Material base of University:
7 educational buildings (2 of which are sports complex buildings), laboratory and educational building, computer classes, library, stadium, cafeterias, dining room, medical center, 2 recreation centers (on the shore)
Faculties of Cherkasy State Technological University:
Information about Faculty of Civil Engineering
The Faculty of Civil Engineering originates from the General Engineering Faculty of the Kiev Engineering and Construction Institute.
Specialist training was driven by the region’s specific development needs. This problem was solved by mastering the system of knowledge, formation of skills, professional, outlook, civic qualities, taking into account the prospects of development of society, science, technology and advanced technologies.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering today is a large educational and scientific complex of the University with six departments:
- industrial and civil construction;
- chemical technologies and water purification;
- ecology;
- surveying, land management and building structures;
- safety of life;
- general ecology, pedagogy and psychology.
The faculty prepares specialists for educational and qualification levels:
bachelor” in the specialty:
- “Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering”, bachelor’s degree in construction;
- “Chemical Technology and Engineering”, qualification of technologist;
- “Ecology”, qualification of organizer of nature management;
- “Surveying and Land Management”, qualification of land manager;
“Master” in the specialties:
- “Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering”, specialization “Industrial and Civil Engineering”, qualification Master’s Degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering;
- “Chemical Technology and Engineering”, specialization “Chemical Technology and Engineering”, qualification Master of Chemical Technology and Engineering;
- “Ecology”, specialization “Ecology and environmental protection”, qualification Master’s degree in ecology and environmental protection.
The training of specialists is provided by a highly qualified teaching staff. The faculty employs five professors, six academicians of sectoral academies. More than 70% of teaching staff have academic degrees and academic degrees.
During the existence of the faculty more than 5000 specialists were trained. Among them are political figures, organizers of production, honored builders of Ukraine, heads of organizations and corporations.
A powerful educational and production base, scientific and methodological complex of disciplines in specialties was created for students’ education. Each department has modern computer classes that are connected to the Internet.
The faculty pays great attention to the research work of the students. A large number of alumni developments are being put into production.
Due attention at the faculty is given to educational work. Students of the faculty participate in sports competitions, amateur art.
Meetings with famous people are organized for the development of the student’s personality, public councils, scientific societies are functioning.
Information about Faculty of computer-aided engineering and design CHERKASY STATE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY
The faculty consists of seven departments:
- technologies and equipment of machine-building industries;
- design of food production and new generation machines;
- mechanics, printing machines and technologies;
- energy technologies;
- cars and their technology;
- design;
- fundamental disciplines and applied material science.
The faculty trains specialists of educational and qualification levels “bachelor”, “specialist”, “master” according to the IV level of accreditation. The graduating departments of the faculty train specialists in modern specialties that meet the needs of society, economy and industry of both our region and the state as a whole.
Information about Faculty of Electronic Technologies and Robotics CHERKASY STATE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY
Today, the faculty includes four powerful departments in both educational and scientific activities. These are the departments of professional orientation:
- Department of Radio Engineering, Telecommunication and Robotics Systems Department of Instrumentation, Mechatronics and Computer Technology
- Department of Electrical Engineering Systems
- Department of Informatics, Information Security and Documentation
The departments of the faculty work with modern educational and scientific equipment, which is located in the first and second educational buildings. The Faculty has 7 lecture rooms, 24 specialized laboratories for carrying out educational and research works, 3 research laboratories for carrying out scientific researches. Training laboratories are equipped with the necessary technical training facilities. Among others stands out the modern lecture room of Yuri Kunchenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, world-renowned scientist. There is also a museum of history of radio engineering named after Professor Kunchenko, which has no analogues in Ukraine.
Each department actively uses modern technical teaching methods, including projection tools for effective lectures. Demonstration stands, layouts, visual industrial designs, samples of students’ diploma works, posters and more are effectively used. All departments are equipped with state-of-the-art computer equipment, which makes it possible to perform more than 50% of the teaching load using the PC. All computers of the faculty and the university as a whole are connected to a local area network and have access to the Internet. Students and faculty have free Wi-Fi access to the Internet.
