The University employs about 1314 lecturers, including 133 Doctors of Science and professors, 569 Candidates of Sciences, associate professors, Senior lecturers and Lecturers. Among them 1 Hero of Ukraine, 4 State prize Laureates, 24 people have been awarded the title of Honoured Workers of Science and Education of Ukraine and 53 people enjoy the title of Honoured Workers of Science and Education of Crimea.
The training of specialists of the highest qualification is provided through the postgraduate training. More than 250 postgraduate students study now in more than 50 specialities. Some 40-45 Candidate and 8-10 Doctoral Degrees are defended each year.
The University furnishes excellent environment for academic work and studies. Faculty members and students enjoy access to the academic library with a large stock of literature, specialized reading halls, equipped with computers. All Faculties have their own training laboratories. The University has its own Astronomical Observatory, Zoological Museum and Botanical Garden.
Modern technologies are used to facilitate the training process. The University computer network links together about 1000 workstations, most of them have Internet access. Multimedia kits, digital services, CDs, educational and test courses are widely used. Application of advanced technologies, such as fiber-optic communications and computer telephony, etc., is gaining greater potential.
At present the University has the agreements on international cooperation with 40 universities of Germany, Greece, France, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA, Russia, Byelorus such are: Saloniki and Athens Universities (Greece), Lublin and Opolsky Universities (Poland), Willammette University (USA), Nice and Perpignan Universities (France), Genoa and Rome Universities (Italy), the University of Duisburg-Essen and Ruprecht-Karls University, Manheim University of Applied Sciences (Germany). A fresh impact has been given to long-standing contacts with T.G. Shevchenko Kiev National University, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and Belgorod and Byelorus State Universities. Annually more than 100 researchers and students of the University go on scientific and educational trips and visits abroad. The University hosts approximately the same number of scientific and educational institutions representatives.
Information about Faculties and Institutes of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
Faculty of Biology:
Biological Faculty of University is the center of biological education and science in Crimea. 54 persons – among them 11 professors, doctors of sciences and 34 candidates of sciences – conduct educational, research and pedagogic work.
At 6 departments of the Faculty more than 500 students of day-time and correspondence forms of training are taught. There are 4 problem laboratories (3 – at the Department of Human Physiology, 1 – at the Ecology Department); the specialized council accepting master’s theses on specialities “Physiology of Humans and Animals” and “Biophysics” works; the Biotechnological center is opened. There is a Zoological museum at the Faculty – one of the best in Ukraine; a scientific herbarium collected by prominent botanists; entomologic funds, including tens thousand pieces of insects of Crimea; field practice stations in settlements of Krasnolesie. In 2007 the Center of Correction of Human Functional State was opened.
Graduates of the Faculty work in scientific, medical institutions of Crimea and the south of Ukraine, lecture in high schools, colleges, teach in elementary and secondary schools. A plenty of graduates of the Faculty work in our country, in Russia and other CIS countries, and also in the countries of the far abroad – the USA, Canada, Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, countries of Africa, South-Eastern Asia, Latin America. Their successful work is promoted by the high level of theoretical and practical preparation provided by the curriculum.
Areas of Research of The Faculty of Geography of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
Problems of rational wildlife management, landscape studies, karst studies, oceanology, geology, geomorphology, economic, social and recreational geography, history of geography. Expeditionary researches with participation of students are widely practised.
At the Faculty, the laboratory of karst and speleology is organized under guidance of B.A.Vakhrushev, the Dean. In the laboratory, South Ukrainian Center of Cadastre and Registration of Caves is formed headed by a member of Presidium of Ukrainian Speleological Association Associate Professor G.N.Amelichev. Students of the Faculty take an active part in the laboratory activities and speleology club.
Scientists of the Faculty introduce their researches in the national economy, publish more than 100 popular scientific works annually, and are authors of many numerous articles in fundamental journals.
Students are trained in three areas: Geography Ecology and Environmental Protection and Tourism.
Geography. Graduates in Geography obtain the qualification of the Specialist/Master of Geography.
