About university
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University is one of the oldest classical universities in Ukraine. It is located in the stately building of modern Chernivtsi – a complex built in 1864-1882 as the residence of the Metropolitan of Bukovina by the design of the famous Czech architect Joseph Glavka. The interiors were executed by Viennese artists K. Iobst, I. Klein, Czech K. Svoboda, Bukovyna E. Buchevsky and E. Maksimovich. The style of the buildings is eclectic with the dominant motif of Byzantine and Romanesque architecture.
Today, the University has
- 2 institutes:
- the Institute of Biology,
- Chemistry and Bioresources and the Institute of Physical and Computer Science,
- 12 faculties:
- geography,
- economics,
- foreign languages,
- history,
- political science and international relations,
- architecture,
- construction and arts and crafts,
- pedagogy,
- psychology and social work,
- mathematics and informatics,
- philological,
- philosophical-theological,
- faculty of finance,
- business and accounting,
- faculty of physical culture and human health,
- law,
- There is a department of military training.
Almost 20,000 students are trained in 54 fields, 69 specialties. There are 87 departments. The educational process and scientific work are provided by 1200 teachers: 130 of them are doctors of science, professors, more than 700 candidates of sciences, associate professors; 15 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine; 5 State Prize winners; 39 – were awarded state awards.
At the University there are postgraduate and doctoral studies, 11 specialized scientific councils for the defense of PD and doctoral theses. Basic directions of scientific researches: theoretical and applied researches of semiconductor material science; development of new technologies, materials, circuits and devices for opto-, radio- and microelectronics, semiconductor instrumentation; static optics, holography; module learning technologies; innovative technologies in business and education, problems of creative self-realization of personality; environmental protection; ecology; geographer; history of Ukraine international relations, political science, problems of language and literature, jurisprudence, etc. There are more than 15 scientific schools operating in these fields.
The University has 14 educational buildings, 7 dormitories, a sports complex, a research farm, a botanical garden, a zoological, geological and ethnographic museum, a Ruta publishing house, a library with a book stock of almost 3 million copies. The student newspaper Newformats is published.
There is a beautifully planned dendrological park with rare species of plants near the university.
There is an extensive system of student self-government bodies that take an active part in the educational process, scientific and public life of the city, region.
Teachers and students participate in joint scientific programs implemented under agreements on creative cooperation with leading educational institutions and research institutions of the USA, Canada, Austria, Germany, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria, England, Macedonia, Romania, Czech Republic, China, Israel and other countries. Facts such as the recognition by the International Biographical Center in Cambridge of two professors of “Person of the Year”, the award of the honorary doctor of Saskatchewan (Canada), Suceava (Romania) and Beltsky (Moldova) universities, awarding of grants and the awarding of grants , graduate students and students of the University, Galileo Galileo Prize prof. A. Angelsky.
Institutes, faculties and departments Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Institute of Biology of Chemistry and Bioresources
The department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology prepares masters:
– biology (specialization biochemistry and laboratory diagnostics)
– biotechnology and bioengineering
Department of Botany Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The department is one of the graduates in the field of preparation “Biology” of the field of knowledge “Natural sciences”. The training is conducted in three educational and qualification levels – bachelor, specialist, master. In 2013, the University received a license to train bachelors in the field of preparation “Forestry and landscape gardening”, branch of knowledge “Agriculture and forestry”. The department is the base for training specialists in this field and in this connection it was renamed on 07.04.2014 to the Department of Botany, Forestry and Landscape Management.
Department of Agrotechnology and Soil Science Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The department produces Bachelors of Agronomy and specialists and masters in the specialty “Agrochemistry and Soil Science”. Reading of normative and special courses “Soil Science”, “Zonal Soil Science”, “Soil Management”, “Soil Biology”, “Agrochemistry”, “Agriculture”, “GIS and Databases in Soil Science”, “Ecology”, “Ecology” , “Soil Cartography”, “Soil Reclamation”, etc., is provided by 7 teachers – doctors and candidates of sciences. Training of scientific and pedagogical staff is conducted through postgraduate and doctoral studies.
Department of Ecology and Biomonitoring Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Graduates of the Department work in the units of the State Directorate of Environmental Protection (ONPS); in the State Environmental Inspectorate, which monitors compliance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of Ukraine (border environmental control, control and supervision of forest fund; land resources, subsoil, minerals, water fund, state of atmospheric air, radiation background radiation and radiation control; environmental engineers at enterprises and in the sanitary and epidemiological service; in the State Inspectorate for Plant Quarantine, in research institutes, as well as teachers in technical schools and universities.
Department of Ecology and Biomonitoring Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The main task of the department is theoretical and practical training of highly qualified land managers, which is closely combined with educational and industrial practices. During the study in the specialty “Land Management and Cadastre” students acquire knowledge of the land legislation, the basics of land management and cadastre, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation technologies. enabling you to get a classic university education.
Department of Land Management and Cadastre Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The main task of the department is theoretical and practical training of highly qualified land managers, which is closely combined with educational and industrial practices. During the study in the specialty “Land Management and Cadastre” students acquire knowledge of the land legislation, the basics of land management and cadastre, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation technologies. enabling you to get a classic university education.
Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology was opened in 2005. The department produces bachelors, specialists and masters in the field of “Biology” (specialization – “Molecular genetics”) and “Biotechnology”. After completing the specialization on the basis of the department, the graduates successfully enter postgraduate study or work in higher educational establishments of Ukraine, medical diagnostic centers, clinical, industrial and private laboratories, research institutes, colleges, lyceums and schools.
Department of Chemical Analysis of Food Expertise and Safety Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The department trains specialists in the fields of “Chemistry” and “Food Technologies”. Specialists’ training is focused on the issues of chemical analysis of materials, determination of quality and safety indicators of raw materials, objects of the environment, food, detection of counterfeit products (alcoholic beverages, dairy and meat products, flour, juices, coffee, chocolate, etc.), creation of materials. for the immobilization of toxic waste, monitoring systems for contamination of raw materials and foods with heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, carcinogens, modern antibacterial packaging materials for rodovzhennya shelf life of food products, development of efficient and cost effective production technologies, quality, physiologically safe, competitive food products. Scientific research is being carried out in collaboration with scientists from Jagiellonian University and Krakow Polytechnic (Poland), Stefan cel Mare University (Faculty of Food Engineering, Suceava, Romania), National University of Food Technology (Kyiv). Master’s Degree Programs according to which students have the opportunity to receive double master’s degrees fromUnivrersity and Krakow Polytechnic. Graduates of the department can work as lecturers in educational institutions, research institutes, chemical engineers and technologists in regional bodies for quality control of raw materials and industrial products, enterprises of food and processing industry, laboratories of control and analytical services (sanepidemstantsii, ecoinspectorate).
Department of General Chemistry and Chemical Materials Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Scientists have been studying chemistry at Chernivtsi University since 1875. The head of the chemical laboratory was the private associate professor of Prague University Richard Pribram. Since 1879 R. Pribram has been an ordinary professor at the university and has been the permanent head of the chemical laboratory for 25 years. In 1919, when Chernivtsi became part of Romania, two departments (institutes) were opened at the scientific faculty – inorganic and analytical chemistry and organic chemistry.
