with beds, mattress, pillows, blanket, two side tables, one cupboard per room and one table and chair per room. Occupants get a weekly change of bed-sheet and pillow case. Hot water is available 24/7. All rooms are centrally heated. A plumber, carpenter and electrician are available on call.
Kiev is one of the biggest cities in Europe. It is a bustling capital of independent Ukraine, its administrative, economic, scientific, cultural and educational center. This scenic city with population of over 3 million people is located on the shores of the Dnepr River.
Kiev is a city of invaluable historical and cultural monuments, a city of great events and outstanding people. Everyone will find there something especially interesting for himself.
The art and architecture of Kiev are considered world treasures. Many famous artists, poets and writers estimated the unique beauty of this city. The most renowned landmarks include: Cathedral of St. Sophia with outstanding mosaics and frescoes dating back to the 11th century; Kievo-Percherskaya Lavra featuring several monasteries and cathedrals; Golden Gate of Kiev, which date back to 1037; Ukrainian Baroque Church of St. Andrew; the magnificent 19th-century Cathedral of St. Vladimir; and many other attractions. Kiev is often referred to as “the mother of all cities” by Russians and Ukrainians. It is one of the oldest towns in Europe. In the historical center of Kiev you can feel the spirit of the past everywhere.
Kiev is distinguished for its rich cultural life. Theater lovers will find many theatres offering various theatrical programs. Most performances are held in Ukrainian or Russian. The recently renovated Kiev Opera House presents very good opera as well as a broad repertoire of ballets. Ivan Franko Theater is a center of Ukrainian drama, comedy, and musicals. A lot of various exhibitions are carried out in the city’s numerous museums and art galleries.
Kiev is also a scientific and educational center of independent Ukraine. Various universities and science academies including famous Kiev-Mogilyanskaya Academy, which is one of the first scientific establishments in Eastern Europe, are located there.
Being the largest city of Ukraine, Kiev is a leading industrial and commercial center of the country. Kiev’s major industries include: food processing (especially processing of beet sugar), metallurgy, manufacture of machinery, machine tools, rolling stock, chemicals, building materials, and textiles. The development of Ukrainian economy gave impulse to business activity of the city. There are a lot of new office centers, banks, trade exhibition centers and other commercial enterprises appearing in the city nowadays.
Take a walk through the ancient streets of this scenic city, feel its unique beauty and the spirit of its past. For sure your stay in Kiev will become one of your most memorable experiences.
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