Kharkov National Medical University a member of the International Association of Universities, registered under UNESCO it has 8 Faculties:

  • 1st – Medical;
  • 2nd – Medical;
  • 3rd – Medical;
  • 4th – Medical;
  • Stomatological;
  • 5th and 6th – medical Faculties for Training Foreign Students; these Faculties graduate doctors with the education-qualification level of a Specialist in such specialities as General Medicine, Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine, Stomatology;
  • The Faculty of Postgraduate Training provides continuous development of doctors’ skills during all their professional activity; 

  Kharkov National Medical University has 65 Departments, whose faculty numbers 803 specialists in sciences and pedagogy; of them, there are 130 Doctors of Medical Science, Professors and 446 Candidates of Medical Science, Associate Professors.

 Kharkov National Medical University  trains over 7,000 students, interns, masters, clinical postgraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates, more than 2,100 of them being foreign citizens from 70 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. It has the following personnel potential: 5 corresponding members of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 17 Honoured Workers of Science and Engineering of Ukraine, 2 Honoured Workers of Higher School of Ukraine, 8 winners of State Prize of Ukraine in the fields of science and engineering, 13 Honoured Doctors of Ukraine, 28 members of the State and public Academies of Ukraine. Kharkov National Universityhas a modern multi-type educational establishment with its powerful scientific, material and technical basis, which includes: 6 education-research-production units, 2 research institutes, such as the Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of Kharkiv Medical University and the Ukrainian Institute of Clinical Genetics of Kharkiv National Medical University, the University Stomatological Centre as the medical-educational-scientific unit of Kharkiv National Medical University, the Scientific-Practical Medical Centre of Kharkiv National Medical University , the Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Medical Centre of ObstetricsGynecology and Reproductology, the Medical College of Kharkov National Medical University.Also it has 44 clinical Departments, where medical work is done by 497 workers of the University (these consist of 96 Professors, 191 Associate Professors and 210 assistants) and 128 doctors of the University clinics, 73 postgraduates, 48 clinical postgraduates and 32 masters; of them, there are 331 medical workers with the highest category, 68 with the first, and 59 with the second. Has 5 specialized academic councils for defending Doctor’s and Candidate’s theses; carries out training of doctors and scientists at such stages as interns, masters, clinical postgraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates. University took part in 126 international scientific forums and 340 Ukrainian scientific forums. It cooperates  with 18 Foreign institutions.Participentt in the realization of 16 international projects; 65 of its workers are members of 66 foreign scientific and medical organizations. Kharkov National Medical University  owns  the Central Research Laboratory, 4 problem laboratories, the Educational-Scientific Centre based on classrooms for phantom techniques of education and computerized classrooms, and the Computer Centre.

Kharkov National Medical University  has  the Scientific Library, whose fund comprises over 1 million copies, and 16 computerized classrooms; more than 550 modern computers, video and audio aids are used in the process of training. Is the place for active functioning of 18 scientific-pedagogical schools. University’s  students self-government, six hostels, with the successful work of the Youth Centre, the complex for physical education and health improvement, and “Medic” sports-health camp. Kharkov National Medical University  is former recipient of the Gold Medal of the International Exhibition “Education and Career – 2010” in the nomination “Development of Students’ Research”.

Education for foreign citizens Kharkov National Medical University

Foreign students of Kharkov National Medical University  study at the 5th Faculty for Training Foreign Students (Russian medium) and at the 6th Faculty for Training Foreign Students (English medium), as well at the Preparatory Department, or undergo postgraduate and clinical postgraduate (residency) courses (licence of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine AB No. 552643).

Pre-University training of Kharkov National Medical University

The training lasts 1 year.

The Preparatory Department of Kharkov National Medical University  is one of the best in Kharkiv. The training is performed on the basis of the University departments and at its laboratories. This training is given in the Russian language and general subjects, including physics, chemistry and biology, with the purpose of the subsequent study of these students at higher educational establishments of the medical-biological type. During their training at the Preparatory Department of Kharkov National Medical University  its students make the acquaintance of professors and teachers of the University. On finishing the Preparatory Department its students are issued Certificates approved by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science.

Undergraduate medical education of Kharkov National Medical University

Foreign students are trained in the following specialities:

    • “General Medicine”, the period of study is 6 years.
    • “Stomatology”, the period of study is 5 years.

Languages of instruction: Russian, Ukrainian, English. Since 1996 the University has been training students in the English medium in General Medicine, and since 2008 in Stomatology. The  academic groups  consist of 8-10 persons.

