National University of Pharmacy provides comprehensive training for competent healthcare professionals in accordance with applicable national law, as well as with the ongoing requirements of employers, regulators, society and all other stakeholders. We strive to achieve a level of quality of education that is beyond the reach of any of our competitors.

To accomplish this mission, National University of Pharmacy team constantly and persistently works in the following areas:

    • Improving the educational and methodological base;
    • Improving the competence of the teaching staff;
    • Expanding and strengthening international relations;
    • Improving the methods and means of conducting the educational process;
    • Educational and career guidance work;
    • Strengthening and developing the material base;
    • Increasing the level of scientific research and the formation of recognized in the world;
    • Scientific schools.


Faculty for Foreign Citizens Educationgeneral information

The work of the foreign student’s department is organizationally structured and is guaranteed by performance of proper functional duties of the dean of the department, the dean’s assistants and the inspectors of the relevant courses.
The dean is the structural part of the department, who performs organization and control actions securing education process.
The Dean of the department guarantees and controls observing and following the Rules of Internal Regulations of National University of Pharmacy by foreign students.
The structure of the department comprises passport and visa registration office, which guarantees abidance by acting regulatory legal acts as to foreign students staying in the territory of Ukraine.
This office provides passport and visa control of foreign students when entering NUPh and students while studying at the university, when making registration by the place of living and status for students for staying out of Ukrainian borders.
The structure of the department also includes chairs of Russian language, biological chemistry, pharmaceutical technology of drugs and pharmacology, with which we cooperate closely in order to provide foreign students with necessary knowledge and skills.

Pre-University department of National University of Pharmacy


The program of pre-university education is carried out in accordance with the programs and plans, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the following areas: biomedical, engineering, technical, and economical.
Within the framework of pre-university education in National University of Pharmacy subjects are taught in accordance with the field of the chosen subject area and specialty.

You can see the list of specialities in the list mentioned below:


    • Chemistry;
    • Biology;
    • Physics;
    • Maths;
    • Country studies;


    • Maths;
    • Physics;
    • Chemistry;
    • Drawing;
    • Computer science;
    • Country studies;


    • Maths;
    • Geography;
    • The basis of the economy;
    • Computer science;
    • Country studies;


Departments of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies

    • Department of Biology;
    • Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics;
    • Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy;
    • Department of Cosmetology and Aromology;
    • Department of Medical Chemistry;
    • Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Health;


    • Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy;
    • Technology of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment;
    • Physical Therapy;

Educational programs:

    • Pharmacy;
    • Clinical pharmacy;
    • Technology of Perfumery and Cosmetic Products;
    • Laboratory diagnostics;
    • Clinical Researches;
    • Cosmetology;
    • Physical Therapy;

National University of Pharmacy has many Divisions and here you can find the information below:


    • Good conditions for the work of the University.
    • Perform activities for water, gas, heat, power system security. The department also deals with problems related to waterways and ventilation.
    • Department performs work aimed at the systematic supervision of the proper operation of campuses and maintenance of technical documentation.
    • Performs overhaul, maintenance of buildings and campuses of the university.
    • Performs monitoring tasks.
    • Performs campuses and building preconditioning for the academic year beginning and their operation in the autumn-winter period.
    • Organizes the work intended for the manufacture of campus faces and buildings look aesthetically pleasing.
    • Involved in the procurement of goods, services and works tenders.
    • Drafts contracts for logistics University.
    • Takes measures intended for economic use of energy resources and use cold water.
    • Monthly bills and the quarterly report solutions for electricity, hot and cold water.
    • Road Transport maintenance of the departments of the university and the power to transport.
    • Participates in the contract drawing, as well as for premises for rent, management of maintenance (water and heat retention rent of premises).


The main objective of the center of information technologies (CIT) is development and providing an appropriate condition of IT of infrastructure of the University.

Center of information technologies is responsible for technical maintenance and information technology development which provide access to modern sources of information and allow to use the modern computer, telecommunication and multimedia equipment in educational process and in activity of all divisions of the university and also is responsible for automation of work of mutually connected administrative processes and objects for ensuring educational and administrative processes at the university.

Structure of center of information technologies:

    • Department of maintenance of the computer equipment;
    • Department of maintenance of the multimedia and telecommunication equipment;
    • Department of development and maintenance of the integrated automated control systems.


The Cultural Centre (CC) is a special way of life. It is an opportunity to live studentship creatively, brightly, interesting, rich and useful for the university. Cultural Centre is a place of different generations students’ informal communication. It is a peculiar creative centre where artistic abilities and talents are realized, new friends are found, joy and creativity failures are recognized.