Ecology and Environmental Protection. Graduates with this speciality acquire the qualification of the Specialist/Master in Ecology.
Tourism. Graduates with this speciality acquire the qualification of the Specialist/Master in Tourism
Information about The Faculty of Foreign Philology
The Departments of the Faculty ensured an excellent training of specialists in the field of Philology, and taught students at other faculties of the Institute. Though the conditions for studying were rather poor the students of the Faculty took an active part in various public activities. Their everyday life was rich and varied.
In 1968 the Faculty started to function as Faculty of Foreign Languages. The Department of German Language was established, and later – the one of the French Language.
The Faculty of Foreign Languages enjoyed good reputation in Ukraine and other republics of the former USSR. The most famous professors regularly came to train students and to share their own experience.
Students and the professors of the Faculty take an active part in international conferences, work on probation abroad, publish their scientific works, text-books and monographs. Annually the Faculty issues its own collection of scientific papers in “The Culture of Peoples of Prichernomorye” which contains the results of research in Germanic and Roman Philology, Hellenistics, methods of teaching in foreign languages and literature.
It is necessary to point out that the number of the most important scientific works of the professors of the Faculty were published abroad (in Hungary, Paris, etc.), and in 2003 some of them were awarded with a silver medal at the International Exhibition in Kyiv.
Specialisation and general information about The Faculty of History
Young specialists, graduates of the Faculty are prepared to work according to the state order and regional interests of Crimea, the Blacksea-Mediterranean basin. They successfully work in institutes of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, in higher educational institutions, high schools, licea, grammar schools, archives – as advisers, consultants, assistants of heads in organizations, including international organizations, in system of science institutions, educational and cultural establishments. The opportunity of postgraduate and doctoral training in Ukraine and leading universities of foreign countries is given to talented graduates.
“HISTORY”, term of training of the specialist-historian, master-historian is 5 years. Specializations: History of Ukraine, Study of Documents, Archival Business, History of Russia, Museology, Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage, History of Foreign Countries, History of International Relations, Ancient History, History of Middle Ages, Archeology, Bizantiology, History of European Cultures.
Information The Faculty of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Philology
The Faculty trains bachelors, specialists and masters on the Crimean-Tartar Language and Literature, the Arabian Language and Literature, the Persian Language and Literature, the Turkish Language and Literature. The most significant and speciality-oriented disciplines are basic Oriental language (Arabian, Turkish, Persian), history of Oriental languages, Stylistics, Literature, Introduction into Linguistics, Theory of Linguistics, Fundamentals of the Theory of Language Communication, Theoretical Grammar, Comparative Grammar, Second Oriental Language (at student’s option), Foreign Language (English, German, French). The Department of Oriental Philology provides teaching of all basic linguistic disciplines, 6 special courses and 11 special seminars.
Speciality-oriented linguistic disciplines on the Crimean-Tartar Language and Literature are: Modern Crimean-Tartar (Phonetics, Lexicology, Phraseology, Word-Formation, Morphology, Syntax), History of the Crimean-Tartar Language (Historical Grammar, History of the Crimean-Tartar Literary Language), Stylistics and Standard of Speech, Introduction into Linguistics, General Linguistics, Introduction into Turkic Philology, Old Crimean-Tartar, Fundamentals of the Theory of Language Communication. The Department of Crimean-Tartar Linguistics provides teaching of these disciplines.
The Department of the Crimean-Tartar Literature provides teaching of the basic literary disciplines: History of the Crimean-Tartar Literature, Crimean-Tartar Foreign Literature, Folklore, Methods of Teaching of Literature, Introduction into Literary Criticism, Theory of Literary Criticism.
Actual problems of the Crimean-Tartar language and literature are studied in 8 special courses and 14 special seminars.
More than 450 specialists have been trained for the years of work of the Branch of the Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Languages (nowadays the Faculty of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Philology) – teachers of high schools and higher establishments, journalists, workers of publishing houses, employees of security service of Ukraine, etc. The graduates of postgraduate study successfully defended master’s theses and now work at the departments of the Faculty.
