About university
The mission of University:
To form new generation of specialists who are able to modernize construction and architecture branch in Ukraine.
We teach how to build the future!
To be the first among equal and a leader in education of Ukraine. KNUCA must be a leading scientific center in the sphere of civil engineering and architecture, implement the preparation of specialists with active life position, modern knowledge and practical skills. The high competence of the graduates of Kiev National University of Constraction and Arhitecture will allow them to become competitive specialists as on Ukrainian as on the world labor market.
University today
- The leading higher educational establishment of Ukraine in the field of training specialists in construction specialties;
- Has the highest -IV accreditation level;
- Successfully combines almost 90 years traditions with modern achievements of the teachers and outstanding scientists;
- Prepares the professionals on 7 departments that have 27 specialties and almost 50 specializations.
TIi Pre-university training department mission and information:
The pre-university training department implements the preparation of the youth for external independent evaluation to study in Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture in future and to participate in creativity competition (on drawing, painting, graphics, composition) for architecture department joining. Educational process of the courses is provided by the experienced instructors of the leading departments of the University. The listeners are suggested part-time studying and on Saturdays.
The pupils of the 10th and 11th forms of high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, professional education institutions and college graduates as well as those who have Certificate about full sеcondary education may become the listeners of the pre-university training department. Every year almost all listeners of the course become the students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
Within the framework of systematic work with entrants, occupational guidance for prospective students, Doors Open Days, master classes, creative competitions, professional tests, and professional trade fairs are held.
All the forms of vocational guidance work cover more than 75% of young people entering the University.
of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
The preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff at doctoral and postgraduate studies is carried out through day release courses as well as the learning on the job. They are available in 10 direction and 18 specialties. Annually near 60-70 Candidates of Sciences (Ph. D) and doctors of Sciences defend their dissertations. Today near 300 postgraduate students and 24 doctoral students are trained at the University.
There are 10 Specialized Academic Councils on the defense of theses for obtaining a scientific degree of a doctor and a candidate of technical and economic sciences in 22 academic specialties.
The specialties of Postgraduate and Doctoral studies:
Culture and Art:
Soft Sciences:
History and Archeology;
Social and Behavioural Sciences:
Management and Administration:
Entrepreneurial Management, Trade and Exchange activities;
Environmental Studies:
Earth Science (Geoscience);
Information Technologies:
Computer Science;
System analysis;
Information systems and technologies;
Mechanic Engineering:
Applied Mathematics;
Sectoral engineering;
Electrical engineering:
Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics;
Architecture and Construction:
Architecture and City Development;
Construction and Civil Engineering;
Geodesy and Land Management;
Civil Security:
Civil Security.
is to educate designers who are able to create modern architectural decisions which improve the living comfort; furthermore, they provide maximum profitability and ease of operation.
Priorities of Architectural Education
The goal set of the academic program
- social value;
- personal aspiration, career;
- the prestige of the profession;
- unique character of the profession;
- availability of information and institutional framework;
- compliance with international standards.
- formation of the individual purpose (cognitive training);
- formation of own path of training; (personalized learning)
- labor market;
- material and technical support.
- informatization;
- promotion;
- barriers removal;
- mobility;
- cognitive training.
Today near 1800 students study at architecture department; there are 200 foreign citizens among them.
Specialized subjects are taught by the well-known architects, doctors of architecture, professors, laureates of state awards in the field of architecture and urban planning.
The graduates of architecture department head modern architecture bureaus, work in the public authorities.
Academic and creative activities of the department are closely connected with the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, the National Union of Architects of Ukraine and a number of leading scientific, design and construction institutions. Every week architectural Fridays take place in the lobby of the faculty. The students meet with well-known architects who give practical pieces of advice to the future specialists. The exhibitions of works of art, projects of students, teachers and graduates are arranged here.
of Kyiv national university of construction and architecture
Mission of the department is to prepare highly qualified personnel who know the secrets of construction of modern buildings and structures and are able to apply their knowledge in the professional activity.
The educational process at the Construction Department is provided by more than 200 academics. Among them there are near 50 professors and 120 assistant professors (docents)
Almost 2 thousand students study at the department (one third – on distance learning, over 50 postgraduate students (in nine specialties) and doctoral students).
