Ternopil National Economic University is a leading modern educational institution, where the academic spirit and science, passion and discipline – the corner stones of identity formation – reign.
The university is always developing, as to master the art of living one must look to the future. The competitive spirit that prevails in the university allows the graduates to become leaders and highly skilled proffessionals in their fields.
Ternopil is a student city. It infallibly enchants anyone who sets foot on its ancient lands, with their quiet streets and open-minded people. The old Galician capital is now one of the finest scientific centers of Ukraine. This is where intellectual product is created through a journey from mere concepts to progressive ideas brought to life.
Our Mission
The mission of Ternopil National Economic University is to create an institutional model of education which combines both: business and cultural philosophies, a practical sense to a spiritual sense, and professional culture to common culture.
Our Vision
The vision of Ternopil National Economic University is to exist as an innovative educational centre, which provides professional development for individuals, which fosters conditions necessary for creative self-realization and scientific research.
Our Slogan
“Success awaits those who think innovatively, those who are ready for change and open to possibility!”
Objectives and Priorities:
- To ensure harmonious development of personality through a combination of the best national, international and corporate traditions
- To ensure international standards of quality in educational services, and raising the international prestige of the university
- To maintain the potential of personnel within the university and to involve international experts of the highest scientific level in order to gain licensing of new modern training areas and specialties
- To establish cooperation between Ternopil National Economic University to universities abroad, in order to solve fundamental and applied problems to improve the quality of education for students
- To facilitate scientific, business and cultural relations among the student youth of our university to the student youth of the European Union
- To establish compliance of our university’s activities with principles of the Bologna Declaration and the Magna Charta Universitatum.
Combining the best traditions of national education with the international standards of educational services
High quality of education and recognition of university diplomas abroad
Education and scientific careers from Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees through PhD and Doctor of Science degrees
Possibility of obtaining a second degree>
International cooperation: education and working experience for undergraduate students, post-graduate, and doctoral students abroad; involvement of foreign lecturers in the educational process; joint research projects
Instruction offered in languages other than Ukrainian
Modern facilities and equipment
Opportunities for employment within Ukraine and abroad, as well as opportunities to gain practical skills as a result of internships
Conducting international conferences, business forums, seminars and workshops within the university
Free access to the Internet and educational web-resources
Developed student self-government, an active student union, student community organizations, and volunteering efforts
Active and interesting student life (art groups, art festivals, student television and radio)
Sports complexes and clubs
Center for training reserve officers
Resources available for socially disadvantaged student populations, along with improvement of the health of the university community (recreational centers, recreational communities, university clinics, sanatoriums)
Staff and students of Ternopil National Economic University are currently a united team, which includes both experienced, wise scientists and ardent, enthusiastic youth. Ternopil National Economic University has been established upon trust, responsibility, debates and discussions, scientific research and academic achievements.
Our academic staff consists of 686 members of teaching and research, including 91 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, and 549 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors.
Additionally, Ternopil National Economic University staff also includes 13 Honored Scholars of Education of Ukraine, 5 Honored Scholars of Science and Technology of Ukraine, 2 Merited Inventors of Ukraine, 2 Honored Economists of Ukraine, 1 Merited Industry Worker of Ukraine, 2 Merited Coaches of Ukraine, 2 Honored Lawyers of Ukraine, 2 Honored Workers of Ukraine Culture, 1 Merited Worker of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, 10 Merited Workers of Education of Ukraine, 41 Full-time Members of the Academies of Sciences, 4 Actual Members of Academies of Sciences, 20 Corresponding Members of Academies of Sciences.
The title of Doctor Honoris Causa Ternopol National Economic University was awarded to 34 outstanding scientists of Ukraine and the world, public figures and business leaders, who made a significant contribution to the development of the university.
The University is the alma-mater for the economic elite of Ukraine, famous statesmen, top managers, leading specialists, scientists, and people who share both common national and cultural backgrounds.
