About university
The Academy possesses the 4th (the highest in Ukraine) level of accreditation. A new concept of training has been developed which envisages integrated system of actions aimed at high, world-standard level of medical staff training, rendering of high-quality assistance to the population, development and introduction of modern medical technologies and comprehensive cooperation with foreign medical institutions.
Within the whole period of existence of the Academy about 165 thousand of doctors have been trained in 30 basic medical specialties as well as 760 clinical ordinators, 198 postgraduate students, 120 holders of a Master’s degree and 2900 doctors-interns. During this period 88 medical doctors and 206 candidates of medical sciences of the Academy have defended their dissertations.
Within the last 10 years 187 foreign doctors from various countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America as well as from the former USSR countries and abroad (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Morocco, Yemen, Jordan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Venezuela, Cameroon, Turkey, Ecuador, Bolivia, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Georgia, Armenia and others) have been trained in the Academy.
7 foreign doctors have successfully defended their dissertations and obtained scientific degree of a candidate of medical sciences. At present 5 foreign doctors are successfully completing their dissertations.
The Academy is able to provide high-level training of specialists through clinical postgraduate course, post-graduate course, magistracy
and probation in the following specialties:
- Obstetrics and gynecology (including)
- obstetrics and gynecological endocrinology
- Anesthesiology and intensive care
- hemodialysis
- Otolaryngology
- children otolaryngology,
- surdology
- Ophthalmology
- children ophthalmology
- Stomatology
- therapeutic stomatology,
- children stomatology,
- maxillofacial surgery,
- orthopedic stomatology,
- general stomatology,
- orthodontics
- Traumatology and orthopedics
- Urology
- Surgery
- transplantology
- general surgery,
- surgery of heart and great vessels,
- surgery of liver and biliary tracts,
- proctology, vascular surgery,
- endoscopy, endocrine surgery
- minor invasive surgery
- Radial diagnosis
- X-ray,
- Ultrasound,
- MRT (magnetic resonance imaging),
- CT (Computer tomography) and X-ray tomography
- Emergency
- Family medicine
- Dermatovenereology
- Infectious diseases
- children infectious diseases
- Gastroenterology
- Social medicine and organization of public health
- management in public health
- Cardiology
- Neuropathology
- Psychiatrics,
- psychotherapy
- Pediatrics
- neonatology
- children pulmonology
- children immunology
- Oncology
- Phthisiology and pneumology
- children phthisiology
- Clinical laboratory diagnostics
- clinical biochemistry
- laboratory immunology
- (also for pharmacists)
- Therapy
- physiotherapy,
- endocrinology,
- balneology,
- functional diagnostics,
- nephrology,
- occupational pathology,
- allergology,
- geriatrics,
- dietotherapy
- Medicine of catastrophes
Surgical Faculty
The following pedagogical and medical processes were introduced at 10 departments of the Surgical Faculty:
– Methods of treatment of climacteric disorders; improvement of complex therapy and prevention of pregnancy complications in women with diabetes and women with vegetative-vascular asthenia; methods of preventing Rh-isosensitization in pregnant women (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology);
– Technologies based on the concepts of antinociceptive anesthesia and homeostasis-intensive care; anesthesia and intensive care for organ transplantation with the development of a strategy of integrative anesthesiology and resuscitation (Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care);
– Radio frequency thermoablation technologies; deep loco-regional electrohyperthermia; electrochemical lysis for the destruction of tumors of the liver, head and neck; development of criteria for individualization of treatment of breast cancer patients based on the determination of lectin-specific tumor markers; methods of metabolic rehabilitation of cancer patients (Department of Oncology);
– Principles and methods of functional and reconstructive operations in patients with hearing loss; means of reconstruction of the osseous sound-conducting chain using prostheses of the original construction; methods of mastoidoplasty using autografts; new means of radical surgical treatment of purulent-polyposis paranasal sinusitis; means of surgical closure of liquor fistula; plastic defects using vascular endoprostheses; methods of stapedoplasty in otosclerosis with preservation of the adaptation-muscle mechanism; development and industrial implementation of the original set (31 units) of micro-tools for hearing aid operations (Department of Otorhinolaryngology);
– Cataract phacoemulsification technologies; non-penetrating deep sclerectomy; development of new methods of pathogenetic treatment of glaucoma and vascular diseases of the eye (Department of eye diseases);
– Techniques of transthoracic puncture biopsy of the mediastinum under the control of computed tomography; modifications of preventive mammography; MRI – diagnostics of pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary heart and tumors of the heart; radiation diagnostics of Peyronie’s disease (department of radiation diagnostics);
– Technologies of restorative surgery and treatment of congenital deformities of the face; treatment of odontogenic sinusitis; deformities of the maxillofacial area; fractures of articular sprouts; diseases of the oral mucosa; methods of development and application of new designs of dental implants; (Department of Surgical and Therapeutic Dentistry);
– New enzyme-linked immunosorbent technologies and new biochemical techniques: determination of terminal metabolites of nitric oxide in blood; determination of antioxidant protection status and products of protein and lipid peroxidation; determination of B vitamins, determination of melatonin content in blood and daily urine, etc. (Department of Topographic Anatomy, Surgery and General Pathology);
– New methods of improving the effectiveness of treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system; complex technologies for treatment of erectile dysfunction, treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia; treatment of oncological diseases (Department of Urology);
– Methods of complex clinical and instrumental diagnostics and treatment of jaundice syndrome; therapeutic and diagnostic complex for volumetric formations of hepatobiliary pancreatic zone; modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of various forms and stages of sepsis (Department of surgery with a course of purulent-septic surgery).
