About University
The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine is one of the oldest institutions of higher education for Metallurgical Engineering. It was established in October, 1899 as a department of Katerinoslavsky Higher Mining School. In 1912, the department was transformed into a metallurgical faculty of Katerinoslavsky Mining Institute. In 1930, it acquired the status of an independent institution of higher education and obtained the name of Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. In 1993, the higher status of State Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine was gained and fixed by the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and, in 1999, the status of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine was adopted by the Ukaz (Decree) of the President of Ukraine.
Faculties of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine:
- Faculty of Computer Systems, Power Industry and Automation
- Metallurgical Faculty
- Electrometallurgical Faculty
- Faculty of Physical Metallurgy and Treatment of Metal
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Economy and Management Faculty
- Humanities
- Educational-Scientific Institute of Integrated Education
- Kryvyi Rig Metallurgical Institute of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
The Faculty of Computer Systems, Energy and Automation was established in December 2003 and experienced two reorganizations in 2007 and 2015. The faculty rankes first in terms of students. The main goal of the faculty is strengthening of departments position. Strong faculty is strong departments. The motto of the facult is “Ubi Concordia, ibi Victoria”.
- Economics(Information technology and modeling in the economy);
- Computer Science;
- Automation and computer-integrated technologies;
- Heat power engineering;
- Economics (Information Technology and Modeling in the Economy);
- Computer Science (Information Control Systems and Technologies; Information Technologies Design; Programming of Embedded and Mobile devices; Programming of Web-Systems);
- Automation and computer-integrated technologies;
- Heat power engineering;
Metallurgical Faculty of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
At the departments there is educational, methodical, scientific and educational work with one or several related specialties, specializations. All activities are carried out according to certain educational programs:
- Metallurgy by specialization;
- Metallurgy of cast iron;
- Metallurgy of steel;
- Physical and chemical research of metallurgical processes;
- Chemical technology and engineering by specialization;
- Chemical technologies of processing of solid fossil fuel;
- Chemical technologies of refractories, ceramic and heat-insulating materials.
Electrometallurgical Faculty of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
The teaching and educational process and the scientific activity of the faculty are provided by a team of highly qualified teachers, including: 10 professors, doctors of sciences, 23 associate professors and candidates of sciences. The faculty has a master’s degree, post-graduate studies, doctoral studies. At the moment, the faculty trains about 400 students in two specialties and six specializations.
Traditionally, the faculty trains specialists for foreign countries. In different periods of time students from China, India, Poland, Bulgaria, Czechia and Germany studied at the faculty. Creative, pedagogical and scientific ties with the universities of Germany, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia and China are being strengthened. This exchange of lecturers and students, joint research, scientific conferences.
The faculty is first of all highly qualified personnel, equipped with auditoriums, training and research laboratories, use of simulators and computers in the training process, which increases the professional training of future specialists in the field of metallurgy and chemical technologies. Metallurgy of black metals engulfs specializations “Electrometallurgy became and ferro-alloys” and the “Informative systems and operating management of technological processes”. Electrometallurgy is basis of modern metallurgical technologies on production of the special steel and alloys for atomic, space, chemical industry, machine of structure. Special metallurgy (specialization – electro-thermal of inorganic materials) is the most modern specialization on preparation of specialists for production of abrasives and over hard materials electro-corundum, carbide of silicon, carbide and nitride of coniferous forest, artificial diamonds, ceramic materials abrasive instrument, and coal of graphytes materials, the products of which are needed for machine of structure, chemical industry, atomic energy electrometallurgy.
Metallurgy of the coloured metals is modern technologies of production of alloys on the basis of copper, aluminium, lead and other coloured metals a source raw of materials of which in Ukraine is absent. It behaves to the noble metals: platinum, gold and silver, technologies of extraction of which from the offcuts of production and ores of other coloured metals get all greater development, including on the enterprises of our region.
Casting production of black and coloured metals engulfs specializations: artistic and jeweller casting, exact, stomatological and orthopaedic casting, casting production of the coloured metals and alloys, casting production of black metals and alloys.