Faculty of Geography Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
General information
The Faculty provides services to students of 33 classrooms, two of which have 60 seats, two – 80, one – 100, one – 40, the rest – within 12-36. The number of seats is 1000. 2 computer classes have been created and are equipped with 20 computers. Besides, there are a geological-geographical museum, soil-geochemical laboratory, scientific-educational geophysical observatory, a laboratory of hydraulic modeling, a laboratory for the assessment of natural-resource potential, a specialized geodetic class and a workshop for the repair of geodetic instruments. The library has a library with a fund of up to 2000 copies of scientific literature, a student cafe. 7 branches of production departments were created for training and production practices.
The program of study in this specialty includes about 50 courses, which can be combined into three blocks. The first block includes normative humanities disciplines, the study of which is aimed at broadening the world outlook and personal development. They are read by experts from the respective faculties of the University.
The second block is the fundamental economic disciplines, which include: economic theory, accounting, economics and business finance. Professors and associate professors from the Faculty of Economics of Chernivtsi National University are involved in teaching these subjects.
The third block consists of vocational-oriented disciplines aimed at professional training of students. In particular: tourism management, tourism marketing, technology of hotel and restaurant business, international tourism, touring and others. These disciplines vary depending on the specialization: the foreign language, geography of tourism and country studies are studied in the International Tourism program; the specialization “Hotel-restaurant service and touring” gives more attention to the organization of hotel-restaurant service, as well as the development and implementation of tours with complex services for different types of tourism.
Department of Geography of Ukraine and Regional Studies Chernivtsi National University
Was founded in 1990 under the name of geography of Ukraine and cartography. In 2005-2009 the department was named Geography of Ukraine, Cartography and Geoinformatics. In 2009 another department was created on the basis of the Department of Geography of Ukraine, Cartography and Geoinformatics – Geodesy, Cartography and Territorial Administration.
Department of Hydrometeorology and Water Resources Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
Higher education providers in the above specialties can work in units related to the use of tools and methods for monitoring and forecasting the environment and the effective use of natural resources – in regime, operational, search, research, complex and special expeditions of the State Hydrometeorological service of Ukraine, and monitoring of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Agency for Water Resources of Ukraine, and other minis erstvah and departments related to agriculture and fisheries, air, sea, river and rail, geological search, production and transportation of energy.
Department of Hydrometeorology and Water Resources Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Higher education providers in the above specialties can work in units related to the use of tools and methods for monitoring and forecasting the environment and the effective use of natural resources – in regime, operational, search, research, complex and special expeditions of the State Hydrometeorological service of Ukraine, and monitoring of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Agency for Water Resources of Ukraine, and other minis erstvah and departments related to agriculture and fisheries, air, sea, river and rail, geological search, production and transportation of energy.
Department of Economic Geography and Environmental Management Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Students of management and tourism industry of the geographical faculty of Chernivtsi national university named after Yuriy Fedkovich this year has increased with another group of creative, initiatives, purposeful future specialists of tourism
Department of social geography and recreational nature management
Graduates of the department in the specialty “Tourism” receive a master’s degree and a specialist in tourism and have the right to carry out educational activities in the tourism industry, as well as to work in bodies, enterprises and organizations engaged in tourism. The licensed volume of admission for the educational-qualification level “bachelor” is 90 people, for the “Master’s degree” – 60 people. The bachelor’s training is carried out both on a full-time and part-time basis. The sphere of activity of a specialist in tourism is the development of topical issues of economy and management in relation to various enterprises of the tourism sphere: tourist firms-operators and agents, hotels, restaurants, transport organizations, sanatorium-resort complexes, museums, sports and entertainment establishments, etc. Also, great attention is paid to finding opportunities for the development of tourism that can bring income to the economy of the country: cultural, educational, health, rural (agrotourism), water, cruise tourism, ecological and some others. Graduates of the department according to the specified direction and specialty according to the State Classifier of Professions can work in the following positions: director of health, sports, tourist complex; head of tourism and hospitality industry; Head of Travel and Excursion Bureau; chief of tourist base; organizer of trips and excursions; the head of the tourist group; chief specialist in tourism; instructor-methodologist in tourism; Heads of travel agencies, agencies, hotels, resorts, tourist bases, hotel room managers, conference service professionals, leisure organizations, tourism researchers, recreational scientists, and more.
Department of physical geography, geomorphology and paleogeography Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The teaching staff of the department carries out the training of geographers of two qualification levels – bachelors and masters, teaching a number of fundamental, professionally oriented disciplines for the specialties “Geography”, “Earth science”, “Ecology and environmental protection”, “Earth management”, “Earth science” and cadastre “,” Tourism “,” Water supply and drainage “,” Construction and architecture “. The department provides teaching of the following courses: General Earth Science, General and Historical Geology, Fundamentals of Rational Nature Management and Nature Conservation, Geoecology, Geomorphology and Paleogeography, Meteorology and Climatology, Methods of Geographic Studies, Fundamentals of Landscape Ecology, Fundamentals of Landscape Ecology, Fundamentals of Landscape Ecology with basics of ethnography, Physical geography of continents and oceans, Applied landscape science, Soil science with basics of soil geography, Biogeography, Landscape science Theory and methodology of geographical science, Applied physical geography, Paleogeography of anthropogen, Geology and tectonics of Ukraine, Medical geography, Geographic foundations of ethnogenesis, Methodological problems of geographical science, Regional and applied meteorology, Anthropogenic landscape and geography, Geoecological problems of nature management, Geology and hydrogeology, Geology with the basics of geomorphology, Geology and geomorphology, Engineering geology.
Department of Geodesy in Cartography and Territorial Management Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Scientific direction of the department: cartographic and geodetic support of land cadastral works. The staff of the department take part in the implementation of the scientific theme: “Improvement of topographic-geodetic and cartographic support of natural resources cadastre using geoinformation technologies and systems”. The main results of the implementation of the scientific theme include: elucidation of the structural and functional features of the topographic-geodetic and thematic-cartographic support, as a research process in the field of land management, and, in fact, the implementation of the cadastre of natural resources; on the basis of scientific analysis of the historical process of environmental management in the West Ukrainian region the formation of an information database and a knowledge base; application of modern techniques, GIS technology and geoinformation mapping in the process of research; improvement of methodological principles of land valuation and study of spatial patterns of influence of geographical conditions and processes on the assessment of natural resources.
The Faculty of Economics of Chernivtsi National University is:
- unit of the oldest educational institution of the region with the highest level of accreditation;
- the leading center of higher economic education in Bukovina;
- the best teaching staff;
- modern logistical base;
- hostels in a campus with developed infrastructure;
- more than 12 thousand trained specialists for the economic complex of the country;
- international recognition and cooperation with foreign partners in many countries of the world;
- possibility of obtaining an officer’s rank at the military department of the ChNU;
- prospects of internship and continuation of study abroad;
- interesting and informative student leisure.
The Department of Enterprise Economics and Personnel Management is a graduate and provides training for specialists at all educational and qualification levels: “bachelor” (full and abbreviated form), “specialist” and “master” in the specialties in full-time and correspondence forms of study.