At present the faculty has 9 departments (infectious diseases; clinical laboratory diagnostics
Cardiology, heart surgery, main vessels and transplantology; nervous diseases, pediatrics, social medicine and healthcare; therapy, physiotherapy and balneology, physiology and pulmonology; disaster medicine) located at the bases of large, highly equipped hospitals and dispensaries. The following are introduced into the scientific-pedagogical and medical-consulting activity of the Faculty’s specialists:
– Therapeutic and diagnostic technologies, substantiated by the results of studying various aspects of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, diphtheria, leptospirosis, meningitis, HIV infection (Department of Infectious Diseases);
Immunological techniques (NK, Fas / APO-1, TGF-?, HLA class II DR-gene typing) and hematology studies based on clinical, PCR and chromatographic laboratories (Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics);
– A new technique “Echo-stress diagnostics with inhaled nitrates” in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with coronary heart disease; transesophageal ultrasound examination of the heart to assess coronary reserve in patients with coronary heart disease and to evaluate the functioning of the heart valves after prosthetics; transmission cardioscopy; rehabilitation of patients after aortic-coronary artery bypass surgery (Department of Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Backbone and Transplantation);
– Methods-markers of diagnostics of initial manifestations of chronic brain ischemia; scales of neuro-psychological testing in conjunction with electroencephalographic mapping to develop prognostic criteria for chronic brain ischemia (Department of Nervous Diseases);
– Programs for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children with constitutional anomalies; diagnosis and treatment of neonatal infections; preparation of protocols for diagnosis, treatment, observation and prognosis of pathology of the immune system in children (Department of Pediatrics);
– Methods of immunotherapy for crash syndrome; methane carbohydrate metabolism studies; thermoregulation of the person, external autoregulation of peripheral circulation; research of features of development of occupational pathology in metallurgists and miners; technologies of physiotherapy in rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases (chair of therapy, physiotherapy and balneology);
Technologies for the study of the condition and rehabilitation of the bronchial tree in patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis in the course of chemotherapy and surgical treatment; current methods of treatment of upper respiratory tract tuberculosis and early detection of pulmonary tuberculosis; evaluation of side effects of drugs in tuberculosis chemotherapy (Department of Physiology and Pulmonology).
The faculty includes: Department of Family Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Department of Therapy and Gastroenterology, Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Department of Surgery and Proctology, Department of Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology and Endocrinology
The faculty is actively using modern educational technologies. In the medical and educational process, the following methods were applied: transcranial electrostimulation of regional anesthesia in emergency surgery, preventive analgesia, surgical surgery, and acute surgery. at the pre-trial stage, neuroadaptive therapy for internal diseases, regional goals then anesthesia in emergency traumatology, anesthesia technology and intensive care for severe preeclampsia-eclampsia (Department of Emergency Medicine); methods of daily monitoring of blood pressure, determination of vascular motility of the endothelium, determination of anticoagulant and fibrinolytic properties of the endothelium (Department of Family Medicine); non-invasive technologies in diagnostics and control of the effectiveness of therapy of patients, creation of aeroionic diagnostic complex and multifunctional units for integrated assessment of phase structural-secretory activity of digestive organs, differentiated treatment protocols, etc. (Department of Therapy and Gastroenterology); innovative technologies of diagnostics and program of correction of arterial hypertension, as well as endothelial dysfunction of vessels and changes of cardiohemodynamics in patients with coronary heart disease and determination of the role of risk factors in their formation (Department of therapy, clinical pharmacology and endocrinology); new methods of minimally invasive osteosynthesis of intra-articular fractures, treatment of fractures of the neck of the thigh by structures of the staff of the department, methods of blocking osteosynthesis (Department of traumatology and orthopedics); technologies of duodenoplasty in combination with trunk vagotomy in the treatment of perforative ulcers of the duodenum, video laparoscopic surgery in abdominal surgery and other (Department of surgery and proctology).
All international students of Zaporizhzhias Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education have an unique opportunity to do their medical practice in the best following hospitals:
- Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Children’s Hospital
- Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases
- Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Oncology Center
- Zaporizhzhia Regional Antituberculous Clinical Center
- Zaporizhzhia Regional Medical Center of Cardiovascular Diseases
- Zaporizhzhia Regional Psychiatric Hospital, the Regional Drug Treatment Clinic
- Zaporizhzhia Regional Endocrinological Center.
Accomodation of Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
There is a large blocks of flats housing of students, with fully furnished bedrooms organised around corridors or apartments with a shared kitchen. Free 24 hrs. gas, electricity, hot & cold water and phone available for studends.
Rooms are centrally heated. As they’re typically located on or near campus, living there puts you at the centre of student life.
Interesting facts about the city
Zaporizhzhya is a large, beautiful city located on the both banks of the Dnieper river in the South-East of Ukraine in the center of Europe. The population of the city is about 1 million people.
Zaporizhzhya is famous for its Khortytsia Island — the biggest island on the Dnieper river, its Dnieper Hydropower Plant – the first mighty hydropower plant built in the USSR with which the significant events in the life of our country are connected.
The city has extensive scientific and cultural traditions. In Zaporizhzhya there are 5 universities, 5 academies, 12 institutes, 24 colleges and 7 theatres.
During your stay in our city you can visit its sights and get acquainted with its history and traditions. You’ll be offered an interesting cultural program, a boat-ride around the Island of Khortytsia, tasting of Ukrainian national cuisine in Cossack Pub, etc.
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