The Black Sea National University has created all the conditions for the development of young specialists of the new generation.
The material base of the university includes 11 buildings, united in a single complex – a campus. All conditions for comfortable study of students are created, because everything in the university is done for students, for the benefit and convenience.
The library has 110,000,000 copies, including 15 books in 15 languages. The library includes a subscription and 2 reading rooms with a total of 300 seats.
A Computer Center and 14 computer classes are functioning. There are now 500 state-of-the-art computers at the university. They are all integrated into a local area network. There is also a Wi-Fi computer network, which now has over 600 laptops, PDAs and other wireless devices for staff and students at the university. More than 5 thousand users are registered on the local network. Each staff member, student, student in the preparatory department or faculty of DVO has free access to computers and free access to the World Wide Web. There are two printing and copying facilities equipped with copiers, computers, printers and scanners, including a large-format color printer for large poster printing.
The Center for Innovative Technologies within the framework of the implementation of the United Nations Development Program of the project “Innovative Springboard: Invitation for Cooperation” was opened at the university.
In the science laboratories, students can practice their theoretical knowledge.
Medical centre. If necessary, students can always get the skilled help of a healthcare professional. The location of the medical center is on the ground floor of the first training building.
There are also 3 modern gyms, 2 gyms and a yacht, where students regularly go on environmental expeditions.
If you are hungry, you have at your disposal a student cafeteria and café where you can eat, meet for a break with your friends and learn the news.
The publishing house publishes scientific works of our scientists and more.
For example, if you write poems and want to publish your own books, Mohyla will help you with this.
For those who are not indifferent to fine arts, there is an Art Gallery, where the best artists exhibit their work and whose work is celebrated at the highest level. International delegations visiting our Gallery praised her artistic level.
The Petro Mohyla National Technical University is based on the International Relations Department and the Center for International Cooperation.
Graduate Studies in 12 specialties will be pleased to welcome willing students who are ready to devote their lives to science. There are also five specialized scientific councils at the university, which hold defenses in 9 scientific disciplines.
There is a Student Scientific Society at the Petro Mohyla National University, which publishes the scientific collection “Student Scientific Studies”. Students can deepen their professional training in American, Economic, German and other clubs. Every year English and Austrian summer schools are held. The Center for English-speaking Humanitarian Information, established jointly with the US Peace Corps in Ukraine, the Student Translation Center, and the like, operate.
Students have the opportunity to show their talent for journalism in the print periodical of Petro Mohyla University – Vagant newspaper, as well as to participate in the filming of programs for Petro Mohyla TV.
Since 1998, the Black Sea Stars Art Festival has been held annually.
In 1999, students of the Petro Mohyla National Technical University created a regional club of intellectual games. Since that time in Nikolaev the championship on “What? Where? When?” and the Brain-Ring Championship among student and school teams.
At the Petro Mohyla National Technical University there are 15 sports sections, namely volleyball, basketball, athletics, aerobics, oriental martial arts, diving, sailing and others.
Every year, students of the relevant specialties of the Petro Mohyla Chernobyl National University pass internships in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Parliament of Canada.
The University cooperates with such foreign partners as the Goethe-Institut, DAAD, Siemens, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Bosch Foundation, the Europeicum Program (Germany); Alliance Française Association, Français à domicile (France); Fellowship Program in Poland (Poland); Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation (Italy); the Maritime Studies program, the Quota program (Norway); Tempus-Tacis program (European Union).
General information:
Specialist and language training at the Faculty of Economics is provided by 6 departments: economic theory and international economics; finance and credit; enterprise economics; land management; accounting and auditing; professional English language training. The teaching process at the faculty is provided by 10 doctors of sciences and professors, 26 candidates of sciences and associate professors.