There is a program of double diploma of the Master’s degree at Construction Department in Kyiiv National University of Constraction and Architecture together with the Department of Construction and Architecture of Lublin Polytechnic University and with the Department of Building Engineering of Krakow Polytechnic University (Poland).
All the graduates are employed by construction companies, design and scientific institutions of Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine.
Our students obtain the education and qualification levels of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in four specialties:
- Construction and Civil Engineering (specialization “Civil and Industrial Engineering”). Specialization of the professional: design of industrial and civil buildings; organization and management of building production; research in the field of theory and methods of calculation of engineering structures using automated design systems; engineering training, complex reconstruction of buildings and structures.
- Management (specialization “Management of organizations and administration”). Specialization of the professional: design and improvement of economic management methods; analysis, estimation and forecast of efficiency of the production and commercial activities; planning of production, economic and financial activities; management of marketing activity of building organizations; applied economic research in construction.
- Accounting and taxation (specialization “Accounting and audit”). Specialization of the professional: preparation of financial statements, accounting of cash and payment transactions, fixed assets, inventories, intangible assets and financial investments, costs for the production of finished products and their implementation, including in the construction industry; introduction of progressive forms and methods of accounting, tax calculation, planning of audits and audit programs drafting.
- Economics (specialization “Business Economics”). Specialization of the professional: preparation for the planned and economic, organizational, managerial, analytical and research activities in the field of business economics.
8 scientific and research laboratories have been created for conducting academic and scientific research at the chairs of the department.
The Construction Department has its history since the founding of the Kyiv Construction Institute. Since 1930, this unit has functioned as a chair, and since September 1934 – as an engineering and construction department. Firstly it prepared the professionals in two specialties: “Building constructions” and “Organization and production of construction works”. In 1939 they were united into one – “Industrial and Civil Construction”, In November 1955 the Construction and Technological Department was separated from our department, and in 2017 – the Department of Urban Studies and Spatial Planning.
The department includes 13 chairs:
- Economic theory, Accounting and taxation;
- Building mechanics;
- Material resistance;
- Reinforced and stone constructions;
- Geotechnics;
- Technology of building production;
- Organization and management of construction;
- Construction economics;
- Steel and wooden constructions;
- Theoretical mechanics;
- Ukrainian Studies;
- The basics of informatics;
- Construction management.
Mission of the Department is to provide our students with modern and up-to-date professional competencies that will be useful in modern competitive environment; to promote the holistic development of students, support the desire to study and constant development in chosen specialty.
The partners of Automation and information technology department (AITD) are from different spheres of activity: the Ukrainian association of Project Management, the Association of Industrial Automation Companies of Ukraine, the Association of Ukrainian Defense Manufacturers and other organizations and enterprises.
The preparation of our students is carried out in accordance to the following programs: Management of information technology development projects; Management of the Start-Up Project; Management of the Development Projects; Management of the Projects on Business Development.
The department participates in international educational projects and actively develops international cooperation, academic mobility, etc.
According to the chosen specialty, students (bachelors and masters) obtain the following competencies:
- Software engineering– site programming, complex network systems, application software; “Everything that is interesting to program – will be programmed!”
- Computer Sciences– Development, testing and support of complex information systems and algorithms. “It’s the dream that can come true!”
- Computer Engineering “– performance tuning in computer systems and network technologies, Software and databases maintenance.”Today the whole world is a network, so there is enough work for everyone!”
- Cybersecurity– is data and computer systems protection from the third-party penetration; “These specialists are in high demand among the employers in all fields!”
- Information systems and technologies– the creation of systems of the automated designing and software complexes; “This is an integral part of the work of any industry!”
- Applied Mechanics– is the development of logistic systems; “We are everywhere where there is a need to move raw materials or goods.”
- Industrial engineering– “Any plant or construction site will work!”
- Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Technology and Electromechanics– are development and use of electrical equipment; “Electricity has a rapid development, join us!”
- Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies– is a creation of automated systems for production; “Everything that modern world needs!”
- Professional Studies. Computer technologies– teaching profession, the work on the distance course projects and on the full-time computer technology training.
- Professional Studies. Mechanical engineering– the instructors on mechanics for different educational and technical institutions
- Project Management(only Master’s degree)
- Computer Sciences. Project Management(only Master’s degree)
The department was founded in 1964. It combines the experience of scientific and pedagogical work with the emergent specialties, which are a solid foundation for the well-being of our graduates.