The Faculty of Electronic Technology and Robotics is one of the best faculties of the University by many indicators. This is evidenced not only by the quality of the teachers, but also by their daily work. To ensure a full-fledged educational process at a high modern level, the faculty has recently developed over 10 study guides, about 100 methodological recommendations for laboratory work, practical classes and course design. Much of the student’s work is planned with the direct use of computer technology
Information about Departments of Faculty of Food Technology and Services CHERKASY STATE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY
The Faculty of Food Technology and Services includes the following departments:
- Tourism and hotel and restaurant business;
- Food technology;
- Physical education and human health
General Information about Faculty of Economics and Management CHERKASY STATE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY
The preparation of bachelors at the Faculty of Economics and Management is carried out in the specialties: “Economic Cybernetics”, “Marketing”, “Management”, “International Economics”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “Entrepreneurship and Economics of Enterprise”, “Public Administration and Administration” and ” Finance and Credit”.
The preparation of masters at the Faculty of Economics and Management is carried out in the specialties: “Banking”, “Business Administration”, “Economic Cybernetics”, “Marketing”, “International Economics”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “Entrepreneurship and Economics” enterprises ” ,“ Public Administration and Administration ”,“ Innovation Management ”,“ Project Management ”and“ Finance and Credit ”.
There are six graduating departments within the Faculty: Economics and Entrepreneurship; management and business administration finance ; economic cybernetics and marketing, International Economics and Business, accounting, analysis and taxation
Faculty of Information Technology and Systems welcoming students:
The high professional level of the faculty makes it possible to train highly qualified specialists, to develop and use new information technologies, to design automated enterprise management systems, etc. Faculty graduates study the theoretical and practical basics of automated information processing and control systems based on high-speed computing networks and systems. Graduates make a special contribution to the development of new information systems that perform interbank transactions, protected from unauthorized access, departmental networks of tax inspection, communications, etc. Students learn modern computer technologies and methods, including distance education.
Faculty teachers are constantly developing new software and methodological tools in each discipline, which facilitates the rapid introduction of new knowledge in the educational process. Faculty experts cooperate with Ukrainian and foreign partners. They have ongoing scientific contacts with the Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv), the UNESCO International Science and Training Center, the National Technical University “KPI” (Kyiv), the National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Kiev), the University of Engineering and Science and Culture (Leipzig), Technical University (Mining Academy), (Freiberg, Germany) and others.
The educational process at the faculty is based on the modern level of knowledge in the field of information technologies and systems, which made it possible to obtain the fourth level of accreditation in all specialties and to expand the list of new ones for which students receive the educational and qualification levels “bachelor”, “specialist” and “master’s degree” ».
The faculty’s main task is to prepare students at the modern technical level in accordance with the concept of intellectual information systems, to prepare the young generation of teaching staff and to create in them a sense of pride in being involved in the great idea of intellectualization of society. When forming the composition of the teachers of individual departments in the faculty, the team relies on general-faculty tasks of training specialists.
It is possible to distinguish the main directions of the main specialization of teachers, who support in their educational and scientific work well-established scientific directions: architectures and structures of computers, modern systems and networks; design and technological direction of computer creation; software and computer systems; the latest information technologies and their use; telecommunications and Internet.
The greatest variety of scientific schools is observed in the first direction, which is reflected in the traditionally wide range of scientific interests of teaching staff.
Nowadays, computer technology as the main technical tool for the implementation of information technologies in various fields of science, technology and production, along with the technologies of material and energy production has become widely accustomed to the daily use of virtually every person and society as a whole. There is an era of continuous informatization, when a person is able to introduce the use of computer technology in all elements of the world, including himself, at the very lowest, almost cellular, level. For example, in the stories of science fiction microscopic diagnostic computer structures are introduced into the blood of a person and, traveling to all corners of the body, transmit information about its condition. And this is not such a distant future. The subjects of virtual enterprises, educational establishments, libraries are actively being developed, as are the means of “electronic home” type, neural networks, etc. The implementation of virtually any informatization projects is possible only if there are high-quality specialists, who, of course, come from higher educational establishments. University is focused on comprehensive training of students in the field of modern and advanced computer technology and its use in the most important areas:
- Computer engineering (specialties “Computer systems and networks”, “System programming”, “Special computer networks”);
- Computer Science: (specialties “Information Control Systems and Technologies”, “Intelligent Decision Making Systems”, “Information Technology Design”;
- Software engineering: (specialty “Automated Systems Software”);
- System analysis: (specialty “Systems and methods of decision making”).