There are Departments of Crimean-Tartar Linguistics, of Crimean-Tartar Literature, of Oriental Philology and the Scientific Laboratory in the structure of the Faculty of Crimean-Tartar and Oriental Philology.
Information about The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
A graduate with speciality “Mathematician” is prepared for research, practical and educational work in the field of mathematics. He can professionally teach mathematics and computer science in any of educational institutions or work in R&D establishments and analytical departments.
A graduate with speciality “Computer science” is prepared for research work in the field of theoretical (mathematical) computer science, practical activities on realization of information projects, program complexes, system dataware, new information technologies, as well as for teaching computer science as fundamental discipline in the hire and high educational institutions on the basis of modern achievements in theoretical computer science. He can teach mathematics as a related subject, work in scientific research institutes, educational institutions, computer centers, information-analytical departments.
The graduate with speciality ” Applied Mathematics ” is prepared for research, practical and educational work in the field of mathematics, mechanics, computer science, applied economy and physics. He is prepared for the problem decision in mathematical modelling and numerical analysis in various areas of natural sciences. He can professionally teach computer science in educational institutions, work in scientific research institutes, educational institutions, information-analytical departments, in manufacture and business.
The Faculty of Psychology of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
Educational program of the Faculty provides the opportunity to defend diplomas in foreign language ( English, German, French or Spanish). The students that defend diploma in a foreign language obtain the certificate of a translator besides the diploma.
During the period of study students have practical training as psychologists in the following trends: in the nursery schools, in the child’s family, in the institutions of the Ministry of social protection, in hospitals, schools, at industrial enterprises, pedagogical practice at universities (teaching of psychology in a foreign language), practical training according to the trend of specialization, pre-diploma practice.
University successfully cooperates abroad
Association of Foundation of Freudian Field (Paris);
Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution of George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia, the USA);
Moscow-City institute of Psychology and Pedagogics (Department of Psychological Consultation and Psychotherapy);
Russian Psychoanalytic Society (Moscow);
Faculty of Sociology of St.-Petersburg State University, (St.-Petersburg, Russia);
East-European Institute of Psychoanalysis (St.-Petersburg, Russia);
Information Centre of Psychoanalytic Culture (St.-Petersburg, Russia).
General Information about The Faculty of Slavic Philology and Journalism
In the field of scientific researches the Faculty works in following directions: lexical and grammatical semantics, cultural-national component of the communications, dialogue of cultures, the verbal and nonverbal communication, psychologo-pedagogical reference points of communicative activity, philosophy and the theory of language, methodology of linguistics, theoretical problems of nomination and semantics, functional analysis of the text, linguistics of the text, stylistics of works of art, development of functional model of language, lexical and word-formation semantics, practical lexicography, cognitive linguistics, analysis and interpretation of the text, language picture of the world, concept sphere of language, language person, cognitive activity of the person, emotive semantics, syntactic units in functional-communicative aspect, processes of transitivity of parts of speech, semantics of syntactic words, typology of auxiliary parts of speech in languages with different structures, feature of functioning of languages in polyethnic space of Crimea, technique of teaching Russian language and literature in secondary and higher school, technique of teaching Russian as foreign language, problems of functioning of language units, modern journalistic technologies, language of mass-media and culture of daily dialogue, media-education: problems of preparation of journalists, prospects of development of the market of advertising and PR in modern conditions, feature of creativity of the journalist in the polyethnic society, information space of Crimea; literature and culture: global and regional aspects, Crimea and historico-literary process, A.S. Pushkin and Crimea, romanticism as the recreating type of art, problem of genre and modern theoretical idea, crosscultural aspect of modern literary criticism, altruism and moral bases of Russian poetry of XIX century, meditativity as organic feature of poetic style of the Silver Age, a phenomenon of “underground” in poetics of F. Dostoevsky, Russian emotionalism of 1920th years and problems of overcoming of crisis of art, a role of mythological-poetic structures in creative evolution of A.S. Pushkin, poetics of art-individual systems in literary process of the first half of XIX century (Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol), time as a philosofico-psychological problem in I. Annenskiy and A. Akhmatova’s lyrics, dramatic art of Russian symbolism and symbolist theory of life creativity, interaction of the epic, drama and lyrical beginning in small prosaic genre of the Russian literature of the end of XIX century, etc.