Taking part in students’ life is a guarantee of success, recognition and disclosure of their own talents. We have a place for everyone in the cultural center. We are always glad to help your talent find your fan!

We are open to cooperation! We will be glad to create any new creative project with you.

The main task of Cultural Centre is creating of favourable conditions for leisure, development of creativity, self-realization, raising the level of culture and efficient usage of students’ creativity. The cultural centre is engaged in the organization and holding of cultural events in National University of Fharmacy . In addition, it actively participates in the volunteer movement. Students with great pleasure attend the boarding school № 8, whose pupils are children with special needs, who are required to be paid special attention, always expect their friends from University of Pharmacy.


Department for studies – university structural unit, which is subordinated to the rector directly, on educational-methodical work questions is subordinated to the first vice-rector. University departments, dean’s offices, practice department are subordinated to studies department in organization-methodical relation.

The main goals of department:

    • Providing of educational process. Coordination of the faculties, departments and other university units activity.
    • Educational process planning. Introduction of the new methods of education, technical devices, computing techniques into educational process.
    • Composing of schedule of lectures, examinations, settlement of academic debts,
    • Development of educational process schedules by faculties, specialities and university in general.
    • Control the conditions of educational, educational-methodical, report documentation, which is connected with organization of educational process in departments.
    • Control the proper record keeping at the Dean’s offices.
    • Administration of automized system “Students batch”: data base forming, introduction of studies department modulus, forming information for deans and its renewal, forming the package of documents for the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine.
    • Compilation of reports about the batch movement and efficient register of changes in students structure of the faculties and the University in general.
    • Compilation of the list of staff, assignment, register and control of fulfilment of the professorial-teaching staff and educational-auxiliary personnel educational load.
    • Planning and organization the educational process at National University of Pharmacy consultative centers in regions of Ukraine.
    • Control of educational, educational-methodical and report documentation condition, which is connected with organization of educational process at the departments.

Department for studies of the National University of Pharmacy is carrying out:

    • Publication of the studies department annual guide “Organization of educational process for the academic year”.
    • Consultations in questions of planning, organization and refinement of the educational process.
    • Consultations in program providing the planning and organization of educational process: “Estimate of teaching load”, “Scientific-teaching staff”, “Schedule”.
    • Consultations in questions of educational process administration system modernization and introduction into organization and planning of educational process, new methods of education.
    • Consultation about equipment of educational laboratories, auditoriums.
    • Consultations in collection, processing and forming of statistical report for educational process organization questions.
    • Consultations in analysis, unification of working educational plans and introduction of unificated educational documentation forms.


Educational department – structural unit of the university, which is directly subordinate to the rector, the first vice-rector for educational and methodical work. In organizational and methodological terms, the deans, departments of the university, the practice department are subordinate to the educational department.


The resolution of the National Congress of the Sports Student Union of Ukraine, adopted on May 25, 2018 in Lutsk, became the basis of creation of this structural division. According to this resolution, it is recommended to create subsections with separate organizational, personnel, methodical, scientific, financial and material support by institutions of higher education in the structure, near departments of physical education which would carry out activity of sports development in IHE.

The purpose of National University of Pharmacy Health, Sport and Leisure Center is creation of favorable conditions for physical culture and sport, organizations of rest and leisure for realization of the right of students and staff of the university.

The main tasks in activity of Health, Sport and Leisure Center:

    • Assistance to harmonious personal development, active public position and national patriotically to education, prevention of asocial behavior;
    • Preservation of mental, psychological, physical and moral health of students and staff of the university;
    • Education of comprehensively developed personality by means of physical culture and sport;
    • Involvement of students and staff of the university to the process of strengthening of health by forming a healthy lifestyle;
    • Involvement of students and staff of the university to regular physical culture and sport trainings;
    • Promotion of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and implementation of the corresponding principles and ideals during study, works, life and rest;
    • Forming the need for motor activity in consciousness of students, as the necessary component of a healthy lifestyle and the guarantee of progress in the course of activity;
    • Creation of sports amateur associations, sections, teams of different kinds of sport;
    • Organization and holding mass recreational and sporting events;
    • Carrying out work according to sports improvement, preparation and participation of national teams of the university in competitions;
    • Organization of students’ leisure activities;
    • Organization of free time of students, search of new forms of its organization;
    • Organization and service of the recreational zone for rest, gardening of the territory of the university;
    • Creation of base of botany and pharmacognosy curricular-practical training for students of the university;
    • Creation, preservation and replenishment of collection of plants;
    • Promoting of achievements in the branch of botany, environmental protection, plant cultivation and selection, decorative gardening and landscape architecture among students and staff of the university;
    • Providing paid services in the sphere of healthcare, rest, leisure, improvement, tourism, physical culture and sport.