The main purpose of marketing activity within Ternopil National Economic University is to enhance collaboration between national and international educational and business centers, as well as to promote our university’s image during educational and scientific events in Ukraine and abroad. Resources and events within Ternopil National Economic University developed to advance marketing activity within the university include:
- Economic Forums
- Financial Literacy Week
- Career Days
- International Week
- Summer, Winter Schools
- Participation in International Educational Exhibitions
- International Book Forum in Lviv
- Youth Art Festival
- A Night at the University
- University Active Members School
- The Center for Students Initiatives
Ternopil National Economic University is ranked within the top 10 high educational centres in Ukraine. Currently, approximately 250 students from 30 countries and students from 23 regions of Ukraine are being trained at Ternopil National Economic University. The University is in top 10 higher education centres of Ukraine.
Ternopil National Economic University prepares students for obtaining all degrees of higher education including Junior Specialist’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PD (Candidates of Science), and Doctors of Science. There are currently 7 institutes, 7 faculties, 7 international programmes and faculty programmes, 3 branches and 4 colleges within Ternopil National Economic University.
Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management
The faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management prepares professional staff for all sectors of the economy – agricultural, food, processing, ecological, pedagogical, administrative, etc. The faculty is well-known abroad, thanks to the scientific achievements of faculty and students.
Currently, the faculty has 9 Doctors of Sciences and 22 Candidates of Sciences. During this period were published 42 monographs, 80 textbooks, 695 articles in professional scientific journals of Ukraine. The faculty publishes two scientific journals.
The Student Scientific Society «Doctor-club» and «Students Luke Pacioli» actively participate in the faculty, scientific conferences, which are held annually, and the results of which are published in scientific collections. Young people are working on their own scientific developments.
At the faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management, students’ self-government is actively functioning through creative motivation and the formation of a new generation of specialists. There is a student council subordinated to the relevant commission, as well as the board of the dormitory and the trade union bureau of the students of the faculty.
The brilliant calling card of the faculty is the traditional high level of artistic and sports culture of students. At the faculty there are programs of internship and international exchange of students.
The educational ideal of the faculty is erudite and educated person in the spirit of fundamental university traditions and values, therefore the main goal of the faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management is defined by the preparation and development of creative abilities of young people.
The graduates of the faculty successfully work as enterprise executives, leading economists, and a significant number of our graduates are civil servants, academics and specialists, top managers.
Faculty of Economics and Management Ternopil National Economic University gereral information
There are currently four Departments within the Faculty:
The teaching staff of the Faculty consists of 72 people, including 7 Doctors of Sciences, 8 professors, 64 Candidates of Sciences and 52 associate professors.
The best graduates of the faculty have an opportunity to enroll into the post-graduate and doctoral programmes.
The Faculty cooperates with employers to ensure practical and probation training. In particular, there are more than 130 valid agreements with organizations, institutions and enterprises. The major partners of cooperation are:
Ternopil Regional State Administration; Ternopil City Council; State Property Fund of Ukraine; Departments of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine; LLC “Mykulynetskyy Brovar”; national stock insurance company “Askor Ukraine”; JSC “Orion” Ternopil Radio Plant; JSC “Ternopil Ptahkofabryka” (Poultry Factory); PE “West Agro Trade”; LLC “Corporation VATRA”.
Graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management may be employed in: joint stock companies; bank; small and medium enterprises; construction companies; joint ventures; consulting companies; investment funds; trade organizations; transport organizations; manufacturing plants; intermediary institutions; state and local governmental bodies; local self-government.
Faculty of Computer Information Technologies Research interests and perspectives
Mathematical Modeling of Static, Dynamic Systems and Sytems with Distributed Control; Structure and Parameter System Identification; Computational Methods; Computational Parallelization for Interval Analysis Tasks, Interval Data Analysis; Application of Interval Methods for Monitoring of Environment and for Modeling of Distributed Systems.
The main focus of FCIT activities is to provide the highest quality of educational services and to train specialists for one of the leading areas of economy – the information technology industry. Despite the economic crisis, the demand for IT professionals has increased. It is confirmed by data provided by website of the IT-Ukraine Association. The gross income of the companies of the information technology industry in Ukraine annually grows by about 50% and exceeds $2 billion. The number of companies in the IT industry is continuously growing. The average wage of specialists in this industry is on average $2,000 a month, which is the highest in Ukraine.