Within the period of studies the students undergo academic training in main medical and dental specialities. They take part in examinations of patients, giving urgent aid, work at X-ray rooms, clinical and biochemical laboratories. Particular attention is paid to clinical rounds of patients, their management, filling in and arrangement of medical reports with their subsequent analysis.

The graduates are awarded a Diploma of Specialist and qualified as Physicians with the title of “Doctor of Medicine” in General Medicine or Stomatologists with the title of “Doctor of Medicine” in Stomatology.

Postgraduate education of Kharkov Medical University

Qualified graduates of higher medical educational institutions who wish to continue their postgraduate training (in the Russian language) are given the right to undergo:

  • A clinical postgraduate course (residency) lasting 2-4 years;
  • A postgraduate course with an opportunity to defend a thesis competing for a scientific degree, the term of training is 3 years.

Kharkov National Medical University has created all conditions for improving the professional level in the specialities acquired. The University departments have modern diagnostic and medical equipment and laboratories for researches. The most popular specialities include Surgery, Ophthalmology, Traumatology and Orthopedics, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, etc.

The work of a clinical postgraduate (resident) is carried on in compliance with the individual plan, which is devised and approved under the guidance of the head of a department or its professor, who is responsible for training of this resident, not later than one month after his/her enrolment. The plan envisages study of the basic speciality, a number of related clinical subjects, medical statistics, clinical biochemistry and pharmacology, medical genetics, etc.


Each specialist, who has finished his/her clinical postgraduate course, is awarded a Certificate of Specialized Training in Medicine (Residency) according to international standards and a Transcript to the above Certificate with indication of the numbers of hours in the studied subjects and grades for them. This Certificate gives the right to carry out all works, which are related to the specialty acquired.


    • The 1 Medical Faculty
    • The 2 Medical Faculty
    • The 3 Medical Faculty
    • The 4 Medical Faculty
    • The 5 Faculty on Training Foreign Students at the Training and Research Institute for Foreigners
    • The 6 Faculty for International Students of KNMU Education and Research Institute for Foreign Nationals
    • The 7 Faculty for International Students of KNMU Education and Research Institute for Foreign Nationals
    • Stomatological Faculty

Information about  5 Faculty on Training Foreign Students at the Training and Research Institute for Foreigners Kharkov National Medical University 

The 5-th Faculty on training foreign students provides training students on specialties: “General Medicine” and “Dentistry”- qualification degree “Master”. Postgraduate studies include 40 specializations. The languages of teaching are Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Since 1951 our University has been training doctors for foreign countries from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America. During this period more than 5000 foreign students became the graduates of our University. At the present moment about 1000 students from 57 countries of the world are studying in our University.

The Faculty has a modern educational and methodical base for the process of teaching and leaguing. All the students are provided with all necessary training literature and study on the bases of the modern health institutions of Kharkov, Training and Research medical complex “University Clinic” and University Dentistry Centre.

Foreign students have an opportunity to be involved in scientific activities being the members of Students Scientific Society, take part in scientific conferences including the international ones which take place at the Kharkov National Medical University .

Students can be users of the University Scientific Library having more than 1 mil volumes of scientific and learning literature in the English, Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Health service for the students is provided by the University Clinic of Kharkov National Medical University and City Student’s Polyclinic. All students are provided with hostels. They have all necessary conditions for studies and rest.

The students can take part in festivals, exhibitions, sport and other competitions and games.

The graduates of the Faculty work not only in their native countries but in other countries of the world as well.

General Information about the 6 Faculty for International Students of Kharkov National Medical University Education and Research Institute for Foreign Nationals

6th faculty for international English-medium students was opened on 1 September 2010. Now the faculty hosts 1648 students from 72 countries, out of which 1209 students are trained in Medicine and 439 – in Dentistry.

The departments of the faculty form an integral part of the potent Kharkov National Medical University scientific research center, which incorporates the knowledge and experience of professionals in different fields of endeavor to address the cardinal issues that face medical science development.

The academic staff includes 112 faculty members; out of which there are 17 with Higher Doctorate and 69 hold the academic degree of a Candidate of Science (is equivalent to PhD). There are 17 holders of the academic degree of Professor, and 33 – of Associate Professor.

A board for coordination of the scientific research, being a part of the Faculty Academic Council, controls the implementation of the departments’ scientific research plans, level of qualification of the academic personnel and introduction of the results of the scientific research into the healthcare programme.

Annually, the faculty departments issue about 20 training manuals on different disciplines.

The faculty specialists are persistently involved in the work of international and domestic scientific conferences. Over the past year 3 Ukrainian Patents for an Invention and 10 Utility Model Patents were taken out, 2 professional field innovations were made, 248 scientific articles and 549 conference abstracts were published, 117 scientific methodological publications were made, 265 reports at scientific conferences, symposiums, meetings and congresses were presented by the faculty members.