General Information about Тhe Faculty of Management of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
The Research Centre for Management of Social and Economic Development of Business and Regions coordinates the research work carried out by the faculty staff.
The Faculty has a section of the Consulting Services Centre of the Business and Management Consulting University.
The centre for Cooperation of Universities of Southern Ukraine and Europe contributes to the development of international projects in Taurida National University and other Crimean higher education institutions.
There is a council on the presentation of PHD thesises..
Areas of Research
Development of an institutional and economic mechanism for economic reconstruction of Ukrainian regions (the Crimean region is used as an example); methodological justification of the programme for entrepreneurship development in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; ensuring of the improvement of the enterprise activity results based on the development of the human potential in the Ukrainian regions (the Crimean region is used as an example); formation of the business activities development strategies in the Crimean region; problems of the improvement of the business activities efficiency in the Crimean industrial sector.
Academic and educational relations
The Faculty actively participates in many international projects, actively cooperates with the universities of the USA, France, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain, Poland, Germany, Finland, etc.
The Faculty has a student and research workers exchange agreement with foreign universities.
Тhе Faculty of Physics of Management of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
Major Fields of Study
- General Physics (Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees)
- Applied Physics (Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees)
- Radiophysics and Electronics (Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees)
- Computer Engineering. Computer Systems and Networks (Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees)
Faculty consists of 6 departments:
- Theoretical Physics
- Experimental Physics
- General Physics
- Radiophysics and Electronics
- Solid-state Physics
- Computer Engineering and Simulations
Information about The Faculty of Physical Training and Sport
A faculty consists of six departments – sport, sporting games, gymnastics and biomechanics, theory and method of physical education, medico-biological bases of physical culture, physical rehabilitation.
Teaching is carried out on directions of preparation «Physical education and sport», «Health of man», on specialities “Physical education” and “Physical rehabilitation” at the level of bachelors, graduate specialists and master’s degrees.
Educational work
Young specialists, graduating students of faculty, work in educational establishments of different level, in sporting schools and societies, in medical and prophylactic establishments, rehabilitation centers, resort hotels and sanatoriums of Crimea. Their successful work on select specialty high theoretical and practical preparation, provided the curricula of faculty, is instrumental in.
A faculty conducts preparation on directions of preparation 6.010201 is «Physical education and sport», 6.010203 is «Health of man», on two specialties: is “Physical education” and is the “Physical rehabilitation”, 8.010201 is «Physical education», 8.010202 is the «Physical rehabilitation» of three levels: bachelors, graduate specialists and master’s degrees. Preparation of bachelors is carried out during four years, graduate specialists during five years and master’s degrees during one year at presence of medico-biological level «bachelor» of daily form of teaching.
The Faculty of Philosophy of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
Young specialists, the graduating students of faculty get ready to work taking into account a state order and regional interests of Crimea. They work in institutes of higher of ARK and Ukraine successfully, secondary schools, lyceums, high schools as advisers, consultants, helpers of leaders of organizations (including international) in the system of establishments of science, educations, cultures, and also in MASS-MEDIA, public organizations and political parties.
To the graduating students the possibility of teaching in graduate school and doktoranture is given, including internship in in the leading universities of foreign countries.
General Information about The Faculty of Law of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
The Faculty trains specialists in speciality “Law” of educational qualification levels “Bachelor”, “Specialist” and “Master” to work in state bodies, local self-government bodies, in courts, prosecutors’ offices, the Bars, and other Law machinery, juridical services of enterprises etc. 1200 students study at the full-time and correspondent departments of the Faculty. 15 most gifted graduates study at the post graduate courses.