The students of department of casting production get fundamental knowledges and skills which can realize in machine structure and metallurgy, and also in medical industry at development of technologies and making of the poured stomatological and orthopaedic prosthetic appliances, in the art – at casting of artistic miniatures and jewellers wares, to architecture – at creation of the poured sculptures monuments and monuments.
Electromechanical systems of automation and electromechanic represented by specializations: the automated electromechanic is agglomeration of blast-furnace and steel-smelting productions and automated electromechanic of rental production. The graduating students of this speciality read all types of drafts and project document of the systems of electromechanics; check and put right the knots of management by electromechanics, work with controls and measuring devices, organize and carry out preventive-maintenance repairs of electrical equipment, make electronic charts assembling pays, work on managing programmatic complexes. Prepare specialists for production-technological, organizationally-administrative, project-designer and research activity in industry of electromechanic of metallurgical machines and aggregates.
Faculty of physical metallurgy and treatment of metals
The faculty prepare specialists from following specializations:
- Technologies and informative providing of processes (Treatment of metals by pressure);
- Marketing and commercial accompaniment of metallurgical products (Treatment of metals by pressure);
- Planning and providing of processes of treatment of metals by pressure (Treatment of metals by pressure);
- Planning and providing of processes of production of black metals (Metallurgy of black metals);
- Physical metallurgy;
- Heat treatment of metals;
- Computer design of materials (Heat treatment of metals);
- Management and marketing of modern materials and technologies;
- Design of materials;
- Composition and powder-like materials;
- Functional coverages (Composition and powder materials);
- There is a corrosion protection of metals (Metallurgy of black metals);
- Quality, standardization and certification.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Modern trends of training (specialties and specialization): Faculty prepares specialists in the fields – “Engineering Mechanics”, “Engineering”, “Ecology”.
Department of rental units and metallurgical industry produces professional and master’s degree in metallurgical equipment with specialization: “Maintenance and repair of metallurgical equipment and computer calculations and design of machines.” Department of Mechanical Engineering manufactures professional and master’s degrees, specializing in Manufacturing Engineering. ” Department of wheeled vehicles produces professional specialty: Wheeled and tracked vehicles. Department of Environmental Engineering and safety issues experts and masters specializing in ecology and environmental protection.
Pedagogical potential. In the faculty works 1 academician of NAS of Ukraine, 1 corresponding member of NASU, 5 professors, 44 associate professors, 22 senior lecturers, 22 assistants, 8 technicians.
Material resources:
At the Faculty there are 8 laboratories, 64 computer, the total floor area 4752 square meters of the faculty.
Economy and Management faculty National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
- Modern directions of specialists training (specialties and specializations):
- Economy of enterprise (accreditation of the IVth level);
- Management of organizations (accreditation of the IVth level);
- Management of foreign economic activity (accreditation of the IVth level);
- Finances (accreditation of the IVth level);
- Account and audit (accreditation of the IVth level);
- Project management (accreditation of the IVth level);
- Administrative management (accreditation of the IVth level).
Faculty of Humanities National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
The Humanitarian Faculty of the Academy was established in 1992. It includes 6 Departments.
The main aim of the Humanitarian Faculty is considered to be organizing the appropriate conditions for the qualified socio-humanitarian training of students in technical specialties. The conception of Ukrainian Humanitarian Education offers as well as the wide range of subjects for students and the possibility of skill acquisition of any humanitarian specialty.
Educational-Scientific Institute of Integrated Education
State Institute of the Industry Personnel Training and Retraining have been created in 1997 by joint order of the Ukraine Ministry for the Industry and the Ministry of Education.
It’s a higher educational institution, have been accredited on to ІІІ level and worked on full self-financing in structure of education-scientific complex with National Metallurgical Academy. Rector of these institute during this period – known metallurgist, the honored worker of a science and technics of Ukraine, the academician of Academy of the higher school of Ukraine, the winner of the State premiums of Ukraine, Prof. Stanislav Pliskanovsky.
Institute of Integrated Education carried out preparation, retraining and improvement of professional skill of experts, mainly – under the continuous form of training that allows students to combine training in institute with work.