There are nine chairs:
- Information Technologies
- Information Technology Design and Applied Mathematics
- Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering
- Construction Equipment
- Machinery and Equipment of Technological Processes
- Electrical Engineering and Electric Drive
- Automation of Technological Processes
- Fundamentals of Professional Education
- Project Management
The strategic purpose of the department is the human resourcing of construction branch and the related branches of education and science with qualified specialists with a high level of professional, creative and social activity.
The activity of the department is based on three main principles of world university ratings, they are:
- academic and scientific reputation;
- reputation of the graduates among the employers;
- academic mobility of the students and teaching staff;
- Quantitative and qualitative level of scientific works citation.
The students get educational and qualification levels of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following specialties:
Ecology (specialization – Ecology and environmental protection) : system training of ecologists; provision of safe living conditions of a person; ecological and economic calculations of the closed technological cycles;
Heat power engineering (specialization – Energy management): system training of energy specialists for various industries; rational use of natural resources, resource and energy saving;
Technologies of environmental protection (specialization – Technologies of environmental protection): system training of specialists on implementation and use of technologies for environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in the economic sectors;
Construction and civil engineering. Specializations:
– hydrotechnical construction : construction and operation of hydraulic structures of different purposes; analysis of the state of hydraulic engineering objects; organization of corrective, underwater works; administrative and economic support of construction;
– water supply and sewage systems : construction and operation of water supply and sewage systems; preparation of water for drinking and industrial use; use of secondary and renewable resources;
– heat and gas supply and ventilation : system training of specialists in installation and operation of heat and gas supply systems, heating systems, hot water supply, ventilation, air conditioning, cleaning of harmful ventilation and technological emissions.
The graduates of the department hold engineering and management positions at enterprises, public enterprises dealing with environmental protection, municipal and industrial thermal power engineering, scientific organizations and control bodies related to observance of laws in the field of environmental protection, rational use of natural resources. They can carry out resource-energy surveys and audits.
The department cooperates with the publication of 5 scientific journals and specialized scientific and technical collections, 2 of them are published in English. The agreements about cooperation have been concluded with the following companies: PJSC “Kyivgas”, Herz Armaturen GMBH, “Danfoss Ukraine”, Rehau GmbH, Vaillant Group, Vissmann, KAN Sp., And the Association of Gas Equipment Producers and Suppliers, PJSC “AK Kyivvodokanal”. Together with Vaillant Group a modern laboratory has been equipped for our students’ training.
The department includes five chairs:
- Water Supply and Sewage Systems;
- Labor and environmental protection;
- Heat and gas supply and ventilation;
- Heat engineering;
- Physics.
of Kyiv national university of construction and architecture
Mission of the department is the preparation of highly qualified professionals with innovative knowledge in the spheres of building materials, erection and sale of buildings, merchandizing in construction, who are able to creatively use their knowledge and improve professional experience.
There are 18 professors, 33 associate professors (docents) at the department; they carry out the training of students. Our graduates are invited to the educational process, they have become the well-known specialists at the successful enterprises, firms and corporations.
The department prepares specialists in following specialties:
Construction and civil engineering (specialization – Technology of building structures, products and materials): technology and operational properties of building materials, products and structures; design of technological lines of production of building materials, products and structures.
Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchanges Activities, specializations:
- Commodity Science and Business Activities: the formation of assortment and quality control of BMPS on the basis of market research and market conditions.
- Commodity Science and Commercial Logistics;
- Commodity Science and Organization of Foreign Trade;
- Customs business;
- Wholesale and retail trade.
Chemical technology and engineering, specializations:
- Computer simulation in composite materials technology;
- Nanotechnologies of finishing and protective materials;
- Advanced technologies and design of modern finishing materials.
The graduates of the department are fully employed. Among the graduates of the faculty there are CEO of the corporation “DBK-Zhytlobud”, the president of the Construction Chamber of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine Shylyuk P.S., the President of the “Industrial and Construction Group”Association “Kovalska” Pylypenko O.S., the President of the company “Kyivmisbud”(1999-2006), Hero of Ukraine V.A. Polyachenko, the Head of the Kyiv City State Administration (1996-2006), Hero of Ukraine Omelchenko O.O., CEO of Brovarsky Plant of Reinforced Concrete Structures Dudar M.I., Director of “Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute “Proektrestavratsia” Tymkovych V.Y. and many others.