All the faculty departments organize Students’ Scientific Workshops (Project teams), the membership of which makes 268 students, who participate in the research work. Over the previous year the students made 339 reports at the scientific conferences, 93 students got prizes; they published 52 scientific articles in cooperation with the faculty members.

During the years of training international students are provided with accommodations in 6 standardized students hostels designed for 2422 people, the hostels’ living conditions being constantly improved. To abide in a hostel a student has to make a relevant contract. The students are entitled the right for hostel accommodations during all the period of studies in the University. Cost for the accommodations is determined by the living space and is to be paid for all the period of training.

Medical care is provided for the students by The Scientific Training Medical Centre – University Clinic of Kharkov National Medical University – and by the Students Policlinic. Annually, the students undergo medical examination and X-ray check-up. Due to the results of the examination the follow-up monitoring groups are formed.

There are 2 refectories (designed for 160 people) and 6 canteens (designed for 80 people), where the students can have their meals.

The Dean’s office strives to make it convenient and comfortable for the international students to study and recreate. The students take an active part in various festivals, competitions and amateur performances.

The faculty graduates can work in their home countries and in other countries as well. The most gifted and capable students are given an opportunity to proceed with their postgraduate education at KNMU departments, including clinical residency.

The 7 Faculty for International Students of Kharkov National Medical University Education and Research Institute for Foreign Nationals Information

English-medium international students of the 7th faculty are majoring in “General Medicine” with the academic level of Master.

Training of the English-medium international students, majoring in General Medicine was initiated in Kharko Kharkov National Medical University  in 1996.

The departments of the faculty form an integral part of the potent Kharkov National Medical University  scientific research center, which incorporates the knowledge and experience of professionals in different fields of endeavor to address the cardinal issues that face medical science development.

A board for coordination of the scientific research, being a part of the Faculty Academic Council, controls the implementation of the departments’ scientific research plans, level of qualification of the academic personnel and introduction of the results of the scientific research into the healthcare programme.

During the years of training international students are provided with accommodations in 6 standardized students hostels designed for 2422 people. To abide in a hostel a student has to make a relevant contract. The students are entitled the right for hostel accommodations during all the period of studies in the University. Cost for the accommodations is determined by the living space and is to be paid for all the period of training.

The students are provided with medical care by The Scientific Training Medical Centre – University Clinic of Kharkov National Medical University  – and by the Students Policlinic. Annually, the students undergo medical examination and X-ray check-up. Due to the results of the examination the follow-up monitoring groups are formed.

There are 2 refectories (designed for 160 people) and 6 canteens (designed for 80 people), where the students can have their meals.

The Dean’s office strives to make it convenient and comfortable for the international students to study and recreate. The students take an active part in various festivals, competitions and amateur performances.

The faculty graduates can work in their home countries and in other countries as well. The most gifted and capable students are given an opportunity to proceed with their postgraduate education at Kharkov Kharkov National Medical University  departments, including clinical residency.

Information about main Departments of Stomatological Faculty

Department of Therapeutic Dentistry Kharkov National Medical University

Disciplines taught at the department: “Propedeutics of therapeutic dentistry”, “Therapeutic dentistry”, “Fundamentals of dentistry”. The above courses are taught in Ukrainian and English. Practical classes are held on the basis of USC National Medical University dental clinics №2 and №5.

Lectures are widely used in multimedia, video watching and more. A computer room for discipline testing has been created.

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery Kharkiv National Medical University information

The department teaches surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery for students of 3-5 courses of the dental faculty, as well as English students, optional courses. Postgraduate training in the course of surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery (TU, PAC, Specialization), training in clinical residency and postgraduate study.

Department of Orthopedic Dentistry the way of teaching

The teaching work of the department is aimed at improving the level of efficiency and optimization of teaching the theoretical sections of orthopedic dentistry to students, as well as gaining practical skills on phantoms and direct supervision of patients. The course is taught in Ukrainian, Russian and English. To date, the following subjects are taught at the department: Оrthopedic Dentistry, Procedure of Orthopedic Dentistryʺ, Course of Choiceʺ, Specialization, Thematic Improvementʺ, Predatestation Cycle and Internshipʺ.

The department is fully provided with methodological materials and visual aids in accordance with the current teaching program. The control of the initial and final levels of preparation of students of II-V courses is carried out in a test form in a computer-equipped classroom.

The department is constantly working to improve the level of teachers in pedagogical, linguistic and professional fields.

Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Implantology 

Pedagogical work is carried out on 4 clinical bases, which are medical institutions, equipped with modern diagnostic and medical medical equipment – digital x-ray equipment, modern operating rooms, including the GLOBAL G6 endodontic microscope and others. Students study pediatric dentistry using a modular system. Foreign students are taught in English.

Department of Otolaryngology has the Facilities for comfortable study

In order to improve the quality of the educational process, a computer class was created at the department, and methodological materials were developed for students of the IV year of the VI faculty to train foreign students in the specialty “Medical” and “Dentistry“. In cooperation with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kharkov National Medical University  has developed a curriculum and a program for control and assessment of students’ knowledge in the course of otolaryngology. 68 guidelines for students and interns have been issued.

Department of Neurosurgery Kharkiv National Medical University is open for future students

There is a computer class at the department, a curriculum and knowledge control program in the course of neurosurgery has been developed, 67 training videos on classical and original surgical interventions, 5 manuals, more than 20 methodological developments in neurosurgery for students and interns have been prepared. Computer training of students is regularly conducted in the methodological office, which also provides conditions for independent study of the base of test tasks. The Neurosurgery textbook has been published.


Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Medical Cosmetology Kharkov National Medical University has such disciplines:

 Disciplines taught at the department: “Dermatology, Venereology”, “Medical cosmetology”, “Cosmetology”, “Physiotherapy in cosmetology”. The above courses are taught in Ukrainian and English.


All students of Kharkov National Medical University have a unique opportunity to pass their practice in the best city hospitals :

    • Kharkiv City Student Hospital,
    • City Clinical Hospital,
    • Kharkiv Regional Hospital,
    • Kharkivs’ka Oblasna Klinichna Likarnya,
    • Sinevo,
    • Mis’kyy Tsentr Zdorov’ya,
    • Institut Dermatolohiyi Ta Venerolohiyi Namn Ukrayir,
    • Grand Stomatology,
    • Doctor Alex,
    • On Klinik
    • 1-st Maternity Hospital

Internetional Activities of Kharkov National Medical University are presented to the future studends

The international cooperation of the University is one of the most important components of its activity and is developed within a unified process of the Ukrainian higher school integration into the world higher education system. Kharkov National Medical University is listed in the World Health Organization’s directory of medical schools, it has been a member of the International Association of Universities (under the aegis of UNESCO) since 1998; it is a cofounder of the Ukrainian-German Medical Association and of the Ukrainian Association of Gender Medicine.

With the aim of constantly improving the accessibility and quality of higher education, strengthening the academic position and international competition of the University, the Internationalization Strategy of Kharkiv National Medical University 2019/2025 was developed.

International activity of the University is carried out in the following fields:

• Educational services for foreign students;

• Participation in international grant programmes, conferences, seminars, symposia;

• Interaction with foreign partners, international organizations, embassies of foreign countries on the implementation of international relations of the University;


• Organization of the reception of foreign delegations; organization of foreign trips for students and academic staff with the aim of improving the knowledge, competences and qualifications.

• The expanding geography of international links, the will of foreign universities to cooperate with Kharkov National Medical University, the cooperative attendance of the University into the work of many international academic organizations are recognizable signs of the University’s sizable reputation on the international arena of education.



Accommodation for the foreign students is provided by student hostels rated at 2,422 lodgers. In order to live at a hostel, the students must conclude a proper contract. This accommodation is available for the whole period of training. Hostel fees depend upon the size and comfort of the dwelling space.

The University Scientific-Practical Medical Centre provides medical care of students. The students regularly undergo prophylactic medical and photofluorographic examinations.

The students have meals at 2 canteens for 160 clients and 6 refreshment bars for 80 clients.

The students are provided with facilities for going in for sports. The University has 3 gymnasia (for games, gymnastics and heavy athletics).



Kharkiv (Ukrainian), or Kharkov  is the second largest city in Ukraine. The population of Kharkov (in October, 2008) was 1 453,1 people. Kharkov has a rich cultural, scientific, educational,transport and industrial life. City hosts hundreds of industrial companies. The city is developing all the time. New hotels are being built. 

Transport system of Kharkov is one of the best in Ukraine.  During preparation to Euro 2012, city government repaired many roads and changed some of public buses  on central streets to make the traffic less heavy. Kharkiv metro is 35 km long and has 28 stations. There were new fast trains launched to connect major cities of Ukraine (Kyiv, Donetsk, Lvov). Kharkov Airport has been renovated and new connections are being launched almost every half a year. 

   The most popular landmark of Kharkiv is the Freedom Square (Ploshcha Svobody), the third largest city square in Europe, and it takes the 7th place from worlds top-rated sguares.

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