During the period with 1997 on 2013 institute has prepared more than 12 thousand qualified experts, which work in sphere of manufacture, including heads of the enterprises, business-structures and official bodies.
«Institute of Integrated Education» as structural division of National Metallurgical Academy is formed in concordance with Order of Cabinet of Ukraine from March, 06, 2013 ?117 «About reorganization of a Higher educational institution «State Institute of the Industry Personnel Training and Retraining».
Center for Postgraduate Education and Staff Development National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
The Center for Postgraduate Education, Retraining and Advanced Training was created on the basis of the Faculty of Retraining Specialists and Advanced Studies.
It is a structural subdivision of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine – a state university of the IV level of accreditation. During this period, 95 masters (of which 22 teachers) were prepared and graduated. Over the years of the Faculty’s existence, more than 3 thousand specialists have been retrained. Educational plans for the upgrading of teachers’ qualifications provide for psychological and pedagogical training in the amount of 60 hours, Ukrainian and foreign language.
Regional education center for persons with disabilities National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine has been creating conditions of receiving higher education for disabled people from 2002. Taking into consideration the positive experience of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine with teaching visually handicapped and hearing-impaired people, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 19.04.2004 the Regional Education Center of the Invalids was created for the first time in Ukraine based on National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. The tasks of the Center include the creation of conditions for disabilities in hearing and vision, our methodical and psychological support, social integration into society of these people. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 27.06.2008 of National Metallurgical Academy entered the Experiment in integrated education of people with special needs of higher education.
During the period of work in this direction 180 students with sensory disabilities have graduated with qualification of “Bachelor”, 180 ones – with qualification of “Master” of which five students with distinction.
Library of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
The library is an educational, scientific, information and cultural-educational structural unit of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. The work of the library is aimed at creating conditions for fruitful scientific, educational and practical activities of students, teachers, administrative and scientific and technical personnel of the Academy. In its activity, the library is guided by the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On the Library Affairs”, regulations and documents on the library business of the governing bodies of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, “Model Provisions for a Higher Library educational institution of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine “.
General methodical guidance of the library is carried out by the Scientific and Methodic Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, regional and regional methodological councils of university libraries. Every year about 13 thousand readers are served, the book issue is more than 600 thousand copies.
Readers are served by 3 subscription cards, 2 reading rooms, a reference bibliographic department and a mass work department. The library also has 2 branches: a branch of the library of the Nikopol faculty and the Krivoy Rog metallurgical faculty. The library’s book stock is multi-branch and is about 500 thousand copies. It is manned with literature on metallurgy, machine building, chemical technology, economics, information technology, social sciences, and fiction.
The readers are served by subscribers of educational literature (the library’s new building, scientific and technical literature, fiction, student’s reading room, room scientific literature and periodicals.
Accomodation of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Academy provide all rooms with a safe and supportive place to call home in our residences: Firth House and New House. Rooms will be assigned a roommate in comfortable twin-bed study. There are also Common Rooms in each residence for relaxing and socializing. Common Rooms may be used during free time after all school obligations are met. Daily Internet access is provided to allow students to connect with family and friends back home. Each student will have a bed, desk, chair, lamp, bookshelf and cupboard with a dresser and drawers. Bathrooms are huge and comfortable, shared with other students.
Get to know the Dnipro city
In general, the climate in Dnipro is typical for the climate of the steppe south of Ukraine and is dry-steppe, winters are mild, summers are warm (sometimes hot). The average temperature in January is minus 2.7 degrees Celsius, in July – plus 23.7 degrees Celsius. Dnipro is one of the largest industrial, economic and transport centers, the center of metallurgy of Ukraine.Urban transport is represented by trolleybus, bus and tram lines, as well as a developed network of fixed-route taxis. In, 1995, the first six stations of the Dnipro subway were opened: Pokrovskaya, Prospekt Svobody, Zavodskaya, Metallurgov, Metrostroiteley, Vokzalnaya. The total length of the line is 7.9 km. The City Day of Dnipro is celebrated on the second Sunday of September. On this day festive events are held throughout the city and traditionally end on the embankment with fireworks.
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