- “Business Economics”,
- “Personnel management and labor economics”,
- “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”,
- “Economics (Specialization: Personnel Management and Labor Economics)”.
The Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling (EMM) of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University started its activity on September 1, 2002 as a graduating department for training specialists in the specialty “Economic Cybernetics”. It functions within the Faculty of Economics. The staff of the department is highly qualified, young and promising, ready for the challenges of time and modern information society. Today, having passed the 15-year period since its foundation, the EMM department is competitive in the education market, has achieved significant results in terms of training training, the level of scientific publications and the release of IT specialists and modeling in economics and business.
Department of economic theory, management and administration Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The mission of the Department of Economic Theory, Management and Administration of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. This implementation is based on the work of highly qualified teaching staff; implementation of modern teaching methods using computer and multimedia equipment; establishing partnerships with leading enterprises of the Western region of Ukraine and with foreign universities-partners; constant updating and adaptation of the structure of sample training courses to the changing requirements of management; participation of the team in the development of scientific, applied and consulting projects for business structures.
Department of Innovation Marketing and Regional Development welcomes students
The Department of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development provides more than 40 courses taught by the best academics and business representatives. The training of students, carried out by the department, meets the requirements of the modern economy of Ukraine to the maximum, the process of education takes place using modern methods and approaches, multimedia and information technologies and on the basis of interactive communication between the teacher and students. The Department of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development has a specialized computer laboratory where practical and laboratory courses in the disciplines of specialization are held.
Department of International Economics of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The main scientific directions of the department are:
- factors, mechanisms and directions of activation of international economic cooperation of the regions of Ukraine;
- Ukraine’s potential in the field of international economic relations;
- conceptual framework for structural reorientation of Ukraine’s foreign trade to ensure sustainable economic development and economic sovereignty of the country;
- regional factors for integration into the global economic system;
- the impact of the integrative development of modern Ukraine on the state of its economic security;
- mechanisms of regulation of foreign economic activity in the conditions of globalization;
- financial-credit and currency support of foreign economic activity;
- ensuring the competitiveness of the foreign economic activity in the foreign markets.
The department of accounting, analysis and audit of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The department of accounting, analysis and audit prepares specialists and masters in the specialty “Accounting and taxation”. Training of specialists is carried out according to modern innovative technologies.
Teachers of the department are constantly searching for new, more sophisticated forms and methods of teaching in their educational and methodological work, focusing their efforts on modernizing the teaching system to the ideas and documents of the Bologna Process. Teachers of the department have created adequate methodological support for practical and seminar classes and independent work of students.
Department of Finance and Credit of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Allows a graduate to work in virtually every institution of the financial system, both public and corporate. Thus, graduates of the “Finance and Credit” training successfully work in prestigious positions in state and non-state financial bodies, including: State Tax Service, State Treasury Service of Ukraine (State Treasury of Ukraine), State Financial Inspectorate (State Audit Office of Ukraine) , The National Bank of Ukraine, leading commercial banks and enterprises. The level of knowledge acquired by the future financier within the walls of Chernivtsi National University allows him to continue his research at leading foreign universities.
Faculty of Foreign Languages Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The main subject of activity of the Faculty is educational activity in the field defined for it, which covers educational, educational, scientific, scientific-introductory, cultural, methodical spheres.
The main activities of the Faculty:
- Provides services in the field of education (according to the Statute of the Linguistic Center);
- Cooperates with foreign partners and international organizations in the framework of the University’s international activities.
- Training of specialists in licensed areas, specialties of educational and qualification levels: bachelor, specialist, master’s degree in cooperation with other departments of the University.
- Training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers of higher qualification and participation in their certification;
- Scientific research;
- Scientific-methodical, organizational-methodical, educational, cultural-educational, informational;
- Participation in career guidance work;
- Participation in international cooperation of the University.
Department of the English Language of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The teaching process at the Department of the English Language is carried out in three areas: Anglistics, Methodology of Teaching English and Translation. The lecturers conduct courses in English (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening), Grammar (practical, theoretical, historical, comparative and functional), Discourse Analysis, Cognitive Linguistics, Lexicology (Derivatology, Semantics, Lexicography), Phonetics (practical, theoretical), History of Language, Translation (theory and practice), Regional Geography, Linguocultural Studies, Text Interpretation, Communication Theory and Practice, Methodology of Teaching English, Methods of Linguistic Analysis and Literature of English-speaking countries.
About the department of German, General and Comparative Linguistics of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The Department of German, General and Comparative Linguistics provides teaching of German as the main, second and third specialty and disciplines of German, General and Comparative Linguistics at the full-time and correspondence departments at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
There are 22 teachers working at the department:
2 professors, doctors of philological sciences
1 professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences (in combination)
10 Associate Professors, Candidates of Philology
9 assistants, candidates of philology (3 of them in combination).
Specialists of the department teach both the practice of German language and a number of disciplines of the theoretical cycle in the fields of German, general and comparative linguistics, theoretical and practical disciplines in practice and theory of translation.
Teachers also work at the Small Academy, which operates at the university. It prepares students for admission to the university.
The department cooperates with the regional institute of postgraduate education and maintains liaison with the high school № 1 of the city of Chernivtsi, which is the base for passing the students of the senior courses of pedagogical practice.
In line with current trends in linguistic and methodological research, scientific and methodological seminars are regularly held at the Department of Foreign Languages.
Practical classes in English for postgraduate students of the humanities departments of the National Pedagogical University named after Y. Fedkovich are held at the department.
Department of Foreign Languages for the Humanities Faculties of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The department cooperates with the leading universities of Ukraine: Kyiv National Linguistic University, MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Zhytomyr State University Ivan Ohiyenko, Drohobych State Ivan Franko Pedagogical University.
Participation in seminars and workshops for teachers held by the British Council in Ukraine, the German Academic Exchange Service at the CNU, and others have become traditional.
Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University information
The current level of specialist training provides the creation of conditions for the development of language and speech competences and students’ level of knowledge in accordance with the requirements of a graduate specialist. The general purpose of foreign language training, which is currently provided for all specialties by the Department of Foreign Languages for the Faculties of Natural Sciences, is the practical mastery of the language, the achievement of the student a level of knowledge that will facilitate his integration into the language environment and competitiveness in the labor market
Department of Communicative Linguistics and Translation Chernivtsi National University general information
The main directions of the scientific interests of the department are: research in the field of interlingual and intercultural communication, the study of lexical semantics in associative relations, the development of the problem of artistic translation, highlighting the peculiarities of the functioning of different levels of linguistic units in the translation process, development and application of psychological methods. The students of the department have the opportunity to participate in all-Ukrainian and international conferences
Department of Romance Philology and Translation welcomes students
Nowadays the Department of Romance Philology and Translation is one of the best among the similar departments of Ukraine. The department is headed by its former graduate, Dr. Philol. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Higher School MM Popovich. The department has two professors, eight associate professors and 7 assistants. All have undergone lengthy language training at French universities. According to its professional level and qualification of teachers, the department competes with the French language departments of Kyiv and Lviv.
Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations Chernivtsi National University general information
Significant growth was primarily due to the opening of such new prestigious specialties as “political science”, “national studies”, “international information”, “public service”, “ethnology”. The introduction of new specialties was accompanied by the creation of new departments. As of the beginning of 2008, the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, International Relations, International Information, as well as the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Translation opened at the Faculty, along with three traditional departments: History of Ukraine, Ethnology, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern and Modern History ( serves primarily international relations, as well as others) – only 7 departments. As a result, the number of courses has increased significantly.
AND MUSEUM SCIENCE of Chernivtsi National University
The department trains and trains specialists in ancient and medieval history and archeology, museum studies and secondary education. Teachers of the department read the normative courses: “History of primitive society”, “History of the ancient East”, “Archeology of Ukraine”, “History of ancient Greece and Rome”, “History of Russia”, “History of medieval Asia”, “History of medieval Asia and Africa”, “History of the Byzantine Empire” and numerous special courses and special seminars. The department provides archaeological, ethnographic and museum-archival practices.
Welcome to the Department of Modern History of Chernivtsi National University
The department offers students a number of interesting special courses: “Fundamentals of Hermeneutics”, “Time in the history of mankind”, “Intellectual history of mankind”, “Transnistrian conflict”, “Problems of the history of World War II”, “National problems in the USSR”, “Wars and military conflicts” the second half of XX century “,” Genealogy “,” Genesis and development of socialist ideas “,” Youth radicalism of the second half of the 1960s in the countries of Western Europe and the United States “, Political development of Romania in the first half of the XX century”, “German society during the Nazi regime”, “Democracy Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe in the XX century. “and so on. An exceptional achievement of the department is to provide most of its subjects and artistic documentary video.
Department of International Relations Chernivtsi National University general information
The training is conducted in three educational and qualification levels – Bachelor, Specialist, Master. The department serves about 300 full-time and part-time students.
The department also prepares postgraduate students in the specialties – political institutes and processes and political problems of international systems and global development.
Department of International Information National University of Chernivtsi
The main task of the department is to train specialists in international information (Bachelor’s degree program) and information analysts, international translators (specialist and master’s degree program). Accordingly, the department reads over 40 normative courses, including “International Information”, “Fundamentals of International Information Relations”, “Communication Theory and Practice”, “International Information Systems and Technologies”, “Information Society” and others. An important component in the system of training international information specialists is the natural component, which includes the following courses: “Mathematical basics of information technologies”, “Applied informatics”, “Computer data processing”, “Decision-making theory”, “Mathematical modeling and forecasting in international relations ”. In addition, some courses are taught at the choice of universities and students, including “Foreign Policy Features of the G8”, “International Media Monitoring”, “Information Security”, “The Impact of Globalization on the Development of QMS”, “Propaganda and Special Information Operations” and others In the process of preparing bachelors, specialists and masters, a profound study of modern European languages is ensured. Students also learn regional languages - Romanian, Polish, Czech.
Department of Political Science and Public Administration National University of Chernivtsi
Since the foundation of the department staff has been carrying out considerable educational and methodological work that provides teaching of theoretical and applied courses in general theory of politics, history of political thought, technology of electoral process, theoretical and methodological problems of political science studies, comparative political science and political sociology, political science and political sociology a number of other disciplines in the specialty “political science”
Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Chernivtsi National University
The department provides teaching of foreign languages at the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations. Particular attention is paid to language practice, in view of the fact that the teachers of the department use the most modern methods of teaching foreign languages.
The scientific staff of the department conducts active scientific researches aimed at solving significant problems in such fields as literary studies, translation studies, linguistic studies.
During the existence of the department, 9 PD theses were defended.
The Department maintains contacts with foreign countries, cultural and diplomatic centers of these countries in Kiev. Teachers from Austria, Germany, France, Canada, Spain, USA are invited to read lectures and practical classes.
The department holds traditional foreign language festivals, which are very popular among university students.
Institute of Physical Engineering and Computer Science
Information about Departments
Department of Computer Systems and Networks is welcoming students
The training of specialists in the field “Computer Engineering” has been carried out at Chernivtsi National University since 1987, when the specialization of computer systems and networks for the training of systems engineers was opened at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Physics.
Department of Computer Science information
Specialists of this specialty are in high demand in the modern market of information technologies and services. Development and design of information systems, solving problems of implementation of information technologies in production conditions, developing models of business processes, formulating business requirements for the developed software are tasks that are solved by such specialists.
One of the new activities of the department is training of computer system analysts. The analyst’s activities are aimed at finding new principles of enterprise organization and implementation of more effective systems of business process management, creation and use of applied information systems in various fields – economy, finance, ecology, insurance and others.
The educational process is provided with educational literature, e-learning tools, and computer equipment. Classes are held in modern computer classes equipped with wired and Wi-Fi Internet access.
Department of Mathematical Control and Cybernetics of Chernivtsi National University
The department develops scientific directions in the field of mathematical modeling of mechatronic systems, recognition of handwritten and printed characters, computer construction of complex spatial objects from different types of primitives, bounded by surfaces of the second and third orders, computer analysis and synthesis of control systems.
The Department of Computer Systems Software Chernivtsi National University maintains a constant connection with foreign partners.
In 2007, between the Faculty of Computer Science and the Canadian company VoIP Shield Systems Inc. ( Fitzgerald Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) An IT collaboration agreement was signed under which the company opened an IR telephony lab at the faculty and equipped it with computer hardware and software. Based on this laboratory, a branch of VoIPShield was opened in Chernivtsi, with graduates and students from the Faculty of Computer Science. In the years that followed, they interned at a major company in Canada. In 2013, the Chernivtsi branch was restored. Today, this affiliate has become a DataWiz company.
Since 2016, faculty members have been actively developing collaborative information security projects with Oculus Technologies LLC of the United Arab Emirates, a feature of which is a significant research and technology component. Senior students and undergraduates are involved in the work.
Department of Correlation Optics of Chernivtsi National University glad to welcome new students
The Department of Correlation Optics provides basic courses in the following areas of specialist training: Optics, Telecommunications, Printing and Publishing.
For the past thirteen years, the SPIE and OSA student departments, as well as the CISCO Academy departments, have been active in the Department of Correlation Optics.
Department of Optics and Printing Chernivtsi National University prepares future students from the following directions:
- WEB design.
- Website evaluation information technology;
- methodology for designing computer-aided publication systems;
- systematic analysis and optimization of editions parameters in publishing and printing processes;
- automated image preparation information technology
- 3D modeling of spatial models;
- modeling and optimization of electronic resources design processes;
- improvement of electronic publishing technologies;
- design of information systems;
- information security of electronic resources;
- multimedia technologies and interactive advertising resources;
- information technology for the design of electronic editions for tablets;
Department of Energy and Electronics of Chernivtsi National University welcoming students
Departments prepares masters, specialists and bachelors in two engineering fields according to the state order: “Electronics” (Specialization: Electronic devices and devices) (employment: electronics enterprises, diagnostic centers, medical institutions, research institutes and educational institutions) and “Electrical power engineering” , Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics “(Specializations: Non-traditional and renewable energy sources, Lighting engineering and light sources) (Employment: Energy and Electrical Engineering Enterprises profile, energy oversight committees, research institutes and educational institutions) by day and part-time study. Our student will gain a high level of knowledge that will allow him to work in a specialty not only in Ukraine but also abroad.
