About University

Sumy State University is located in Sumy city in the North-East of Ukraine.  Today, Sumy State University is a leading institution of a classical type with the IV accreditation level in the region.
The University currently serves about 14,000 students, who are pursuing bachelor and master degrees in 55 majors and 23 fields of knowledge. About 1750 foreign students represent almost 50 countries worldwide.
Sumy State University enters the ranking of the The World University Rankings by Times Higher Education at the position of 1001+.
Sumy State University is included in Global Research University Profiles (GRUP) by Shanghai Ranking. 
Sumy State University enters the TOP-group (3%) of leading universities of the world and is classified as a university with high research intensity according to the international ranking of higher education institutions QS World University Rankings. According to these rankings, Sumy State University enters the group of leading Ukrainian universities. Sumy State University also ranked 101-150 among the fastest-rising young stars of the higher education world by the QS.

According to the University Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education, Sumy State University is in TOP-300 universities worldwide by the societal and economic impact. Sumy State University ranked 801+ in the recent THE University Rankings in Engineering and Technology. 
According to the worldwide Internet rankings Webometrics Sumy State University takes 3rd place among Ukrainian universities. It also takes high positions in the European ranking U-Multirank that identifies most of indicators of academic, extracurricular, international and other activity of Sumy State University  as being higher than the world average value.

Faculties of Sumy State University Information:
The Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology (ELIT) is one of the most powerful faculties of Sumy State University. It is on the crest of the rapid development of computer and information technology in both business and science. For several years in a row, the ELIT faculty has been ranked first among the faculties in the Sumy State University internal rating.

Studying at the Faculty of Elit you will gain unique knowledge in the field of modern information technologies, IT project management, Nano and biotechnology, programming, computer and web-design, database administration, computer modeling, industrial electronics, systems automatic control, power engineering and applied mathematics.

About 150 teachers, including a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 20 professors and doctors of science, more than 120 associate professors and candidates of sciences – all of them help students to successfully acquire knowledge in their chosen field, and encouraged to participate in the academic life of the university.

Science and Innovation

Elit students participate in basic and applied research, working closely with internationally-trained specialists in nanotechnology, computer science, physics and microelectronics. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their postgraduate studies, not only at our university, but also at leading universities in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, China, France and Slovakia.

The students of the Faculty are annual participants and winners of prestigious all-Ukrainian and international conferences, olympiads and competitions. The best of them are awarded by scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the President of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences. Shestopolova, the George Sharpack Prize and others.

The Faculty has postgraduate and doctoral degrees in more than ten scientific disciplines, and a specialized scientific council for the defense of PhD and doctoral theses has been created and is successfully operating. The faculty has created all the conditions for education and personal development, open opportunities for self-realization and career growth, from the student’s bench to the doctor of sciences, professor.

International Activities

The Faculty additionally offers students a parallel education at European universities, which confirms the high level of preparation and extends the opportunities for employment, including those abroad. The faculty is profoundly studying foreign languages, conducting summer language practices in the countries of Western Europe and the USA. Elit faculty are active participants in international grant programs annually, such as Fulbright, Erasmus Mundus, DAAD and Summer Schools in Germany, Italy, Poland and Lithuania. It is already a good tradition for students to participate in work practice programs in the US – Work and Travel, Poland – Work in Poland and enterprises in Western Europe: LG, Siemens and others.

Perspective Employment

The Faculty has been successfully collaborating with the world’s leading IT companies and world-renowned software and electronics manufacturers. Faculty partners include Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, 1-C, Siemens, Hewlett-Packard, National Instruments and many more. And companies such as Net Cracker, Portal One, AMC Bridge have created ELIT-based training laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment, where all faculty students have the opportunity to study and prospects for further employment. In addition, students of the faculty are given a unique opportunity to study and simultaneously work in partner companies with the aim of gaining professional experience even during their studies.

Quality training ensures the success of our graduates, who in the future become: Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, directors of institutes, deans and vice-rectors of universities, top managers of large enterprises of Ukraine, Europe and the world, investors, executives, leading programmers and heads of departments of well-known IT companies, executives of successful Internet projects, MPS


Departments Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies Sumy State University

 Academic Departments:

Department of Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics 
Department of Applied Ecology
Department of Applied Material Science and Technology of Constructional Materials
Department of General Chemistry
Department of General Mechanics and Machine Dynamics
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools
Department of Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries
Department of Strength of Materials and Science of Machines
Department of Technical Thermal Physics
Faculty of Foreign Philology and Social Communication Sumy State University is one of the most prestigious in the city and consist of six departments:

Department of Journalism and Philology is the iSumy State Universitying department at the humanitarian faculty of Sumy State University. The preparation of journalists at Sumy State University began in 2004. Specialists for journalistic, publicistic, analytical, public, organization and administrative activity in mass media are prepared here. Our graduates will be able to work as correspondents, reporters, anchors of tele-and radio programs, copywriters, editors, editors-in-chief, proof- readers, leaders in mass-media and in editorial offices, leaders of press-services in different establishments and enterprises.

Material and technical base (digital audio- and video technics, computer class, radio studio) is created at the department. It include scientific- methodical and study-methodical provisions, good library, which embraces the whole educational process. We have adjusted constructive connection with Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and with representatives of MASS-MEDIA of Sumy region.

The scientific journal “Philological Treatises” is run at the department. And the university newspaper “Resonance” is a practical base for the students of speciality “Journalism”.