Faculty of Finance and Accounting Ternopil National Economic University gereral information
Faculty of finance is an integral part and the largest component of Ternopol national economic university that provides teaching and educational process. Today, 1024 students not only from the most diverse corners of Ukraine, but also from abroad receive education at our faculty. This is expected, as all the specialties of the faculty are focused on the training of qualified specialists in such spheres as: organization and functioning of the financial system, insurance, fiscal administration and customs business, management of household finances, etc.
Faculty consists of:
- department of finance;
- department of taxes and fiscal policy;
- department of finances of economic and insurance entities, where 11 doctors of sciences, professors, 60 candidates of sciences and associate professors work.
All necessary conditions for combining the teaching and scientific activity at the faculty are created. Scientific work is considered an integral part of the educational process. There are active student scientific clubs: “financial space” (coordinated by the s.i. Yurii department of finance), “tax analytics” “customs expert”, “english speaking club” (coordinated by the department of taxes and fiscal policy), as well as the club “corporate finance and insurance”, whose work is coordinated by the department of finances of economic and insurance entities. Under the guidance of this department, students of the faculty have created “the first studentinsurance company”, which is a joint project with jsc “insurance company “skaid”. Financial experts, who have achieved high results in scientific work, receive recommendations for admission to the post-graduate studies, they work as lecturers-trainees and researchers–trainees at the graduating departments.
In addition, graduates of the faculty successfully work in prestigious positions at the state management bodies (in the system of the ministry of finance of Ukraine, the ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine, the state fiscal service of ukraine, the state travel service of Ukraine, the national bank of Ukraine, in state institutions regulating the functioning of the financial market), as well as in leading positions at non-state financial institutions (including: in national and international companies; financial institutions and enterprises, insurance and audit companies, customs brokerage offices, etc.).
Faculty of Law of Ternopil National Economic University
The following departments are currently offered at the faculty:
- Department of Theory and History of State and Law;
- Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law;
- Department of Criminal Law and Process;
- Department of International Law, International Relations and Diplomacy;
- Department of Civil Law and Process;
- Department of Psychology and Social Work;
- Department of Documentation Studies, Information Activity and Ukrainian Studies;
- Department of Economic Security and Financial Investigations;
The faculty provides qualitative training of specialists in the following specialties /educational programs:
- International law (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
- Law-enforc
- Ement activities (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
- Economic security and financial investigations (bachelor’s and master’s degrees);
- Social
- work (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
- Documentation and information activities (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
- Psychology (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
- Management of financial and economic security (master’s degree);
- Educational and pedagogical sciences (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
- Management of socio-cultural activities (bachelor’s degree);
- Political science (bachelor’s degree)
- International relations, public communications and regional studies (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
- Social welfare (bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
University dormitories are usually located on campus or nearby. Students will be living with other students, both Russian and foreign. Dormitories are usually lively places to live, with a lot of activities and staying in a dorm will allow you to meet new people easily. However, this can hamper learning of Russian as foreigners tend to spend their time with other foreign students.The rooms are usually around nine square meters, and they are furnished with a bed, a table and a cabinet. The rooms can be either private or shared, in which case the room will be larger as well. You will share the bathroom and kitchen facilities. You are expected to take care of your personal space and to keep it clean. Usually in the dorm they also have cafeterias, snack bars and cafés
Ternopil is located about 420 km west of Kyiv. The town was founded on trade routes, due to which it quickly grew. Today, it is a major transport hub of Ukraine, where important roads and railroads cross.
The climate of Ternopil is moderately continental, with warm, humid summers and mild winters. The average air temperature ranges from -4.4 degrees Celsius in January to plus 18.1 degrees Celsius in July.
The largest reservoir and landmark of the city is Ternopil Pond also called Ternopil Lake, created on the Seret River in 1951.
A lot of preserved monuments of architecture, history and culture have features of eclecticism and modernity. The architectural ensembles of the central part of Ternopil with a pedestrian zone give an idea of the original view of the old Ternopil. Ternopil is the center of the region famous for its castles, waterfalls, caverns, and rivers. This is the starting point of rafting routes along the Dniester canyon, tours to Ternopil caverns, to Dzhurynskyi waterfall (the most powerful waterfall in Ukraine, 16 meters high).
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