The best students received a grant from the President of Ukraine for the gifted youth and became the scholars of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the owners of scholarships from employers, won International Competition on the latest technologies development. They hold the prize-winning places in all-Ukrainian competitions and contests, took part in scientific conferences, charity events, sports and dance competitions.
The scientists of the Department have the opportunity to take internships and participate in trainings under the European Community Grants within the framework of COST TU 1404 in the UK and in the Netherlands, within the framework of COST TU 1301 in Spain, with the study on the immobilizing ability of alkaline cements within the framework of the COST TU 1301 in Israel, COST TU 1301 in Belgium, Greece, Poland.
The Construction and Technology Department has been functioning since 1956. During its existence, the Department has trained more than 6200 specialists in the specialty “Technology of Building Structures, Products and Materials” and more than 500 ones – in the field of “Commodity Science and Commercial Activity”, and about 300 candidates of Technical Sciences and 16 doctors of Technical Sciences.
There are four chairs:
- Technologiy of Building Constructions and Products;
- Building Materials;
- Commodity Science and Commercial Activity in Construction;
- Chemistry;
Mission of the department – is to train modern specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of geodesy and land management. On the basis directions of the department there are the following specialties: city-planning cadastre, geodesy in construction, GIS in land management, GIS management of construction projects, land management.
The Geo-information systems and land management department is a leading Ukrainian expert in the field of geosystems and technologies, Earth sciences, monitoring and management of the territories. Recently, it celebrated the 70th anniversary.
The preparation of the specialists is carried out at the following specialties:
- Geo-information systems and technologies
- Land regulation and cadastre
- Land and real estate estimation
- Space monitoring of the Earth
The students of our department study modern technologies for the collection of spatial data, geospatial data base, digital mapping and geo-visioning methods, spatial analysis and geostatistics.
Our department cooperates with the universities in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Latvia, Bulgaria, Russia, Macedonia and Armenia and has unified academic programs with the partners. The students have the opportunity to be under training in the universities of Lithuania and Poland to obtain a double diploma of the European standard.
The graduates of the department have wide opportunities for employment in design and construction organizations (Kyivmiskbud, Kyivmetrobud, Kyivproject);in land surveying and geodesic enterprises (Ukrainian State Aerial and Geodetic Enterprise, State Land Cadastre Center); city and regional departments of land resources; state institutions (the Ministry of Regional Development, Building and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre).
During the years of its existence, the department has trained over 700 engineers, including about 200 specialists for 15 countries of the world.
Mission of the department is to raise the quality of professional training to the European one.
The most recent department of the University which continues the long-standing traditions of training specialists in the field of urban development and management of urban development, that has been implemented by the university since 1948. The priority directions of our work is the provision of interdisciplinary approach to the planning of modern settlements and urban communities, management of spatial development of settlements, improvement of municipal systems, legal regulation of construction and urban development activities.
In the framework of international cooperation and academic mobility of students and tutors, the department cooperates with the European universities, conducts international scientific and educational events with the participation of foreign and national specialists, students and tutors from all parts Ukraine.
Students obtain the education and qualification levels of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the following specialties:
- Construction and civil engineering (specializations: “Urban construction and economy”, “Roads and airfields”): the specialists in planning, construction and reconstruction of urban areas, street network and transport facilities, landscape of the city, assessment of the ecological state of the urban environment;
- Law ( specialization: “Construction and City Planning Law”: the specialists in the analysis of impact of regulatory acts in construction complex and urban planning, legal support of contractual and legal relations;
The scientists of our department, on the example of energy efficiency policy, work on the project “Model of National Consolidation of Ukraine”.
There is a laboratory for research on regional development and socio-political problems of construction at the department; professional scientific and technical collection “Urban Planning and Territorial Planning” is issued, where the scientists from all parts of Ukraine publish their research works.
The department includes 3 chairs:
- Urban Construction;
- City economy;
- Political Sciences.
ofKyiv national university of construction and architecture
The mission of the Center for Culture and Leisure is to give the opportunity for creative realization of personal potential and for the development of inner world of the students.