The Faculty has seven Departments: the Department of Historical Legal disciplines and Basics of Law; the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law, the Department of Civil and Labour Law; the Department of Constitutional and International Law; The Department of Criminal Law and Criminology; the Department of Economic and Ecological Law; the Department of Criminal Process and Criminology.
60 lecturers work now at the Faculty, including 7 professors and 32 Candidates of Science, Associate professors. At the Faculty there is the criminalistic laboratory, the training hall of court sittings, modern instructional technologies.
The Crimean League of Law Students (CLLS) is a public students’ organisation, which was established at the Faculty in 1996. It is a regional union of students, obtaining knowledge on speciality “Law” on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Since the time of its organisation CLLS provides its activity on the basis of the Faculty of Law of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. The main directions of organisation activities are: delivering of lectures in schools and technical schools of Crimea, publishing of a newspaper “The Crimean Lawyer”, the organisation of juridical actions within the Faculty (conferences, round table discussions, competitions, etc.) The organisation cooperates with other bodies of state power, local self-government bodies in Crimea, as well as other public organisations.
In 2005 the Crimean branch of the League of students of the Ukraine Association of Lawyers was organized at the Faculty of Law of the University. The League of students is the “youth organization” of the Ukraine Association of Lawyers – the All-Ukrainian public organization, uniting all the representatives of juridical profession in Ukraine. The sphere of its activity includes the organization and conduct of juridical contests, competitions, conferences at Ukrainian and international levels, international cooperation and international education, the organization and conduct of cultural and other activities, aimed at unification of students – lawyers.
Inter-University Departments of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
Information about The Department of Safety of Human Vital Activity
Profile of graduates – younger medical worker. Graduates are prepared to protect the population from consequences of extreme situations and possess skills of safeguarding
The priority area is forming right social position of personality regarding personal safety, motivation of its safe behavior in every day life, at work and other spheres of life. Graduates may provide directions to civil defense units and rescue operations; they have knowledge and skills required to provide the first medical aid in emergencies and can perform all medical instructions and treatments directed at sick people and victims.
· Bases of Personal and Social Safety;
· Paramedical Aid in Life Threatening Conditions Resulting from Traumas and Accidents;
· Paramedical Aid in Life Threatening Conditions Resulting from Infectious Diseases; Preventive Health Care of Children;
· Paramedical Aid in Life Threatening Conditions Resulting from Somatic Diseases and Poisoning;
· Paramedical Aid in Life Threatening Conditions Resulting from Traumas and Accidents ;
· Civil Defense;
· Labour Protection
· Life Safety in Emergency Situations;
· Fundamentals of Environmental Protection Education
Core courses: Life Safety, Basics of Labour Protection and Civil Defense, Basics of Medical Knowledge and Children and Youth Health Defense.
Educational units: Life safety room, infectious diseases room, care for sick people room, medical aid in traumatic conditions room.
On the basis of the Department of Life Safety the Ministry of Education in Ukraine annually hosts training of specialists from Crimean educational establishments of 3rd and 4th accreditation levels. It also checks knowledge of laws and normative acts on Labour protection and life safety.
Information about Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences Faculties of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
English, German, French and Spanish for all faculties of natural sciences are taught by the lecturers of the department. Every year we hold scientific conferences where students report in foreign languages. We recently have established links with some international Universities and our staff members have got an opportunity to have their professional development and post graduate education overseas. Seven candidates of Philology are currently working at our department.
A few years ago we established educational centre which provides additional language courses for students, postgraduates and University staff members. The centre supplies additional services in translation and interpreting for Simferopol community.
Every year our department holds entrance exams to postgraduate course for postgraduates, competitors and probationers.
Information about Foreign Languages Department for Humanities
Since the founding of the department its task was to put the teaching of foreign languages at a high level and to realize bifunctionality in the learning process in language use, i.e., both to teach the language as a mean of communication and give attention to the English language as a mean of science perception – because, in conditions of globalization, this problem is of particular importance. This main objective predetermined the feasibility of using credit-module system as a system of criteria for monitoring learning results. In practice of teaching modules have found its specific value. The most important kind of independent work is the preparation and writing the annotations to the specialized texts.