Department of Radio Engineering of Chernivtsi National University and Information Security gives an opportunity to get the knowledge and employment
After graduation, the graduates of the department will have the opportunity to find employment in consulting firms, computer, trading and financial companies in the following positions:
– Data Administrator;
- Specialist in operating systems;
- Information Security Auditor;
- Chief Information Systems Security Officer;
- Information Systems Security Manager;
- Information Security Architect;
- Information Systems Security Engineer;
- Computer Network Security Specialist;
- Software developer;
- Risk and vulnerability analyst.
Department of Theoretical Physics and Computer Modeling of Chernivtsi National University
By choosing the specialty “Secondary education (physics)” (specialization physics and informatics) the student will acquire the necessary knowledge and will: have basic knowledge of general and theoretical physics, crystal physics, material science, physics of semiconductors and dielectrics, in particular nanogeterosystems; work with specialized measuring devices; use engineering software and create new ones using Pascal, Fortran, C ++ programming languages and Mathcad, Matlab, Wolfram Mathematica, etc. to have a teaching methodology of physics .
Department of Thermoelectricity and Medical Physics National University opens the doors for students
Applied Physics ”as a specialty of higher education is a system of educational, research and educational activities aimed at forming specialists – physicists for research, development, with the purpose of solving actual applied problems of physics of production processes, physics of devices of elements and systems, creation new materials and equipment for defense, industry, agriculture, energy, transport and telecommunications.
Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures of University of Chernivtsi
The main scientific direction of the Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures is the development of physical and technological bases for the study of the electronic properties of epitaxial layers, nanostructures and nanomaterials, thin films, film multisheets and heterojunctions, high-grade semiconductor single crystals. Historically, the department has had various names, which actually reflects the process of transition from the study and production of micron-sized electronics to nanoscale quantum-effect elements.
Department of Information Technology and Computer Physics students specialisations
“Physics and Astronomy” with a specialization in “Computer Physics”;
“Secondary education – physics” with specialization “physics and informatics”).
GENERAL INFORMATION about the faculty of architecture, construction and arts and crafts Chernivtsi National University of of Yuriy Fedkovych
At present, the faculty carries out educational activities in the following accredited specialties:
Architecture and Urban Planning (Bachelor’s, Master’s (Qualification) Levels):
professional qualification – architect, architect-designer; interior and exterior designer; graphic designer; architect-restorer;
Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering (Bachelor’s, Master’s (Qualification) and Master’s Degree Levels):
Professional qualification – civil engineer, structural engineer; estimating engineer; engineer-technologist;
Fine Arts, Decorative Arts, Restoration (Bachelor’s, Master’s Degree (Master’s) (full-time and correspondence):
professional qualification – art critic.
The activity of the Department of Architecture and Conservation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites is aimed at training qualified architects of the Master of Arts professionals with a broad line of activity with a professional look at ways to preserve and transform the historical and modern urban environment by means of architecture as a whole, and from knowledge and knowledge. activities of UNESCO and the preservation of World Heritage Sites. The department employs highly experienced teachers with considerable experience of practical work and young people, talented architects, graduates of Chernivtsi National University.
Foreign relations of Faculty of Architecture of Construction and Decorative Applied
The Faculty of Architecture of Construction and Decorative Applied Arts also has close international relations with relevant institutions of Poland, Austria, Germany, in particular with the University of Applied Sciences in Lubeck (Germany).
The leadership of the faculty has always attached great importance to improving the professional level of the teaching staff of the department. So in 2015 the teaching staff of the department underwent an internship at the University of Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Lübeck (Germany).
Department arts and crafts activity of Chernivtsi National University of Yuriy Fedkovych
The Chair of Decorative Applied and Fine Arts of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University is important in the processes of popularization of artistic folk traditions of Bukovina and modern professional and artistic practices that are carriers of national culture of our country. Expositions of works of art and exhibitions of decorative and applied character clearly demonstrate the phenomenon of Ukrainian ethnos, testify to the high quality level of art education in the region, highlight the progressive worldview of the artists of our time and give an opportunity to evaluate their significant cultural heritage. Expressive national orientation, based on sources of folk art, determines the vectors of development of art education – the affirmation of spiritual ideals, the revival of national-cultural consciousness and the search for new plastic possibilities of art in contemporary artistic space.
Department of Urban Planning Chernivtsi National University
The teaching process at the Department of Architecture is provided by professors, doctors of architectural, art, technical and physical-mathematical sciences, associate professors, candidates of architectural, technical and physical-mathematical sciences, as well as honored architects, artists and builders of Ukraine, assistants. Leading architects and builders of the city and region are also involved in the educational process. The educational and pedagogical and scientific potential of other faculties is also used.
Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work Chernivtsi National University
Department of Pedagogy and Social Work
The department prepares specialists in the specialty “Social work” in the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education (educational programs “Social pedagogy”, “Social work”, “Social work in the community”). In 2017, the department started training specialists in the specialty “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences” of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education. As of 2019, the preparation of masters programs is under two educational programs – Adult Education and Inclusive Education.
Department of music Chernivtsi National University
Provide training of specialists in the specialties “Variety singing” and “Musical variety art” was introduced at the department. Upon graduation, the graduates receive the qualification “Music teacher, variety singing teacher, leader of vocal and instrumental ensemble”. They are awarded the educational levels of Bachelor of Arts, Specialist and Master of Arts.
Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education prepares specialists from such directions:
During the first decade, the department has trained full-time specialists with specializations in “Ukrainian Studies”, “Fine Arts”, “Foreign Language” and “Practical Psychology”. The educational process today is provided by: 2 Doctors of Sciences, Professors (1 of them in combination), 13 Candidates of Science (9 associate professors, 4 assistants) and 4 assistants. 3 teachers of the department work on doctoral dissertations. Among the teachers of the department are excellent students of education of Ukraine, laureates of the Omelyan Popovich Prizes, Yuriy Fedkovich, winners of the regional contest “Teacher of the Year”, teachers-practitioners, scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.
The average age of full-time faculty members with scientific degrees and academic titles is 36 years.
The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool Education has been operating within the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work since September 1, 2007.
The department prepares bachelors and masters in educational programs:
– “Preschool education (psychology in pre-school education institutions)”;
– “Preschool education (speech therapy)”.
Department of Practical Psychology visions and objectives
The main objective of the department’s educational activity is to prepare and produce competitive specialists in practical psychology who have acquired knowledge and skills in accordance with national and international higher education criteria and standards.
This requires teachers of the department to provide high scientific-theoretical, methodical and professional level of teaching and innovative support of the educational process
The Department of Psychology is actively working towards the study of international experience and the possibilities of its use in the educational process. So, in May 2016, Leonardo Lenzi, a professor in the basics of moral theology and moral aspects of economics at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, was invited. The scientist met with students and teachers of the Department of Psychology, discussed the prospects of future cooperation and the creation of a joint international project in the field of mediation.