University has experienced teachers who use the latest technology of teaching and conducting practical classes;
Modern information technology in the economy is an integral part of the educational process;
Rating system makes it possible to work daily, which ensures high quality of education;
a broad base of internships for students; among our partners – JV Nibulon JSC, JSC CB Privatbank, JSC OTP Bank, JSC Ukrsibbank, JSC Pure Water, PE Business Union, IC Providna;
we spend significantly more time learning English than required by the regulations;
Is a group of financiers who study all disciplines in English: from mathematics and philosophy to business planning and financial analysis;
For two years the second foreign language of the student’s choice is studied: German, French, Polish, Bulgarian, Chinese, Turkish;
our students choose the part of the humanities and professional disciplines they want to study;
we guarantee the employment of students after graduation; our graduates successfully work not only at the most promising enterprises of Ukraine, but also have managed to realize themselves at the World Bank, GFK, E&Y (Ernst & Young), Mercuria Energy Trading SA, Orexim Trading Ltd, Swissquote and other foreign corporations and institutions;
postgraduate and doctoral studies for further scientific careers;
A three-semester schedule (three trimesters instead of two traditional ones) significantly reduces the load on each session for the student and fits better with the national holiday schedule;
Interesting extracurricular life: scientific conferences, olympiads, student work contests, trainings. In particular, the Olvia Forum International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists is held annually on the Black Sea coast (Kobleve township). Students participate in the work of the Economic Club, the Young Scientist School, as well as in the activities of the cultural and art center, are actively involved in sports in the sections of the university;
Do you know how to make asteroids or why the ranking of the richest and happiest nations differs? Our students are aware that only non-standard issues are addressed at the annual Economic Tournament;
Our students have access to foreign internships of different directions: educational, volunteer;
Our alumni who have received doctoral degrees from US and European universities are returning to teach individual courses at their home faculty.
Comprehensive information about Faculty of Political Sciences:
Currently, about 500 students study at the Faculty of Political Science, International Relations, History and Archeology, and Sociology. There are four departments: Department of Political Science, Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy, Department of History, Department of Sociology. They employ 10 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, 23 Candidates of Sciences, Assistant Professors and more.
To ensure an education level that meets international requirements, the Faculty has permanent and strong links with various international organizations and foreign universities. In particular, the university partners are:
- Ka Foscari University (Venice, Italy),
- University of Cracow (Poland),
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) “Supporting Democracy in Ukraine”,
- Dezhou University (PRC),
- The students of the Faculty of Political Science have the opportunity to take advantage of international educational programs – Camp America, Fulbright, which gives them the opportunity to get to know the world, to get acquainted with the Western system of education, and then to continue studying for masters programs of leading European and other universities.
The Faculty of Computer Science is one of the most progressive, innovative and dynamic faculties in the rapidly developing University. The Faculty of Computer Science was established in February 1996 to train specialists in modern areas of information technology. You can find a unique teaching staff has been formed: 11 Doctors of Sciences, professors, about 30 candidates of sciences, associate professors, a large number of teachers are practitioners of leading IT firms of Mykolaiv. Successful teaching at the Faculty is facilitated not only by qualified scientific and pedagogical staff who have created their fields in scientific research, but also by a proper educational and material base. These are, first of all, computer classes equipped with modern computer technology. The education they receive from the faculty has an international level of competitiveness in many areas where information technology is used. The value of education obtained at the Faculty is recognized in Ukraine, Europe and America, which is confirmed by the large number of graduates employed in these countries. A key feature of FCN is the close interaction with leading IT companies in formulating a strategy for the development and organization of the educational process.
17 REASONS TO study in the FACULTY
- IT is the most promising industry.
- The best university.
- The best computer faculty.
- All necessary specialties.
- The most modern training base.
- The first workplace.
- The best graduates.
- Continuous wins in competitions.
- Student State Awards.
- Student Internship Programs.
- Connecting to Europe.
- The best teachers.
- Close collaboration with IT firms.
- Combining work with learning.
- Specialized Scientific Council.
- Active student life.
- No corruption
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports started functioning within the Black Sea State University named after Petro Mohyla on September 1, 2016.
The main purpose of the teaching staff of the faculty is educational-methodical, organizational and educational work, which is aimed at improving the quality of conducting classes, improving sports, mass and physical-health work, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, raising the need for independent exercise in physical education, students’ lifestyles and high-level active work.
The Faculty provides training for students in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs.