The department supports the desire of our students to acquire practical skills in extra-curricular hours. It organizes and conducts scientific conferences, professional skills practice in MASS-MEDIA of our region and other regions too. And we have good results: every year our students-journalists win in the regional round of P. Jatsyk international competition on the Ukrainian language, in Ukrainian contests (on the Ukrainian language and Journalism); in Ukrainian competitions of student scientific works (on sociolinguistics, publishing business and editing, Russian literature, history, fine art).

There are preparation courses of potential university entrants to the external independent testing and to the creative competition in Sumy State University . The classes are conducted by the highly skilled teachers of the department. Every year more than 30 pupils of the 11th form of secondary schools attend these courses.

The Department of Germanic Philology created:

Translation  Training  Center “LingouStar”, which is preparing, organizing, and conducting international language exams (tests) TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC; Research Office; Career Office; Travel office; Courses of English; Training room; Language lab.

Scientific work

Scientific – investigating  laboratory  was created within the department to increase the level of the research work, performed by teaching staff, students, postgraduate students and to implement the results of investigations to solve important scientific -theoretical  problems within general linguistics, modern interpretation and Germanic linguistics.
The Department has a PhD student program, provided by experienced supervisors. At present, for full-time and correspondence seven postgraduate students and two doctoral students at other universities are studying.
Faculties are the authors of monographs, textbooks, teaching materials, participating in national and international conferences.
Special attention is paid by scientific department staff to work with students who are involved in the work to develop scientific directions of the department, taking part in a planned research during theoretical studies.
The department produces special edition of the journal «Filologichni Traktaty», which publishes scientific works of Philology and Translation in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English, German and French. Founders of the edition are Sumy State University and V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University
Psychology, Political Science and Socio -Cultural Technologies Department information about laboratory and Gender Resource Center
Laboratory “Center for social and humanitarian aspects of regional studies”.

The laboratory performs:

• An organization and performing regional sociological researches;
• Staff diagnostics;
• Organization and performing of trainings;
• Informational sociological and psychological assistance of deputy  candidates election campaigns of all levels;
• Development of recommendations about specific management tasks decisions (including improvement of public relations with public authorities) for public and private leaders.

Gender Resource Center of Sumy State University
Gender Resource Center was established with a support of a program Equal Opportunities and Women’s Rights in Ukraine. The main tasks of the centre:

• Analysis of gender equality situation in Sumy region.
• Information work – providing necessary and objective information about men and women status in the region.
• Public opinion study – organizing and carrying out social research on gender equality and observation of regional media.
• Creation of experts network specializing in gender iSumy State Universityes.
• Uniting efforts of educators, researchers, NGOs and local authorities in order to achieve gender equality and to spread the information.
• Development of methodical and teaching materials for schools and universities.
• Building connections with mass media in order to inform people about gender iSumy State Universityes fast and with a high quality.
• Students debate about gender equality and release from gender stereotypes.

Department of Philosophy Paradigms of scientific work of Sumy State University:

· History of Ukrainian and foreign philosophy;
· Interconnection and mutual influence of Ukrainian and Polish cultures;
· Religious studies, theology, the history of Christian churches;
· The Ukrainian national culture of the Middle Ages period;
· Ancient and medieval philosophy;
· Neoplatonism and patristics in their interconnections;
· Philosophy of culture.

Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens
General  information
The Ukrainian and Russian languages for foreign students are provided by the following aspects:

· Introductory phonetic and grammar course
· Elementary grammar course
· Basic grammar course
· Scientific style of speech 
· Training of coherent speech

The control of knowledge and skills is carried by a ranking system that helps to improve the quality of education and organize systematic work of students during the semester.

Main terms and notions about International Activities
Academic mobility is an opportunity of the participants of academic process to study, teach, undergo a training or conduct scientific research in a different higher education institution (HEI) or research institution (RI) both in Ukraine and  overseas.
Internal academic mobility is a type of mobility realized within the right of Ukrainian participants of the academic process in partnering HEIs (RIs) on the territory of Ukraine.
International academic mobility is a type of mobility realized within the right of Ukrainian participants of the academic process in partnering HEIs (RIs) outside Ukraine, as well as foreign participants of the academic process in Ukrainian HEIs (RIs).

To the main types of academic mobility belong:

Degree mobility – study of a participant of academic process at a HEI different from their permanent place of study in order to obtain an academic degree attested by a higher education certification document (documents) or to obtain an academic degree in two or more HEIs.

Credit mobility — study of a participant of academic process at a HEI different from their permanent place of study in order to obtain ECTS credits and/or relevant competences or learning outcomes (without ECTS credits) to be recognized by the home HEIs of both incoming and outgoing participants of academic process. Total study period for such participants of credit mobility program  remains unchanged.

Accomodation and Housing Information of Sumy State University

The Sumy State University campus dormitories have a great location. Hostel №1 is located near the campuses of the university. Here live all family reside students and medical interns. Single students living in dormitories №2 and №3, which are located on the scenic shores of Lake Cech. Hostels №4 and №5 located near the SUMY STATE UNIVERSITY Medical Institute near the forest and rivers. 

Information about Sumy

The city of Sumy is located on the banks of the Psel River, at its confluence with the Sumka River. The climate of Sumy is moderately continental, with mild winters and warm summers. The average temperature in January is minus 5 degrees Celsius, in July – plus 19.8 degrees Celsius.

The main branches of local industry are machine building, chemical and petrochemical industry. Sumy Machine-Building Research and Production Association is one of the largest enterprises of chemical, oil and gas engineering in Ukraine.

Public transport of Sumy is represented by minibuses, trolley buses, buses, and taxis. Intercity communication is carried out by trains and buses.

The architectural appearance of the central historical part of Sumy was formed in the period from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th centuries. Today, Sumy is famous for its wonderful pedestrian areas with historical buildings, cathedrals, and monuments.

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