Within the educational process, students receive practical skills in the field of psychodiagnosis, psycho-correction, psychological counseling, technologies of group work, etc. It is for the sake of acquiring proper practical skills that the department has organized and established a clear system of students’ practice placement.
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Chernivtsi National University
Algebra Сomputer science department:
Courses taught by teachers of the department:
- Linear algebra.
- Algebra and geometry.
- Differential geometry and topology.
- Algebra and number theory.
- Fundamentals of group theory.
- Higher Mathematics (for students of Natural Sciences).
- Pedagogical practice (4th year).
- Assistant practice (6 year).
- Selected sections of modern mathematics.
- Methods of theory of self-adjoint operators and their application.
- Generalized functions and their application.
- Evolutionary equations and their applications.
- History of mathematics.
- Elementary mathematics and methods of teaching mathematics.
- Image of geometric shapes in space.
- Analytical geometry of affine and Euclidean spaces.
- Geometric transformations.
- Selected questions of algebra and the beginnings of analysis.
- Invariant varieties of dynamical systems.
- Computer science and computer technology.
- Computer Engineering and Programming.
- Selected questions of Riemann geometry.
- Analytical geometry.
- Introduction to the specialty.
- The philosophy of education and science.
- Geometric transformations and image construction.
- Software-pedagogical means of training.
- Techniques of teaching professional disciplines.
- Tasks with parameters.
- Mathematics with the basics of mathematical logic.
- Functional equations. Methods of solving.
- Fundamentals of geometry.
- Methods of teaching mathematics.
Department of Mathematical Analysis Chernivtsi National University
The department has doctoral, postgraduate and master’s degrees. Teachers of the department read basic mathematical courses of mathematical, complex and functional analysis, theory of measure and integral, mathematical logic, as well as special courses in higher analysis:
“General Function Theory”, “Operators in Analytic Function Spaces”, “Topological Vector Spaces”, “Geometry of Banach Spaces”, “Approximation Theory”, “Function Theory of Many Variables”, “Additional Sections of Function Theory”, “Numerical Systems” and others.
Information about Department of Mathematical Modeling Chernivtsi National University
The purpose of the department was to provide specialization of students of the specialty “Mathematics” of the scientific-production profile, coordination and development of scientific researches in mathematical modeling, mechanics (PMM) and mathematical analysis (MA).
Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology main information
The department provides the following disciplines: “Discrete Mathematics” , “Set Theory and Mathematical Logic”, “Web Design”, “System Programming”, “Object-Oriented Programming”, “C / C ++ Programming Language”, “Visual Programming Technologies”, “Mathematical Modeling and System Analysis”, “Computer Graphics” ,” Computational Methods “,” Modeling of Ecological, Economic and Social Processes “,” Mathematical Modeling of Impulse Effect Systems “,” Algorithms and Data Structures “,” Logical Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Systems “,” Information Protection in Networks and Databases “,” Information Theory and Coding ”,“ Project Management ”,“ Management and Marketing Information Systems ”,“ Mathematical Risk Theory ”,“ Mathematical Models of Natural Processes ”, “Operating Systems”, “Network Operating Systems” and “Computer Algebra” , “RFR Server Language”, “Java Programming Technologies” , computer science courses at nine faculties of the University and other disciplines.
Currently, the academic programs and faculty within Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University’s College of PC&PH are organized into 6 departments headed by Chairs appointed by the Dean:
- Department of Physical Education for Students of the Humanities
- Department of Physical Education for Students of Natural Sciences
- The Department of Physical and Health Education
- Department of Health Life Safety
- Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sport
- ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps)
Each department offers numerous majors, minors and some departments offer opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate studies.
The Department of Life Safety is a structural unit of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University and provides training for students of different faculties in the following disciplines:
- basics of labor protection;
- anatomy and sports morphology;
- labor protection in the field of education;
- basics of medical knowledge;
- basics of pediatrics and hygiene
- public health and rescue medicine.
Department of physical rehabilitation and ergotherapy Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
One of the main criteria for evaluating one’s own activity is the staff of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation considers the demand and high competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. Specialists in the specialty “Physical Rehabilitation” (“” Physical Therapy, ergotherapy “) may be employed as a:
- university teachers,
- specialists in physical therapy in medical establishments,
- specialists in physical therapy in educational establishments,
- ergotherapists,
- by exercise instructors,
- massage therapists and sports massage therapists,
- specialists in the centers of physical rehabilitation of children with lesions of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system,
- Specialists in special boarding schools,
- specialists in institutions for the elderly and disabled,
- specialists in social rehabilitation schools,
- specialists in public organizations of “Invasport”,
- consultants of recreation and resort, sports, social and rehabilitation centers and establishments,
- in research and scientific-medical activity
- teachers of physical rehabilitation.
Department of Physical Education and Health is becoming more and more attractive for students
Classical forms of teaching – lectures, laboratory, practical and seminar classes are supplemented by various forms of individual work with students, classes on sports pedagogical improvement. The department is working on improving educational and methodological work. Methodical seminars are regularly held to discuss the curriculum and curriculum developed by the teachers, prospectuses of study guides, texts of lecture courses, plans of seminars and practical classes, and materials of educational and methodological support according to ECST requirements.
Places for possible employment of graduates of the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”
- trainer-teacher of children’s and youth sports schools;
- manager in sports clubs and fitness centers;
- instructor-trainer of sports clubs (gyms, fitness centers, etc.); · Organizer of sports events;
- organizer (instructor) in sports and health tourism;
- instructor (organizer) of physical culture and sports at the workplace or at the place of residence;
- employee of state or public bodies of management of physical culture and sports;
- Head of Physical Training in Armed and Power Formations;
- instructor-methodologist in physical culture and sports;
- employee of sports and recreation camps;
- physical education teacher at higher education institutions.
Faculty of Business and Accounting Finance of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University The total number of scientific and pedagogical staff employed by the faculty is 37, including 34 full-time and 3 part-time. All full-time faculty members defended their doctoral or PD theses. The faculty consists of 3 doctors of science, 32 candidates of sciences, 18 of them are associate professors and 2 graduate students who work part-time. The departments of the faculty continuously conduct research work, the results of which are the implementation of 3 departmental research works on basic research, preparation of scientific projects for participation in competitive selection of projects financed by the state budget. In particular, three projects were submitted in the last year. More than 250 scientific articles have been published by the Faculty of Finance, Entrepreneurship and Accounting, 9 of which are in the Web of Science and Scopus scientific metric databases.19 publications in foreign publications (4 of which are in Scopus scientific-metric database).239 publications in Ukrainian scientific publications (5 of which are Web-Science and Scopus scientific-metric databases);158 abstracts at conferences. Each year, students of the Faculty, under the guidance of teachers, take an active part in the All-Ukrainian and international competitions of student scientific works, olympiads, scientific-practical conferences, Weeks of Science and other events of a scientific nature. Among the students of the Faculty for 2016-2018 there are more than 20 winners of competitions of different levels, 6 students have won honorary 1-3 places at the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in economic disciplines. More than 500 student scientific publications have been published and published. The Faculty of Finance, Entrepreneurship and Accounting is actively working towards international relations. During 2014-2019 the faculty cooperated with a number of educational institutions and scientific institutions abroad.