Health, Sport and Leisure Center, according to the put tasks on it, can perform such functions:

    • Creation of the corresponding conditions and opportunities for satisfaction of versatile interests of students, employees of the university in the sphere of healthcare, rest, leisure, improvement, tourism, physical culture and sport;
    • Organization of health promotion, introduction of physical culture and sport in the system of study, work, life and rest of students and staff of the university;
    • Organization and carrying out training, information-methodical, large-scale organizational mass and educational works;
    • Organization and holding mass recreational and sporting events;
    • Organization, carrying out and ensuring control on training process in sports sections, groups, national teams, clubs in sports interests, creation of necessary conditions for growth of skill at students-sportsmen;
    • Developing and approbation of recreational and public sports technologies, new forms of recreational and rehabilitation work;
    • Introduction of offers concerning improvement of acting, developing new programs for issues of physical culture development and participation in their realization;
    • Carrying out monitoring concerning the level of physical health of different groups of the population and involvement of students and staff of the university to mass sport;
    • Organization, participation and holding trainings, seminars, meetings, congresses, conferences, briefings, round tables for questions which belong to mental, psychological, physical and moral health;
    • Establishing communications with international organizations and institutions of higher education concerning the organization and holding recreational and sporting events;
    • Creation and reconstruction of the full-fledged park landscape created by even greenhouses, rosaries and other natural elements – plants, relief, water in combination with the development of road – path way, elements of improvement, engineering equipment;
    • Providing paid services in the sphere of healthcare, rest, leisure, improvement, tourism, physical culture and sport to natural and legal entities, according to the current legislation;
    • Providing offers rather timely capital and maintenance of buildings, rooms, constructions of Health, Sport and Leisure Center and equipment;
    • Ensuring rational and effective use of material and technical resources, sports constructions, stock, equipment;
    • Introduction of offers providing the university with sports constructions, recreational and sports equipment and also other material means necessary for implementation of the purposes and tasks for Health, Sport and Leisure Center, taking into account requirements and opportunities of the university;
    • Implementation of other actions which don’t contradict the legislation and the creating conditions for performance of tasks which face Health, Sport and Leisure Center.

Physical culture and Health complex, Sector of Student’s sport and Botanical garden belong to Health, Sport and Leisure Center.


Job safety – system of legal, socioeconomic, logistical, sanitary, hygienic, medical and prophylactic measures and actions intended for life safety, health and efficiency in the process of labor activity.

Job safety and safety engineering department – structural subdivision under the Rector’s control.

Main functions of department:

    • Realizes effective integral system of job safety control in the University, promotes to the activity improvement in this direction of every structural subdivision and every public individual.
    • Performs operative-methodological guidance in the field of job safety and fire safety.
    • Realizes complex actions together with structural subdivisions intended for the established safety norms compliance, labour hygiene and industrial environment.
    • Provides complex guidance for the University stuff as for the job and fire safety.
    • Controls the legislative rules keeping as for the job and fire safety, public supervision rules keeping, normative acts compliance.


Practical training takes the important place in preparation of the pharmacy school graduate for professional activity; it is an indispensable part of training specialists at National University of Pharmacy.

Manufacturing practice and employment assistance office is a structural subdivision of National University of Pharmacy, which carries out general organization of educational and manufacturing practice of students, coordinates the connection between structures, related to organization of practical training.

In its work, the manufacturing practice and employment assistance office conforms to the “Regulation on practical training at the National University of Pharmacy”.

Areas of activity:

    • Drawing up contracts with enterprises, institutions, companies of pharmaceutical and other branches of industry from various regions of Ukraine;
    • Placement of students on bases of educational and manufacturing practice in cooperation with relevant departments;
    • Organization of practical training abroad (student exchange programs) in cooperation with international department;
    • Organization of follow-up conferences.


The first step towards the creation of the museum was the development of his concept, according to which he now has two exposition halls. The room for the museum was erected and renovated in the building of the university on the street. Valentinovska (Blukhera), 4. Its total area is 165, 1 sq. km. It should be noted that the repair of the premises required a special and diligent approach, since it was not adapted to the requirements put forward for the expositional premises. To perform the museum work as a scientific consultant was involved a leading museologist, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Director of the Center of Local History of the Kharkiv National University named after Karazin, Professor S. Kudelko.

The opening of the museum was preceded by a rather active research work on the collection and creation of a museum collection. Particular attention was paid to the study of the origins of higher pharmaceutical education in Ukraine and the little-known pages of its history, a leading role played by the university.

In early July 2009, museum staff approved a project for the reconstruction of the museum and started repair work.

The grand opening of the museum took place on September 15, 2010, on the third day of the VІІ Congress of Pharmacists.