Since 1958 in our University a classical vocal studio has been working, that is an effective means of cultivating of aesthetic tastes. During its existence the studio has put the following operas by Ukrainian composers: “Natalka Poltavka”, “Zaporozhets za Dunaiem” and a lot of fragments from the works of world classical music. The opera studio is the award winner of many amateur arts festival. Among the participants there are the laureates and award winners of the Competition in the memory of S.S.Gulak-Artemovskyi. Some studio members have become professional performers, namely I. Khrestiyanok – the soloist of Kyiv operetta, V. Prokopenko – the soloist of chamber choir, O. Chernoshchokov – the soloist of “Kyiv frescoes”.
A great success among the audience have been achieved by the following student theaters of the University: “The Light of the 60’s”, “Grotesque”, “Dyvni liudy”, “No Comments” which have brought up a lot of interesting personalities. The Dance studios are also in great demand: “Street dance”, “Hip-hop”, “RnB”, sports ballroom dance, Oriental dance studio, Modern style dance studio, which choreographers are the students themselves. The dancers of the University have repeatedly proved their skills at university and all-Ukrainian competitions and festivals.
The pop vocal is in great request in the Center’s work as well. The University instrumental ensemble was formed and the studio “Spivayko” works too. The members of the studio have won prizes at international competitions and festivals many times. A lot of talanted youth take part in the work of the studio.
of Kyiv national university of construction and architecture
Dormitory has its own special features – a spacious room with two personal closets, attached room for studying and chilling and additional storage lockers. The is also a study room which will be shared with other students. Every student have their own large bed, big table, wardrobe and bedside table. Beside that, you will have a bathroom, which is attached to every room
Security available 24/7
Kiev is one of the more beautiful and one of the oldest cities of Eastern Europe and has played a pivotal role in the development of the East Slavic civilization as well as in the modern Ukrainian nation. Founded 1500 years ago, Kiev is the capital of Ukraine and Kiev region.
The name Kiev is said to derive from the name of Kiy (also Kyi), one of four legendary founders of the city (brothers Kiy, Shchek, Khoryv, and sister Lybid). They founded the city in the 5th century A.D. The legend is widely recognized as a source of Kiev’s mythology and, accordingly, urban naming.
Currently, Kiev is the traditional and most commonly used English name for the city, but in 1995 the Ukrainian government adopted Kyiv as the mandatory romanization for use in legislative and official acts.
Kiev is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper river. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. One half of Kyiv’s territory is occupied by parks and gardens. One of the biggest cities of Europe, Kiev has a population of 3,14 million and occupies an area of more than 840 square kilometres.
Kiev’s most famous historical architecture complexes are the St. Sophia Cathedral, where the princes of Kiev were crowned in the years of Kiev’s grandeur, and the Kiev Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves), has two 11th-century cathedrals on its grounds, in addition to its world-famous catacombs, which are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Also of interest are the ruins of the 11th-century Golden Gate, once the main entrance to the city. Kiev is the site of several universities, most notably the University of Kiev (founded in 1834). The Ukrainian Academy of Sciencesand its Central Library, Ukraine’s largest library, are located in Kiev. Kiev is a modern city with many monuments, more than 100 museums (including the National Museum of the History of Ukraine (1899), the National Museum of Natural History, the National Art Museum of Ukraine, Pirogovo), 33 theatres (including a Music Conservatory, National Opera of Ukraine), zoo and a large sports stadium.
Being the largest city of Ukraine, Kiev is a leading industrial and commercial center of the country. Kiev’s major industries include: food processing (especially processing of beet sugar), metallurgy, manufacture of machinery, machine tools, rolling stock, chemicals, building materials, and textiles. The development of Ukrainian economy gave impulse to business activity of the city. There are a lot of new office centers, banks, trade exhibition centers and other commercial enterprises appearing in the city nowadays.
Kiev is known as the most green city. The area of the green zone covers 43,600 hectares (making up 168 sq.m per one resident), more than half of which is taken up by woods, public gardens, two botanical gardens, parks and tree-lined boulevards. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 Kiev was the only CIS city to have been inscribed into the TOP30 European Green City Index.
Kiev is served by a good transportation network. Trunk railways and all-weather roads link Kiev to Moscow, Kharkiv and the Donets Basin, southern and western Ukraine, and Poland. Within Kiev city itself there is efficient subway, rail, and bus service. The Dnieper River is navigable about nine months of the year, and Kiev’s Boryspil airport operates flights to other Ukrainian cities and to cities in Europe, Asia, and North America.
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