Department of Public, Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation of University information
The Department of Public, Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation is aimed at training a modern specialist who is able to carry out a thorough analysis of economic and social processes, and on that basis to formulate and implement a financial strategy for the development of the state, as well as of an individual company or individual in particular. The Department of Public, Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation provides training for the specialty 6.030508 “Finance and Credit” (Professional Direction “Public Finance”, “Business Finance”, “Credit and Banking”) and “Finance, Banking and Insurance” (Professional “Public, Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation”). Today the department works on the curricula unified with the curricula of classical universities, new curricula are developed and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Convention and the Law on Higher Education.
Accounting and Taxation Department of University
One of the priority activities of the department is to provide students with up-to-date knowledge of computer systems and technologies and practical skills in using them in their professional activities. To this end, the department has an office of information systems and technologies in accounting, auditing and analysis, the work of which is provided with licensed software 1 C 8 “Kit for higher education institutions of Ukraine”, which gives the opportunity to get full basic skills of students of specialty “Accounting and taxation » of computerized accounting, management of production, trading activity of the enterprise, its labor resources. In the conditions of development of business activity, growth of its types and forms, orientation to the European lifestyle, the desire of people to have their own business becomes an indispensable attribute of modern socio-economic development. In these circumstances, the question arises – what kind of diploma should you have in order to start your own business and ensure its profitability? The most appropriate in this case is the specialty “Accounting and taxation”. After all, the knowledge of accounting provide an opportunity to understand business processes from within, which will streamline the processes of planning and business management.
Department of Public, Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation
The Department of Public, Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation is aimed at training a modern specialist who is able to carry out a thorough analysis of economic and social processes, and on that basis to formulate and implement a financial strategy for the development of the state, as well as of an individual company or individual in particular.
Accounting and Taxation Department Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
One of the priority activities of the department is to provide students with up-to-date knowledge of computer systems and technologies and practical skills in using them in their professional activities. To this end, the department has an office of information systems and technologies in accounting, auditing and analysis, the work of which is provided with licensed software 1 C 8 “Kit for higher education institutions of Ukraine”, which gives the opportunity to get full basic skills of students of specialty “Accounting and taxation »of computerized accounting, management of production, trading activity of the enterprise, its labor resources. In the conditions of development of business activity, growth of its types and forms, orientation to the European lifestyle, the desire of people to have their own business becomes an indispensable attribute of modern socio-economic development. In these circumstances, the question arises – what kind of diploma should you have in order to start your own business and ensure its profitability? The most appropriate in this case is the specialty “Accounting and taxation”. After all, the knowledge of accounting provide an opportunity to understand business processes from within, which will streamline the processes of planning and business management.
Faculty of Philology of University has such departments:
Department of Journalism
Graduates work in print media, websites, radio and television, publishing and press services. Students and faculty of the department organize events to mark the Day of Solidarity of Journalists around the world, the Day of Remembrance of the Journalists and other professional dates, and meet with leading journalists and publishers. Students participate in student conferences and competitions, combining learning with media work. They publish their own educational newspapers, magazines, brochures, booklets, develop design and branding. Students received awards: Solidarity Treasure Film Festival (1st place for the film “You cannot survive for life”, 2017), “Cinema” (1st place, 2016), Student Works Festival for the 70th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights (3rd place, 2018) . Ranked in the All-Ukrainian VII Competition “Honor of the Profession” in the nomination “Hope of Journalism” (2016), won the third place at the Scotch Fest International Advertising Festival (Kyiv, 2017), won the third place in the All-Ukrainian Competition “Golden Compass” (2016) , presenting the PR-PROJECT “ART HUNTERS CLUB”.
Department of Foreign Literature and Theory of Literature Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Department cooperate with universities of Ukraine and abroad.The staff of the department maintains business relations with higher educational establishments and scientific institutions of our country (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kiev National Linguistic University, Donetsk National University, Lviv National University, Lviv National University), Volodymyr Hnatyuk University, VN Karazin Kharkiv National University, etc.) and selected universities of CIS and CIS: Tart University of Estonia (Estonia), St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Humanities University, Yelets State University, Columbia University (Harriman Institute), University of Vienna, Klagenfurt University (Austria), Pedagogical University, Germany and The program of study provides for the possibility of internship students abroad at one of these educational institutions. The representatives of the department (Rikhlo PV, Matiychuk OM, Kravchuk OV, Isapchuk YV) are participants of the international program of the Center of German Studies at the Department of World Literature of the Institute of Literature. T.G. Shevchenko NAS of Ukraine and Institute of German and Dutch Philology of the Free University of Berlin.
Department of History and Culture of Ukrainian language
The international activity of the department is powerful and dynamic: our colleagues have studied or trained, taught and taught at leading universities in Poland, the Czech Republic, Moldova, represented Ukraine at many foreign scientific conferences, in editorial boards of foreign publications. We have arranged systematic trips of Chernivtsi philologists to language practice in Poland.
Section of Slavic Philology (Department of Foreign Literature, Theory of Literature and Slavic Philology)
On the basis of the department, and now the section, an international research center “Bible and Culture” was created. The team maintains active scientific relations with the leading universities of Ukraine and educational institutions of Poland, Romania, Serbia, Russia, Belarus.
Faculty of Philosophy and Theology Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University information
Today there are three departments at the Faculty – Philosophy , Cultural Studies, Religious Studies and Theology, and Sociology. At the time of the opening of the Department of Cultural Studies.The Faculty of Philosophy and Theology prepares specialists in five directions (“philosophy”, “religious studies”, “theology”, “sociology”, “cultural studies”). The structure of the Faculty also includes masters, postgraduate and scientific council for the protection of PD and doctoral theses in the specialties “Philosophy of Science” and “Religious Studies” (Philosophical Sciences). Another structural unit of the Faculty is the Theological Branch, the activity of which is governed by the Agreement on Joint Educational Activities between the Kyiv Theological Academy and Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, concluded on April 18, 2003. The preparation of the theologians is carried out at the request of the Church. For the practical classes of students of the theological department is used the Three-Holy Church, which is located near the academic buildings of the University and the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology in particular.
Department of Cultural Studies in Cultural Studies and Theology
Going to the anniversary, the staff of the department were united by spiritual joy and professional pride. After all, during its first twenty years, it has grown and established itself as one of the most prestigious and powerful in the scientific and pedagogical and educational plan of structural units not only of the faculty, but of the university as a whole.As an independent research and educational unit of the Department of Religious Studies and Theology, it was created on the basis of the decision of the Rectorate and the Academic Council of the University of July 9, 1998 on the basis of the theological department, which functioned in the structure of the Philosophical and Theological Faculty of the Chernivtsi National University (since 2001) named after Yuriy Fedkovich since his revival in October 1993 and, of course, supplemented by the teachers of the Department of Philosophy.