Qualification Trainer in the selected sport, physical education teacher – a specialist, prepared for professional activity in the field of physical education and sports, public administration of sports and health facilities.
Graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports may hold the following positions:
- Coach in your chosen sport;
- Physical education teacher;
- Teacher of a professional educational institution;
- Instructor of training center;
- Instructor in mass work;
- Instructor-methodologist in physical culture and sports;
- Manager of the sports base;
- Executive Director of the Federation of Sports;
- Director (other manager) of the enterprise, institution, organization of physical and sports orientation;
- Director of the complex (wellness, sports, tourist).
Faculty of Law Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University information for students:
The Law Faculty of the Petro Mohyla National Technical University is a leading educational and scientific legal institution of the Mykolaiv region. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty carry out a wide program of research works in various spheres of legal science, take an active part in scientific consulting of various state and international bodies on legal issues.
The Faculty has at its disposal all the necessary conditions for the training of qualified lawyers in the specialty “Law”. The Law Faculty of the Petro Mohyla National Technical University provides future specialists with decent training. The Faculty has a law clinic, a darkroom and a forensic science office, computer classes and a reading room for non-fiction.
Future professions of graduates of the Petro Mohyla Law Faculty:
- Legal counsel;
- Civil service specialist;
- Judge’s assistant;
- Judge;
- Assistant investigator;
- Investigator;
- Specialist of the civil registration department;
- Registrar;
- Assistant lawyer;
- Lawyer;
- Assistant notary;
- Notary;
- Organizer of record keeping;
- Specialist in search operations;
- Police inspector;
- Assistant Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor;
- Prosecutor;
- Lecturer in Law.
A law degree helps you master a variety of related professions, and their choices are so broad that you can exercise a variety of aspirations and inclinations. A qualified lawyer can become a diplomat or realtor, MP, or business consultant, bailiff, or employee of a collection agency. Lawyers often hold senior positions in state-owned enterprises and private companies.
Culture life of University
University first among schools of Mykolayiv created art gallery, showing at the same time conscious concern for aesthetic, spiritual growth of students in dealing with real works of art and spiritual culture, not of substitutes, which often offers youth mass culture.
If we assume that the basis of the artistic life of the ratio between the artist and the work of the public, then there is a subsystem of the phenomenon of art needs to meet and catch which are (among other organizations Culture and Art) Art Gallery. So many years gallery is the center of communication not only artistic works, but most of creators, artists, masters of arts and crafts, sculpture, art photos and so on.
These meetings allow to develop creative ideological and humanistic, cultural and artistic traditions of our people and transmit them to future generations. Exhibitions held in place and the Art Gallery attract high artistic level and variety. It is not only the opening day Nicholas artists but also artists from Kyiv, Odessa, Rivne, Lviv, Cherkasy, Crimea and others.
Each room in the apartment is equipped with: a bed, beddings, desk and chair, curtains. Bathroom is shared between double and triple roommates.
Shared facilities (for all the international students): Refrigerator, microwave, kitchen-range, toaster, TV, cooking utensils (pot, fry-ing pan, knife, cutting board, etc.), laundry room. Free Wi-Fi is available.
Today Mykolaiv is an important industrial center. Its major industries are machine building, food processing, light industry, and building-materials manufacturing. Of its 250 enterprises, the largest are the Black Sea Shipyard, the Mykolaiv Okean Shipyard, the Mykolaiv Shipyard, the Mykolaiv Reinforced-Concrete Plant, and the Mykolaiv Cotton Manufacturing Complex. It is the home of a number of research and educational institutions, such as the Mykolaiv National University, the Mykolaiv National University of Shipbuilding, and the Black Sea State University (a branch of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy National University), three theaters (Ukrainian [see Mykolaiv Ukrainian Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy], Russian, and puppet), the Mykolaiv Art Museum, the Mykolaiv Regional Studies Museum, and the Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory. Mykolaiv boasts a number of architectural monuments, including the building of the Black Sea Naval Command (1793), the Black Sea Naval Observatory (1827), Saint Nicholas’s Church (1817), and the Naval Officers’ Building (1824).