One of the most demanding and important tasks that we faced was the collection of exhibits for the museum’s exposition. Today among the exhibits of the museum:

    • The scales of the XIX century, belonged to N. Valyashko;
    • The pharmacopoeia in German with colored hand-made illustrations, issued in 1890;
    • personal affairs M. Valyashko;
    • laboratory tools of the end of the nineteenth century;
    • exhibits from the collection of medicinal plants of the Kharkov Imperial University, dated from the nineteenth century.


The main functions and responsibilities of the Centre of International Occupational Guidance and External Relations:

    • Management, planning and coordination of international activities at the university;
    • Registration of invitations for study;
    • Ensuring foreigners and stateless persons’ attendance in Ukraine on legal grounds;
    • Organization of work with the Ukrainian State Center for International Education;
    • University representation on the international arena;
    • Analysis of the effectiveness of the university’s international activities;
    • Conducting vocational guidance among foreign citizens for admission to university or for pre-university education;
    • Establishing and maintaining contacts with foreign higher education institutions;
    • Coordination of activities of the structural units of the university according to the implementation of international activities within its competence;
    • Organization of informational support of events of international level, planned for conducting at the university;
    • Organization of work with embassies and consulates of contingent countries of higher education students, studying at the university


General information

Purpose of the Psychological Service of the National University of Pharmacy – to provide available services in the sphere of practical psychology, to create healthful and harmonious development of all participants of the educational process, to shape professionally-oriented personality, able to create a personal strategy for professional life, while maintaining psychological health.

Objectives of the Psychological Service of the National University of Pharmacy:

    • To ensure high-quality and available psychological services for students, faculty members, parents and staff of the NUP;
    • To improve psychological culture of all participants of the educational process;
    • Psychological support for students and university employees in crisis and stressful situations;
    • To promote full personal and professional development of students;
    • To form psychic self-regulation skills.


Our university is practically the only higher education institution that publishes textbooks and educational manuals on pharmaceutical specialty and almost per 100% provides students with educational literature. These editions are of a very high standard, correspond to work programs recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and cover all issues of the pharmaceutical industry.
Today, each of you have the opportunity to use the University Library Fund. But it won’t be long before you get out of your Alma mater. Therefore, it is important to have your own library, which will not only be with you all the years of study, but also useful in the future.
Professional literature will help you find the answer to any question that may arise in your practice. Today, the university has the opportunity to offer you to buy literature for your own library. Its value is affordable, cost-effective and has no trading margins. You must contact the University Publishing Center to purchase textbooks.


The Quality Management Department is a subdivision of the National University of Pharmacy, whose functions are to ensure the effectiveness of the Quality Management System at NUP, to improve and to harmonize internal processes through monitoring and clear regulation, bringing in the best domestic and international experience; consulting services in the field of quality management, standardization and certification.


National University of Pharmacy has a hostel and offers opportunity for students to have everything necessary for life, study and rest:

    • Rooms for two and for three persons are grouped into blocks.
    • There is a separate bathroom and a refrigerator in each block.
    • There is a kitchen with electric cookers on each floor.
    • There is an independent-study room, a student café, a library, a social and educational assistance center.
    • And in most of these hotels there are separate internet access rooms for students.


Cafes of the nutrition complex of the university are community-focused establishments. The cost of dishes includes only the cost of used products. The university undertakes other expenses for maintenance of a nutrition complex. Nutritional complex of National University of Pharmacy includes:

    • 4 diners in each campus building;
    • Canteens in dorms no. 3 and 4.

The total number of seats is 700.

There is a new equipment, modern interiors, a wide range of dishes in the cafes. Daily menu includes:

    • 6 salads;
    • 2-3 first courses;
    • 10 other dishes;
    • Diet dishes;
    • Drinks, desserts, pastries.


Kharkiv (Ukrainian), or Kharkov is the second largest city in Ukraine. The population of Kharkov (in October, 2008) was 1 453,1 people. Kharkov has a rich cultural, scientific, educational, transport and industrial life. City hosts hundreds of industrial companies. The city is developing all the time. New hotels are being built.

Transport system of Kharkov is one of the best in Ukraine. During preparation to Euro 2012, city government repaired many roads and changed some of public buses on central streets to make the traffic less heavy. Kharkiv metro is 35 km long and has 28 stations. There were new fast trains launched to connect major cities of Ukraine (Kyiv, Donetsk, Lvov). Kharkov Airport has been renovated and new connections are being launched almost every half a year.

The most popular landmark of Kharkiv is the Freedom Square (Ploshcha Svobody), the third largest city square in Europe, and it takes the 7th place from worlds top-rated sguares.

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