Department of Sociology Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University information
The Department of Sociology, Social Security and Local Self-Government is a young and promising department established at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology in September 2005. The training of sociologists (bachelors, specialists and masters) is carried out by highly qualified teachers, consisting of a doctor of philosophy, professor, 2 candidates of sociology, associate professors, two candidates of philosophical sciences, associate professors and two candidates of historical sciences, associate professors. The department maintains contacts with universities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Cherkasy, Ternopil and other cities of Ukraine. The department also cooperates with the Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine and the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg University (Russia). Agreement on Cooperation with the Department of Religious Processes in Ukraine Concluded Department of Religious Studies of the GS Philosophy Institute Frying pans of the NAS of Ukraine within the framework of the implementation of the departmental theme: “Interethnic and Interfaith Relations in the Context of Social Transformations: A Sociological Dimension”. There is a permanent seminar at the department, which provides methodological and consultative assistance to teachers of social disciplines, leaders on problems of organizational and management activity, conducts trainings on business culture. Help with these issues is possible. On the basis of the department are held International and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, materials of which are published in the journal “Religion and Society”. Preparation for the International Scientific and Practical Video Conference “Social Determinants of Interaction in the Interfaith Space of Ukraine: Theory and Practice (to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation)”. All conference information is provided in a news release. The department has a sociological laboratory, which is engaged in the study of transformation processes in society, the study of public opinion on the activities of public and state institutions. The laboratory can professionally conduct research in different areas of social activity. We look forward to constructive cooperation proposals. The department is open to cooperation with educational and research institutes, state and public organizations, legal entities and individuals in the field of providing sociological information, consulting services and conducting sociological research.
Department of Philosophy Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The department provides teaching of the Philosophy course for students of different specialties at the university. At the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, the teachers of the department provide the teaching of the following normative and selective subjects: Introduction to the specialty; Ancient Philosophy; Philosophy and Culture of the East; Philosophy of the Middle Ages; New Age philosophy; Nineteenth-century philosophy; Contemporary World Philosophy; Formal logic; Classical logic; Non-classical logic; Philosophy and history of religion; History of Philosophy in Ukraine; History of science and technology; Ontology and Metaphysics; Philosophical analysis of mythology; Contemporary philosophical anthropology; Modern religious philosophy; The basics of psychoanalysis; Philosophy of Culture; Postmodernism; Social philosophy; Philosophy of history; Practical philosophy; Philosophy of creativity; Philosophy of language; The problem of man in the history of philosophy; Philosophy and methodology of science; Epistemology; Philosophical problems of science; Modern philosophy of science; Analytical philosophy; Synergetics; Virtual Reality; Philosophy of Humanities; Methodology of philosophical sciences; Hermeneutics; Phenomenology; The problem of meaning in humanitarian knowledge; Fundamentals of Academic Culture; Organization of research work; Knowledge management; Education philosophy; Methods of teaching philosophical disciplines; Methods of teaching philosophical disciplines in ZVO; Axiology; Eco-philosophy; Bioethics; Health philosophy; Conflictology and mediation; Philosophy of Law; Philosophy of politics; The History and Theory of Feminism; The problem of freedom in modern philosophy.
Faculty of Law Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University general information
The Faculty has a clear understanding of its most important goals. Among them is to become recognized by the law faculty of Europe in the manner of being in the world. We are open to the Ukrainian society and to the world. We know how to help young people find their way in life and be successful. At the Faculty, lectures by well-known foreign law professors to our students and regular visits by our teachers and students for lecturing and studying at European universities became a daily matter. Our students are full subjects of the educational process. Not only do they have the right, but they actually choose more than 35% of undergraduate credits, and twice as much in a master’s degree. The Faculty has advanced student self-government. Our students do not forget the taste of victories in the most prestigious national and world competitions of the most successful in professional training. Our graduates are in demand around the world. The best part is that in Ukraine as well. Many of them have achieved outstanding success.
Department of Public Law Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
At present, the Department of Public Law, both in number and in terms of activity, is the most powerful in the faculty. It employs 25 research and teaching staff. In particular, the department teaches 5 doctors of law, 10 candidates of law and about 10 people without degrees.
Department of Criminal Law and Forensics National University of Chernivtsi
For more than ten years, cooperation has been ongoing on a contractual basis between the Faculty of Law of the University . Yurii Fedkovich and the Levitt Institute (USA) within the project “The BUILD Initiative”, in which up to 50 senior students participate annually on a voluntary basis from the Faculty of Law. During the fall and spring semesters, they take special courses from professors from US universities and prominent US judges and lawyers in addition to personal training programs, and in summer they go to internships at various US law institutions. To summarize, according to the Alumni Database, 95 percent of graduate students and almost 90 percent of graduate graduates are employed by a law profession in Ukraine. This is a worthy indicator for a market society, which attests to their competitiveness in the labor market through proper professional training. Some graduates of the Faculty who are well-trained and fluent in English have a job in other European countries and the United States.
Department of European Law and Comparative Law welcomes students
The Faculty has a clear understanding of its most important goals. Among them is to become recognized by the law faculty of Europe in the manner of being in the world. We are open to the Ukrainian society and to the whole world. We know how to help young people find their way in life and be successful. At the Faculty, lectures by well-known foreign law professors to our students and regular visits by our teachers and students for lecturing and studying at European universities became a daily matter.
Department of Procedural Law National University of Chernivtsi
The systematic focused work of the entire academic community of the faculty on improving the quality of law training has already brought significant gains. Among them, the key is the creation of an innovative scientific and educational environment for teachers and students, which encourages and fosters creativity. In particular, the journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science databases have featured legal research from faculty and graduate students
Department of Human Rights National University of Chernivtsi information
Sample synthesis and bridge of legal cultures of the West and the East. The law faculty of the Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovich called it during his first visits his famous Swiss law professor, now the most authoritative researcher of the creative heritage of Eugene Ehrlich Manfred Rebinder. He also noted that the faculty is an organic blend of tradition and innovation. Their alloy provided the faculty with unique internal qualities and external features, made it recognizable among the whole set of law schools of Ukraine.
Department of Private Law National University of Chernivtsi general information
- Civil Law of Ukraine
- Civil Law of Ukraine
- Business Law of Ukraine
- Labor Law of Ukraine
University Accomodation
There are normally one to four people living in each room. Two- to three-person rooms are usually allocated to bachelor’s students (four-person accommodation is infrequent), two-person rooms are shared between master’s students and post graduates are offered single occupancy rooms at some universities. International students can be accommodated with their Russian peers or at the dormitories specially reserved for foreigners.
Chernivtsi city
Chernivtsi, Russian Chernovtsy, formerly (until 1944) city, southwestern situated on the upper Prut River in the Carpathian foothills. The first documentary reference to Chernivtsi dates from about 1408, when it was a town in Moldova and the chief centre of the area known as Bukovina. Chernivtsi later passed to the Turks and then in 1774 to Austria . Always a major focus of trade, it grew in the early 20th century as an industrial centre and an important railway junction, with lines to Lviv, Moldova, and Romania. Industries have included woolen and cotton textile processing, light engineering , food possessing , especially meat and sugar), and timber working. Chernivtsi stretches for more than 7 miles (11 km) along the Prut, and new suburbs have grown up on the low left bank. It has a university, founded in 1875, and a medical institute. Historically, the city’s population has been a mixture of Ukrainians, Romanians, Jews, Germans, and Armenians.
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