Great importance in the teaching of foreign languages in groups of all specialties has a clear organization of the educational process. The novelty of the tasks requires strengthening methodological work with teachers. Particular attention is paid to the equipment of the department, especially the availability of high-quality audio and video equipment. Methodological problems of the department are determined by final program requirements, which are in the formation of a high level of communicative competence necessary for a qualified informational and creative activity in different areas and situations, business partnerships and research.
Other important tasks of the department are: the revitalization of the teachers to develop new teaching aids, which take into consideration interests and needs of the department. Particular attention is paid to conducting scientific student conferences, diplomas in a foreign language.
The Department of Physical Training General information
Generally physical training on the following specializations:
· Basketball
· Volleyball
· Football
· Athleticism
· Table Tennis
· Aerobics
· Modern Dance
Scientific work
The direction of the scientific researchers: the development and improvement of new methods of medical – methodic observations in the lessons on the physical educated with student of 1st – 5th years, improvement of studies carrying out in students groups of different directions of training and specializations, the organization of students independent active motive activities.
Information about Sudak Faculty of Management and Economics
The staff of the Faculty consists of 18 people; eight of them have Candidate of Science degrees.There are three Chairs at the Faculty: the Chair of management and economics, the Chair of social studies and the humanities, the Chair of information management.
The Faculty has the laboratory of innovation technologies for managers training, a computer classroom with access to the Internet and a library. The Faculty provides students with the electronic library, and the local network containing methodological instructions to the disciplines, Internet access.
The Faculty cooperates with the local administration, regional state and private enterprises of the region to keep the contents of the education close to the needs of the regional economy.
Students and staff actively participate in the scientific conferences, ecological actions and organize educational activities with the local population.
Students Dormitoty at of Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University
The central campus of University is located in the very center of the city. Students’ dormitory is only 5 minutes walk away from the campus. Each room in the apartment is equipped with: A bed, beddings, desk and chair, curtains. Bathroom is shared between double and triple roommates.
Shared facilities (for all the international students): Refrigerator, microwave, kitchen-range, toaster, TV, cooking utensils (pot, frying pan, knife, cutting board, etc.), laundry room. Free Wi-Fi is available. The dormitory is guarded 24 hours.
Guide about Kyiv city
Kyiv is the seventh most populous city in Europe after Istanbul, Moscow, London, St. Petersburg, Berlin, and Madrid. Due to its importance as the historical center of Rus, it is also known as “the mother of Russian towns”.
This city is located in the northern part of Ukraine, relatively close to its center. In general, the climate is moderately continental with mild winters and warm summers. The average temperature in January is about minus 3.5 degrees Celsius, in July – plus 20.5 degrees Celsius. Among the characteristic features of Kyiv is a large number of green plantations. One of the symbols of the city is a chestnut leaf. Forests, parks, and gardens make up more than half of Kyiv’s area, about 80,000 hectares.
Kyiv is a major transport hub (railways and highways, river port, airports). The city has a metro, bus, trolleybus, tram networks, and even a funicular. The international airport “Boryspil”, located about 30 km southeast of Kyiv in the town of Boryspil, is the largest airport in Ukraine and the main international gates of the country. Navigation on the Dnieper is carried out nine months a year.
Kyiv is a large industrial center of Ukraine with enterprises of light and food industry, printing, pharmaceuticals, engineering, metallurgy, aircraft building. The services sector makes the main contribution to the local economy – transport and communications, small and wholesale trade, real estate, legal and financial services. The key growing sectors of the economy are retail trade, information technology, finance. An important role is played by the tourist business and there is a developed construction industry.
The city is one of the largest centers of science and education in Ukraine. There is a large number of higher and secondary special educational institutions, including several universities of international importance, in particular the three most prestigious universities of Ukraine: Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky, and the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
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