These specialties are the main core of the specialists who form the basis for the introduction of computers and information technologies and systems for the enterprises of the regional level, which are the enterprises of the Cherkasy region.
Today the faculty consists of six departments:
- information technology design;
- information security and computer engineering;
- computer science and systems analysis;
- automated systems software;
- robotics and specialized computer systems;
- statistics and applied mathematics.
The Faculty has 15 specialized laboratories, equipped with modern equipment
Faculty of Humanities Technologies information of CHERKASY STATE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY
Humanitarian Technologies Faculty of Cherkasy State Technological University is one of the leading faculties in Cherkasy Region on rendering qualitative educational services in the training of highly professional, highly intellectual specialists, who are able to compete in contemporary market conditions. Faculty graduates are constantly in demand on the labor market both in Ukraine and abroad. Having the opportunity to do their practical training and undergo internships in national and foreign organizations and educational institutions, students of the faculty raise their intellectual level, improve professional skills and communication abilities creating positive conditions for the experience exchange, sharing new ideas and innovations. The scientific potential of the faculty teaching staff provides high efficient teaching and educational process through the educational quality increase by improving forms and methods, through introduction of innovative technologies, improvement of resource provision of educational process that promotes prestige and image of the faculty not only in the region but also beyond. Self improvement, constant scientific research and international cooperation provide success and high rating of the faculty in training specialists in philology with a high level of intelligence, culture, spirituality, patriotism and civility, which is a prerequisite and one of the key levers of Ukraine’s accession into the European higher education space.
Today, the multifaceted literature fund has more than 370,000 copies of scientific, educational, regulatory, technical, artistic, foreign literature, including 186,000 educational literature, 790 abstracts and dissertations, 170 titles of periodicals, more than 4000 electronic resources. Almost all publications and information resources from the University profile. The library serves over 10,000 users each year, with over 600,000 copies a year.
Together with the faculties and departments the library holds Days of information, Days of the department, faculties, graduates, thematic reviews of literature before all-Ukrainian competitions and conferences. For the first year students of the library read the course “Student Information Culture”.
Keeping the traditions of its predecessors, library actively applies modern methods in all areas of activity, seeks to maintain its status. A library and information resources hall was opened for students and scholars of the university in 2009 for 16 workstations, where you can access full-text educational and methodological resources, with access to the Internet. Wi-Fi is available in the library reading room. Also available to readers 2 subscriptions, catalogs, reference and information room
The professional priority of the library staff is to ensure the availability of scientific and educational resources by creating the necessary conditions for access to information and modern services.
Accomodation of Cherkasy State Technological University
Four well-equipped, comfortable, and modern dormitories provide international students with accommodation for study periods at Cherkasy University. Students usually share a double room in the 14-floor dormitory on campus, with a shared kitchen on every floor, washing machines, and nearby dry cleaners. The University has a network of canteens and cafes, providing quality service to thousands of visitors, catering to a variety of tastes – from the classic student canteens to sushi bars and pizzerias. Students wishing to live off campus will find abundant affordable, for Cherkasy, accommodation to rent near the campus.
Cherkasy city
Cherkasy stands on the right bank of the Kremenchug reservoir built in the middle reaches of the Dnieper River, about 192 km southeast of Kiev along the highway. Cherkasy has a railway station, a river port and an airport.
July is the warmest month of the year. The average temperature in July is plus 20.7 degrees Celsius. January is the coldest month with the average temperature of minus 5.2 degrees Celsius.
This city is an important economic center of Ukraine, various industries are represented here. The most developed local industries are the chemical industry, motor industry and food industry.
Passenger transportation on the territory of the city is carried out by buses, trolleybuses and taxi cabs. In Cherkasy there is an airport however it provides only a small number of charter flights across the territory of Ukraine. Cherkasy river station was reconstructed and opened in August 2011.
Originally, Cherkasy was located in the lowland along the Dnieper River. At the expense of the Lithuanian merchants a post was organized, where visiting merchants paid “myto” for the right to trade with local merchants. Today, this district of Cherkasy is called Mytnitsa.
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